How to override delete-event in pygtk? - overriding

I am coding a simple text editor, so I am trying to check unsaved changes before closing the application. Now I know it has to be something with 'delete-event', and by googling around I have found a way, but it gives an error.
This is my code:
__gsignals__ = {
"delete-event" : "override"
def do_delete(self, widget, event):
print 'event overriden'
tabsNumber = self.handler.tabbar.get_n_pages()
for i in range(tabsNumber, 0):
doc =[i]
lines = self.handler.tabbar.lineNumbers[i]
self.handler.tabbar.close_tab(doc, lines)
# if self.handler.tabbar.get_n_pages() == 0:
# self.destroy_app()
def destroy_app(self):
And this is the error I get:
TypeError: Gtk.Widget.delete_event() argument 1 must be gtk.Widget, not gtk.gdk.Event
What is the right way to do it?

I found the answer,
self.connect('delete-event', self.on_delete_event)
__gsignals__ = {
"delete-event" : "override"
def on_delete_event(event, self, widget):
tabsNumber = self.handler.tabbar.get_n_pages()
for i in range(tabsNumber, 0):
doc =[i]
lines = self.handler.tabbar.lineNumbers[i]
self.handler.tabbar.close_tab(doc, lines)
return True
The key is in return True. It prevents the default handler to take place and for somehow the error doesn't appear any more.


How i can to raise QFileDialog to the foreground if functions raise(),activeWindow() and other didn't work?

I'm using go-qt bindings (therecipe).
I faced such a problem that I cannot bring the window with the file dialog forward, I tried all the functions (and their combinations) that I could find on the Internet, but none of them did not help bring the dialog up.
I try to use this function:
I also noticed a feature that if you call the dialog again after fileDialog.Exec (), then it will be displayed on top of all windows as needed.
code for this case
var fileDialog = widgets.NewQFileDialog2(nil, "Open Directory", "", "")
if fileDialog.Exec() != int(widgets.QDialog__Accepted) {
if fileDialog.Exec() != int(widgets.QDialog__Accepted) {
Code for function where I'm using Dialog:
func choseFile(){
var fileDialog = widgets.NewQFileDialog2(nil, "Open Directory", "", "")
if fileDialog.Exec() != int(widgets.QDialog__Accepted) {
Problem might be related to native dialogs (in my case I am using ubuntu), so I put the flag DontUseNativeDialog. Then the problem was solved.
filename := widgets.QFileDialog_GetOpenFileName(ac.MainWindow,"Open Directory","","","",widgets.QFileDialog__DontUseNativeDialog)
upd: Its works even if the first argument is nil.

How to stop the Crawler

I am trying to write a crawler that goes to a website and searches for a list of keywords, with max_Depth of 2. But the scraper is supposed to stop once any of the keyword's appears on any page, the problem i am facing right now is that the crawler does-not stop when it first see's any of the keywords.
Even after trying, early return command, break command and CloseSpider Commands and even python exit commands.
My class of the Crawler:
class WebsiteSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "webcrawler"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = ["https://"+""]
rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(), follow=True, callback="check_buzzwords")]
crawl_count = 0
words_found = 0
def check_buzzwords(self, response):
self.__class__.crawl_count += 1
crawl_count = self.__class__.crawl_count
wordlist = [
url = response.url
contenttype = response.headers.get("content-type", "").decode('utf-8').lower()
data = response.body.decode('utf-8')
for word in wordlist:
substrings = find_all_substrings(data, word)
for pos in substrings:
ok = False
if not ok:
if self.__class__.words_found==0:
self.__class__.words_found += 1
print(word + "," + url + ";")
return Item()
def _requests_to_follow(self, response):
if getattr(response, "encoding", None) != None:
return CrawlSpider._requests_to_follow(self, response)
return []
I want it to stop execution when if not ok: is True.
When I want to stop a spider, I usually use the exception exception scrapy.exceptions.CloseSpider(reason='cancelled') from Scrapy-Docs.
The example there shows how you can use it:
if 'Bandwidth exceeded' in response.body:
raise CloseSpider('bandwidth_exceeded')
In your case something like
if not ok:
raise CloseSpider('keyword_found')
Or is that what you meant with
CloseSpider Commands
and already tried it?

