I currenty have an Hslider that is animated and affects the results presented in a bar graph but when I play through the values of the Hslider the animation is jumpy. by jumpy i mean it sometimes tries to go back a value before going forward. for example the slider value reaches 1963 then briefly goes back to 1962 then continues the odd time jumping back.
can anyone identify any errors in my approach...
public var anim:AnimateProperty = new AnimateProperty();
public function Startanimation():void {
anim.target = YEAR_SLIDER;
yearto = 2011 - YEAR_SLIDER.value;
anim.duration = yearto * 150;
anim.property = "value";
anim.fromValue = YEAR_SLIDER.value;
anim.toValue = 2011;
public function update_Application():void{
GEONAME = COMBO.selectedLabel;
var data:Object = new Object();
maximum="2011" change="update_Application()"
liveDragging="true" accessibilityEnabled="true"
snapInterval="1" currentState=""
width="300" showDataTip="false"
fillAlphas="[0.69, 0.64, 0.91, 0.91]" dataTipFormatFunction="datatip">
Thanks in advance...
For anyone else having this issue, it seemed to be the amount of data I was returning to the graph. Once I cleaned up my select statement to return only the specific columns needed and also created an index on the table the animation was smooth.
I have an application in Flex 4 with a map, a database of points and a search tool.
When the user types something and does the search it returns name, details and coordinates of the objects in my database.
I have a function that, when i click one of the results of my search, it zooms the selected point of the map.
The question is, i want a function that zooms all the result points at once. For example if i search "tall trees" and it returns 10 points, i want that the map zooms to a position where i can see the 10 points at once.
Below is the code im using to zoom one point at a time, i thought flex would have some kind of function "zoom to group of points", but i cant find anything like this.
private function ResultDG_Click(event:ListEvent):void
if (event.rowIndex < 0) return;
var obj:Object = ResultDG.selectedItem;
if (lastIdentifyResultGraphic != null)
if (obj != null)
lastIdentifyResultGraphic = obj.graphic as Graphic;
switch (lastIdentifyResultGraphic.geometry.type)
case Geometry.MAPPOINT:
lastIdentifyResultGraphic.symbol = objPointSymbol
_map.extent = new Extent((lastIdentifyResultGraphic.geometry as MapPoint).x-0.05,(lastIdentifyResultGraphic.geometry as MapPoint).y-0.05,(lastIdentifyResultGraphic.geometry as MapPoint).x+0.05,(lastIdentifyResultGraphic.geometry as MapPoint).y+0.05,new SpatialReference(29101)).expand(0.001);
case Geometry.POLYLINE:
lastIdentifyResultGraphic.symbol = objPolyLineSymbol;
_map.extent = lastIdentifyResultGraphic.geometry.extent.expand(0.001);
case Geometry.POLYGON:
lastIdentifyResultGraphic.symbol = objPolygonSymbol;
_map.extent = lastIdentifyResultGraphic.geometry.extent.expand(0.001);
See the GraphicUtil class from com.esri.ags.Utils package. You can use the method "getGraphicsExtent" to generate an extent from an array of Graphics. You then use the extent to set the zoom factor of your map :
var graphics:ArrayCollection = graphicsLayer.graphicProvider as ArrayCollection;
var graphicsArr:Array = graphics.toArray();
// Create an extent from the currently selected graphics
var uExtent:Extent;
uExtent = GraphicUtil.getGraphicsExtent(graphicsArr);
// Zoom to extent created
if (uExtent)
map.extent = uExtent;
In this case, it would zoom to the full content of your graphics layer. You can always create an array containing only the features you want to zoom to. If you find that the zoom is too close to your data, you can also use map.zoomOut() after setting the extent.
Note: Be careful if you'Ve got TextSymbols in your graphics, it will break the GraphicUtil. In this case you need to filter out the Graphics with TextSymbols
Derp : Did not see the thread was 5 months old... Hope my answer helps other people
first question here.
I have a BarChart showing several normal bars and a BarSeries, like this:
<mx:BarChart id="barchart" dataProvider="{model.myList}" type="clustered">
<mx:LinearAxis autoAdjust="true"/>
<mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="name"/>
<mx:BarSeries dataProvider="{model.myList}" xField="myValue"/>
When a user clicks on a button, i need to calculate some values, put them on the "myCalculatedValue" and add another BarSeries as a comparison. I'm doing this:
var barSerie:BarSeries = new BarSeries();
barSerie.dataProvider = model.myList;
barSerie.xField = "myCalculatedValue";
But the BarChart does not change at all. Is there some way to refresh the chart after adding the new BarSeries?
The short answer is to use this code:
var barSerie:BarSeries = new BarSeries();
barSerie.dataProvider = model.myList;
barSerie.xField = "myCalculatedValue";
var allSeries:Array = barchart.series;
barchart.series = allSeries;
The LONG answer, to give you an understanding of how this works:
The way flex knows when to refresh a ui component that is data backed, such as a chart, is on the function set dataProvider property, or equivalent (in this case series).
