Floating divs with fixed top position - css

I have an HTML "toolbar" containing a number of widgets arranged horizontally. Each item is represented by a div in the source document:
<div id="widget1" />
<div id="widget2" />
<div id="widget3" />
I position the divs using float: left. The problem is that I also want them to be pinned to the top of the toolbar so that they don't wrap around if the user reduces the width of the window. Instead, I just want them to overflow horizontally (with the overflow hidden) so that the behavior is like that of a real toolbar.
In other words, I want something like position: fixed but only for the vertical coordinate. Horizontally they should be positioned one after another in a row. Is there any way to do this with CSS?
Update Here's the real HTML I'm using. The divss with class="row" are the ones that should appear as widgets in the toolbar, arranged horizontally in a single row.
<div class="row" id="titleRow">
<span class="item"> <img src="../images/logo.png" height="26" /> </span>
<span class="item" id="title">Title</span>
<span class="item" id="close" onclick="window.close();"> close </span>
<div class="row" id="menuRow">
<span class="item"> <ul id="menu"></ul> </span>
<div class="row" id="searchRow">
<div class="row" id="pageRow">
<span class="item" id="page-related-data"> Page-related data: </span>

Rather than float: left; try display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;. Then set white-space: nowrap; and overflow: hidden; on the parent element. See http://jsfiddle.net/rt9sS/1/ for an example.
Note inline-block has some issues. It's white space aware (so white space around elements in the HTML will be visible in the document). It also has limited support in IE6/7, although you can work around that by giving the element layout, e.g. .oldie .widget { display:inline; zoom:1; }. See http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html#inlineblock for more.

I know this is an old question, wanted to add a simple jquery answer for those that run across it.
To make higher or lower on page simply add to $(document).scrollTop()
Works for me


align img, span, and div with bottom border

I have an image, single character in a span (equal sign), and then a div where child elements are added/replaced via js.
However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it all aligned properly (fear I'm over thinking and complicating it.)
I'm using bootstrap's grid (row/col) system as well.
Something akin to...
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2 col-offset-lg-1">
<div class="response-part">
<img src="foo" />
<span class="opensans">=</span>
<div id="rp1" class="opensans inline" style="width: 50px;">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<div class="response-part">
<img src="foo" />
<span class="opensans">=</span>
<div id="rp2" class="opensans inline" style="width: 50px;">
<span class="opensans">X</span>
See jsfiddle
Wanting image centered middle along equal sign (vertical-align) as well as span within neighboring div (and the text in that span appearing just a few pixels off the bottom line.)
I saw this but none of the solutions are addressing the problem for me (I can only guess it is because of the third element and font, etc.)
UPDATE1: Edited sample html to correctly reflect the scenario in which the response-part.div is empty (initial state, possible transition state as user interacts with the page.) Updated fiddle
UPDATE2: I "fixed" the issue occurring with no child elements by adding an initial element in the initial html for the response-part, and then adding one back in when the user removes all other elements. A bit hackish, would appreciate a fix that didn't involve this workaround if possible. Updated fiddle
PS: I initially considered using bootstrap v4 (with flexbox support) but it is still alpha. Alternatively, I also looked into using FlexboxGrid, however I still need bootstrap for other features and FlexboxGrid uses similar classes ("row", etc) as bootstrap, which I assumed would cause name conflicts (if I included both in my project, eg: which "row" class would be used!)
Try using display: flex; on your response-part class. Something like this:
.response-part {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
I edited your fiddle. Take a look on it: https://jsfiddle.net/gusLnyyh/6/

Bootstrap 3 Grid - hide/show columns

I'm using the Bootstrap 3 grid to hide/show nav bar content based on whether or not the user is using an extra small device.
I'm using .hidden-xs and .visible-xs classes. These classes appropriately hide/show the content, but I'm running into two problems:
(1) Hiding the content also shrinks the column spacing by .col-xs-5 because the div is hidden. I tried adding .visible-xs to a subsequent div and using .col-xs-5 to make up the empty space. This works, but only if I place content inside the divs. I just want the columns to be spaced out.
(2) On XS view size, the final item on the Nav bar "Nav" jumps to the next row. I have only accounted for 12 total columns.
See this JSFiddle. I'm trying to nly show "Welcome" on large view and show nothing on XS view.
I here's an idea, you can try instead of adding content. This CSS trick uses :before and :after CSS pseudo-classes.
.no_content {
display: block;
content: "";
width: 151px;
height: 35px;
background: transparent url(tape.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
<div class="no_content"></div>
I would look at the grid system further. I believe there is an offset that you can use to offset the div like this:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-5 col-xs-offset-5></div>
<div class="col-xs-2></div>
Use the pull-right bootstrap class instead of trying to make empty div's fill in the space.
Completely remove the div you added in item (1) to "make up the space". On the div containing "Nav" set the class as pull-right col-xs-1. So the code from your JSFiddle becomes:
<div class="container">
<div class="row" id="header">
<div class="col-xs-5" id="brand-wrapper">
<div class="brand">Brand</div>
<!-- Hidden on XS Devices -->
<div class="hidden-xs col-xs-5">
<!-- Nav -->
<div class="pull-right col-xs-1" id="toggle-wrapper">

