Easy Mailchimp Extender & easy fancy box plugin for Wordpress-Conflicting - wordpress

I'm new to these forums, I actually found them because I've been having a problem with my wordpress website, as two of my plugins are conflicting and I can't resolve the issue.
I'm using the Easy Mailchimp Extender plugin and the easy fancy box plugin, though there is a conflict between the two. Basically my images open fine with the easy fancybox plugin, but only if mailchimp is not active. If mailchimp is active, fancybox is disabled, and my homepage media slider doesn't display properly.
You can view my website (and see the homepage issue here):
I found the forum through a google search because hugegoudaface had the same problem as me (which is mentioned as the 4th answer on this thread) - though he doesn't explain how he resolved the issue in a way I understand...
MailChimp jQuery Conflict
I'd massively appreciate any help to resolve this issue. I'm not an experienced programmer though, so will probably need things explained in quite a basic way.
Thanks very much!


Swiper JS for wordpress

as I already found great help here in the community, I thought I'd post my question here, maybe there'd be somebody who could help me.
I am creating my websites in wordpress and found a great tool for creating an image carousel. As I am more of an intermediate in wordpress and mainly working with plugins, I found the swiper JS plugin in the wordpress plugin directory. It works fine but I have the problem that it won't loop and you can't get to the first and last image of the carousel, it always snaps back to the second and second to last image.
This is the one I am using right now.
My question also is how I can use the Swiper JS in wordpress without using the plugin. I want to have it specifically on one page and it should be mobile friendly. All the design that already is on the page should be remain as it is. Would there be a possibility to include the Swiper Js tool even though I am using a wordpress theme?
Thank you so so much, it is really hugely appreciated!
Only worked with the plugin so far, no css helped...
Using WP custom code.
We assume your words "the plugin" are about that exact SwiperJS plugin.
Have you considered using an iFrame? See lower web links.
An iframe will allow you to add a video, audio, images, etc., so presumably even a slider lands in that category. Try this avenue first to see if it works for your needs. Read about WP iframe use in the links below.
<iframe src="test7.html" width="600" height="300" style="border:1px solid black;" title=""></iframe>
Other snippet plugin options exist (read developer docs). There are pro/con to some of those options (i.e. time, etc). Read developer resources (from an WP admin perspective) for more ideas.
wordpress iframe
kinsta article
WP developers articles

Search plugin breaking parts of theme

I've been asked to add a search function to a website. I'm trying this out on a testing site at http://www.somethingchronic.org.uk (the password to view is Entrand0s1).
I've installed a search plugin which works on all pages except the home page. On that page it clashes with the script in the slider plugin and when I tried deactivating the slider plugin I also lost the four large buttons at the bottom of the page which are part of the theme itself. Both the slider plugin and the theme are old but I'm hoping to keep the site going for a little while longer if I can. I asked for advice from the search plugin developer who said it's to do with the slider loading an older version of the jQuery library. I searched on here for jQuery library conflicts - one answer linked to the learn.jquery website with a list of options for avoiding library conflicts. There were a number of options for adding code - I tried adding some of these to the header.php document but each time the site broke completely and truth is I don't know enough about jQuery to know which is the correct piece of code to try. Any advice appreciated - would be great to know if there is a way to get the search plugin to also work on the home page whilst keeping the current slider. Many thanks

Buddypress - Adding friends breaks layout

I am pretty new to Buddypress (this is my first install) and not so new to WP. I have a custom theme with Buddypress installed and all works great with the exception of adding/canceling friend requests. Whenever someone hits Add/Cancel Friend then for some reason it breaks the layout of the page by displaying what looks like a iframe of our site.
I have looked around the forums and google to see if I maybe forgot to add something in my theme but cant get it right.
The only way I have been able to (temporarily) fix this is by display:none on the .pending_friend selector but I know it will still display in the markup and is not the best solution.
Has anyone encountered this yet, or can suggest a fix? I feel like it is probably something really simple and my over complicated thought process just isnt seeing it.
Attached is a screen shot of what happens when you add/cancel friends??
Found out the starter theme I was using had deregistered the default version of JQuery to load its own, so after troubleshooting I just removed their call to deregister and enqueue scripts and just let Wordpress do its thing, all is working perfectly now.

Woocommerce wishlist plugin breaking cookies/cache?

I am working on a woocommerce site right now. I have a plugin for the wishlist that I purchased from Code Canyone here - http://codecanyon.net/item/dvin-woocommerce-wishlist-wp-plugin/1995206
The issue is that when I activate the wishlist plugin I'm no longer able to add multiple items to the cart. It feels like the plugin is breaking the cachce or cookies in some way, and causing it to reset every time you click "add to cart"
I have found that even upon uploading and running without a modified theme or modified plugin in any way that it still doesn't work. I have looked online, but no one else is seeming to have this problem. So it must be me?
I don't get any errors regarding the cache or plugin with debug mode on. (I do get tons of errors for cForms, though. not sure why, but that's another post).
Take a look - http://www.shultzilla.com/admin/shop/sample-product/
Has anyone run into this issue before? Is this a symptom of a specific issue? I have no idea why this would only be happening to me and no one else.
If I deactivate the plugin it works fine, so I'm pretty sure it's something up with this plugin. I've tried to reach out to the developer, but I haven't heard back from him, and Code Canyon says they're not responsible.
Thanks in advance for your help, y'all!
I managed to get ahold of the developer.
Turns out there was a session_start() function that was being called in two files.
He's fixed the issue and it now works.

Trying to Use mediaelement.js alongside infinite-scroll plugin for Wordpress

I'm using Paul Irish's Infinite-Scroll plugin with Wordpress, and I'm also trying to use John Dyer's mediaelement.js plugin with it. Works great on the individual posts, and, oddly enough, no problems on iPhone, but when viewing in Firefox, the audio defaults to a placeholder image of the player, that when you click on it, then turns to an "X" like i'm missing a flashplayer plugin or something. Like I said, I don't have the issue on the individual post pages, just on the index, so I know Firefox can handle the files properly.
I'm sure this has to do with needing to add some javascript in the settings of inifinite scroll to re-initialize mediaelement.js for each new page that is brought in, but I'm at a loss as to what I should add. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
John Dyer was awesome enough to answer this one for me.