Here is the code from mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase:
public function set series(value:Array /* of Series */):void
value = value == null ? [] : value;
_userSeries = value;
var n:int = value.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (value[i] is Series)
(value[i] as Series).owner = this;
Notice that the relevant "invalidate" methods are called at the end of the set method.
If you say barChart.series.push(x), the set series method is never called, only the getter. Therefore in order to force the chart to know there was a change to the series, you need to assign a new value to the series.
It is worth pointing out that even assigning the series to itself will cause an invalidate, although it isn't good coding
barChart.series = barChart.series
Flex is communicating with the server remotely, correct? You probably need to make another explicit call to the app controller that is housing flex.
Here's the code I am using to blur an image using BitmapData. The function is called on a Slider_changeHandler(event:Event):voidevent and the value of the slider is passed to the function as blurvalue.
The problem is the function works but seems to be cummalative (if that's the correct word!), that is, suppose I slide it to the maximum and after that try to reduce the blur by sliding it back towards the front the blur still keeps increasing. How do I make it to work so when I will slide it up blur increases and when I slide it back blur decreases and when slider is at 0, no blur is applied.
var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.blurX = blurvalue;
blur.blurY = blurvalue;
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
Rectangle(0,0,bitmapdata.width,bitmapdata.height),new Point(0,0),
return bitmapdata;
how about returning a clone of the original bitmapData with the filter applied ?
var result:BitmapData = bitmapdata.clone();
var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.blurX = blurvalue;
blur.blurY = blurvalue;
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
Rectangle(0,0,bitmapdata.width,bitmapdata.height),new Point(0,0),blur);
return result;
Also, if you're using the BlurFilter, you might need a larger rectangle, depending on the amount of blur. For that, you can use the generateFilterRect() method to get correct sized rectangle for the filter.
If I were you, I'd take the BitmapData and put it in a Bitmap object, then add the filters:
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.blurX = blurvalue;
blur.blurY = blurvalue;
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
bitmap.filters = [blur];
By doing this (interchanging the filters array), you're not making the filters cumulative.
I'm playing around with code like this:
<s:Button id="test" label="test" transformX="{Math.floor(test.width/2)}" rotationY="20" x="20" y="20" />
The button is rotated on the Y axis and the rotate pivot is in the middle of the button.
This will create a button that looks something like this:
(source: jeffryhouser.com)
The rotated button is, visually, filling a different space than the x, y, height, and width values would you have believe.
The "A" value in my image is the height of the button. But, what I want to use for calculation and placement purposes is the B value.
Additionally, I'd like to perform similar calculations with the width; getting the width from the top right corner to the bottom left corner.
How do I do this?
I put together a sample to show off the various approaches for calculating this that people are suggesting. The source code is also available. Nothing is quite working like I'd expect. For example, turn the rotationSlider to 85. The button is effectively invisible, yet all approaches are still giving it height and width.
My math may be a bit rusty, but this is how I would find the answer :
You would extend a right-triangle from the right edge of the button to the bottom-most point of the diagram you have (A-B). You can then use the Law of Sines to get three angles : 90', 20' and 70' (90 will always be there, and then your variable - 180 for the third angle).
You can then use the following formula to find your answer :
B = ((button.width * sin(button.rotationY)) / (sin(90 -button.rotationY)) + (button.height)
getBounds(..) and getRect(..) are supposed to be the methods for getting the width and height of transformed objects.
Not tried them in Flex 4 yet, but they always worked for me in Flex 3.
The answer was in one of the comments from James Ward on this question and is located at this blog post.
The one thing the blog post doesn't say is that in many cases, the perspectiveProjection property of the transform property on the class in question will be null. The linked to example took care of this by setting the maintainProjectionCenter property to true. But, you could also create a new perspectiveProjection object like this:
object.transform.perspectiveProjection = new PerspectiveProjection();
I wrapped up the function from evtimmy into a class:
* DotComIt/Flextras
* Utils3D.as
* Utils3D
* jhouser
* Aug 5, 2010
package com.flextras.coverflow
import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Utils3D;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
public class TransformUtilities
public function TransformUtilities()
// Methods
// projectBounds
// info from
// http://evtimmy.com/2009/12/calculating-the-projected-bounds-using-utils3dprojectvector/
* Method retrieved from
* http://evtimmy.com/2009/12/calculating-the-projected-bounds-using-utils3dprojectvector/
* #param bounds: The rectangle that makes up the object
* #param matrix The 3D Matrix of the item
* #param the projection of the item's parent.