Centering a group of items with CSS

I'm working on an app that has a group of icons in the footer of a column. Currently, the icons are left-justified. However, I'd like to make them centered. To demonstrate, I have a fiddle that can be found here. The HTML looks like the following:
<div class="ui full-height grid">
<div class="full-height row">
<div id="navDiv" class="four wide full-height column" style="background-color:navy; color:white;">
<div id="nav-tab-items" class="row">
<div class="nav-tab-frame column">
<div class="ui active tab nav-tab-content" data-tab="home">
First Tab
<div class="ui tab nav-tab-content" data-tab="info">
Second Tab
<div class="ui tab nav-tab-content" data-tab="third">
Third Tab
<div id="nav-tab-control" class="bottom aligned row">
<div class="ui pointing secondary menu drawer" style="margin-bottom:0rem;">
<a class="active red item" data-tab="home">tab 1</a>
<a class="blue item" data-tab="info">tab 2</a>
<a class="green item" data-tab="third">tab 3</a>
<div class="eight wide full-height column">
[Content Goes Here]
There are two problems with nav-tab-control. First, as soon as I set 'bottom:0' for the , the nav-tab-control style, the row takes up the entire width of the page. I can't repro that error in the fiddle. But I have no idea what would even cause that. Second, and I believe this is related to the first problem, is that I can't figure out how to center the icons within the width of the navDiv.
I sincerely appreciate any insights that someone can provide.
This code centers the buttons at the bottom (I couldn't think if what else you would mean by 'icons').
You say #nav-tab-control is claiming the full width of the screen. That is actually needed to make it possible to center its contents. So because it didn't do it automatically, I've set the width to 100% in the css:
#nav-tab-control {
left: 0;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.ui.pointing.secondary.menu.drawer { display: inline-block; }
This makes #nav-tab-control the full width of the page, and centers any text in it.
Then, the container of the icons is displayed as inline-block, so it respects that centering.
If you don't want to center it in the whole screen, you can also set position: relative to one of the parent elements. For instance to to center them inside the blue bar (also causing them to wrap):
I found it a bit hard to find out what your actual problem is. I thought I knew but now I', not so sure. I hope these hints will help you solve it.

displayed 'block' divs inside several 'inline' divs

My problem can be better understood by the image below.
I have several div elements (div A) which have a variable size that depends on their content.
They are displayed inblock inside a larger container with a max-with defined(the large outer rectangle without a name).
Everything works fine until I had inside divs A two other divs (B and C) which I what that look like the image.
I havenĀ“t been successful. I've tried several combinations of css properties like display, margin, padding, float... negative margins... tables...
Any help would be welcome.
the code looks like the example:
<div style="max-width: 800px;">
<div class="div_a">
<div class="div_b">
short text
<div class="div_c">
short text
<div class="div_a">
<div class="div_b">
looooong text
<div class="div_c">
looooong text
<div class="div_a">
<div class="div_b">
huuuuuge text
<div class="div_c">
huuuuuge text
display: inline;
display: block; /* doesn't work*/
display: block; /* doesn't work*/
If I understand correctly, this should do it:
display: inline-block;
...assuming you don't have other styles, besides border and spacing properties.
A fiddle example here

why my container div is not as big as the divs inside

I have a CSS question.
<div id="middle">
<div id="middle-left">
<div id="middle-left-top">
<div id="middle-left-bottom">
<br class="clearFix">
<div id="middle-right">
<br class="clearFix">
</div><!-- #middle-->
the example is at http://jsfiddle.net/Z2yeq/
my questions is why does middle-left not contain the two divs inside?
I want middle-left to expand as middle-left-top and middle-left-bottom
get taller
Thanks for any help
Absoloutely-positioned elements are no longer part of the layout. The parent has no idea how large child items are.
If you want the parent to be as large as the positioned child items to need to calculate and set this using JavaScript.
In general you shouldn't use absolute-positioning for layouts. You should use FLOATS.
The reason it doesn't is because you have it set to position:absolute; Remove position absolute to fix the problem.
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 800px;