public static function projectBounds(bounds:Rectangle,
// Setup the matrix
var centerX:Number = projection.projectionCenter.x;
var centerY:Number = projection.projectionCenter.y;
matrix.appendTranslation(-centerX, -centerY, projection.focalLength);
// Project the corner points
var pt1:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.left, bounds.top, 0);
var pt2:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.right, bounds.top, 0)
var pt3:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.left, bounds.bottom, 0);
var pt4:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.right, bounds.bottom, 0);
pt1 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt1);
pt2 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt2);
pt3 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt3);
pt4 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt4);
// Find the bounding box in 2D
var maxX:Number = Math.max(Math.max(pt1.x, pt2.x), Math.max(pt3.x, pt4.x));
var minX:Number = Math.min(Math.min(pt1.x, pt2.x), Math.min(pt3.x, pt4.x));
var maxY:Number = Math.max(Math.max(pt1.y, pt2.y), Math.max(pt3.y, pt4.y));
var minY:Number = Math.min(Math.min(pt1.y, pt2.y), Math.min(pt3.y, pt4.y));
// Add back the projection center
bounds.x = minX + centerX;
bounds.y = minY + centerY;
bounds.width = maxX - minX;
bounds.height = maxY - minY;
return bounds;
Although that is the answer to my question, I'm not sure if it was the solution to my problem. Thanks everyone!
I've ran into a weird problem with getCharBoundaries, I could not figure out what coordinate space the coordinates returned from the function was in. What ever I tried I could not get it to match up with what I expected.
So I made a new project and and added simple code to highlight the last charater in a textfield, and all of a sudden it worked fine. I then tried to copy over the TextField that had been causing me problems, into the new project. And now the same weird offset appeared 50px on the x axis. Everything else was spot on.
So after some headscracthing comparing the two TextFields, I simply can not see a difference in their properties or transformation.
So I was hoping that someone might now what property might affect the coordinates returned by getCharBoundaries.
I am using Flash CS4.
I've just had exactly the same problem and thought I'd help out by offering what my findings are. With a help from this thread, I tried to find everything that wasn't 'default' about the textfield I was using. I found that when I had switched my TextFormatAlign (or 'align' in the IDE) and TextFieldAutoSize properties to 'LEFT' as opposed to 'CENTER', it solved the problem.
A little late in the game perhaps, but worth knowing for anyone running into the same problem. This was the only thread I could find that raised the right flag...
Well the getCharBoundaries returns the boundaries in the textfield coordinate system. Where the origin is topleft corner of the textfield.
getCharBoundaries does not take into consideration the scrolling. you need to check if there are scrollbars on its parent (textarea) and if so relocate. One quick way of doing it is using localtoglobal and globaltolocal. Use the first to translate from the textfield coordinate system to the application coordinate system and then use the second to translate from the app coordinate system to the coordinate system of the parent of the textfield which is the textarea. I'm fine tuning a my method to get char boundaries i will publish it today on my blog
Works For Me(tm) (Flex Builder AS3 project):
[Embed(systemFont="Segoe UI", fontWeight="bold", fontName="emb",
private var EmbeddedFont:Class;
public function ScratchAs3()
stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
stage.align = 'tl';
var m:Matrix = new Matrix(.8, .1, -.1, 1.1, 26, 78);
var t:TextField = new TextField();
t.autoSize = 'left';
t.wordWrap = false;
t.embedFonts = true;
t.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("emb", 100, 0, true);
t.transform.matrix = m;
t.text = "TEST STRING.";
var r:Rectangle = t.getCharBoundaries(8);
var tl:Point = m.transformPoint(r.topLeft);
var tr:Point = m.transformPoint(new Point(r.right, r.top));
var bl:Point = m.transformPoint(new Point(r.left, r.bottom));
var br:Point = m.transformPoint(r.bottomRight);
graphics.beginFill(0xFF, .6);
graphics.moveTo(tl.x, tl.y);
graphics.lineTo(tr.x, tr.y);
graphics.lineTo(br.x, br.y);
graphics.lineTo(bl.x, bl.y);
graphics.lineTo(tl.x, tl.y);
To literally answer your question, it returns the coordinates in the TextField's coordinate system, not it's parent, and it is affected by DisplayObject.transform.matrix, which is the backing for the .x, .y, .scaleX, .scaleY, .width, .height, and .rotation properties.
What ever it was the solution was simple to add a new TextField, never found out what property screwed everything up.
The first answer is correct in most cases. However if your field is parented to another movie clip it may still return the wrong y coordinate. try this code:
//if this doesn't work:
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
myFieldsParent.myField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
myFieldsParent.myField.setTextFormat( myTextFormat);
//try this:
var x = myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).x;
var y = myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).y;
var myPoint:Point = new Point(myField.getCharBoundaries(o).x,myField.getCharBoundaries(o).y);
var pt:Point = new Point(myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).x, myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).y);
pt = myFieldsParent.myField.localToGlobal(pt);
//pt is the variable containing the coordinates of the char in the stage's coordinate space. You may still need to offset it with a fixed value but it should be constant.
I didn't test this code as I have adapted this example from code that is embedded into my project so I apologize if I'm missing something...