Flask-WTF: Queries of FormFields in FieldList are none after validate_on_submit

I'm trying to generate dynamic forms using Flask-WTF to create a new product based on some templates. A product will have a list of required key-value pairs based on its type, as well as a list of parts required to build it. The current relevant code looks as follows:
class PartSelectionForm(Form):
selected_part = QuerySelectField('Part', get_label='serial', allow_blank=True)
part_type = StringField('Type')
slot = IntegerField('Slot')
required = BooleanField('Required')
def __init__(self, csrf_enabled=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(PartSelectionForm, self).__init__(csrf_enabled=False, *args, **kwargs)
class NewProductForm(Form):
serial = StringField('Serial', default='', validators=[DataRequired()])
notes = TextAreaField('Notes', default='')
parts = FieldList(FormField(PartSelectionForm))
#app.route('/products/new/<prodmodel>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def new_product(prodmodel):
model = db.session.query(ProdModel).filter(
except NoResultFound, e:
flash('No products of model type -' + prodmodel + '- found.', 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
keys = db.session.query(ProdTypeTemplate.prod_info_key).filter(ProdTypeTemplate.prod_type_id==model.prod_type_id)\
parts_needed = db.session.query(ProdModelTemplate).filter(ProdModelTemplate.prod_model_id==prodmodel)\
.order_by(ProdModelTemplate.part_type_id, ProdModelTemplate.slot).all()
class F(forms.NewProductForm):
for key in keys:
if key.prod_info_key in ['shipped_os','factory_os']:
setattr(F, key.prod_info_key, forms.QuerySelectField(key.prod_info_key, get_label='version'))
setattr(F, key.prod_info_key, forms.StringField(key.prod_info_key, validators=[forms.DataRequired()]))
form = F(request.form)
if request.method == 'GET':
for part in parts_needed:
entry =
entry.selected_part.query = db.session.query(Part).join(PartModel).filter(PartModel.part_type_id==part.part_type_id, Part.status=='inventory')
if form.__contains__('shipped_os'):
form.shipped_os.query = db.session.query(OSVersion).order_by(OSVersion.version)
if form.__contains__('factory_os'):
form.factory_os.query = db.session.query(OSVersion).order_by(OSVersion.version)
if form.validate_on_submit():
Everything works as expected on a GET request, but on the validate_on_submit I get errors. The error is that all of the queries and query_factories for the selected_part QuerySelectFields in the list of PartSelectionForms is none, causing either direct errors in WTForms validation code or when Jinja2 attempts to re-render the QuerySelectFields. I'm not sure why this happens on the POST when everything appears to be correct for the GET.
I realized that although I set the required queries on a GET I'm not doing it for any PartSelectionForm selected_part entries on the POST. Since I already intended part_type, slot, and required to be hidden form fields, I added the following immediately before the validate_on_submit and everything works correctly:
for entry in
entry.selected_part.query = db.session.query(Part).join(PartModel).\
filter(, Part.status=='inventory')

Conditional classname and text (Rails)

I'm pretty new to Rails and trying some basic stuff like conditional classes.
On the 'show' view I have an element that changes styling depending on the stock availability, but also the text changes accordingly.
People keep saying the controller should be as small as possible, but placing this conditional in the view also feels dirty. Is this really the best way?
Current controller:
def show
#tyre = Tyres::Tyre.find_by_id(params[:id])
if #tyre.in_stock
#availability = I18n.t("products.filter.other.in_stock")
#availability_class = 'i-check-circle color--success'
#availability = I18n.t("products.filter.other.not_in_stock")
#availability_class = 'i-cross-circle color--important'
def show
#tyre = Tyres::Tyre.find_by_id(params[:id])
if #tyre.in_stock
#availability_append = ".in_stock"
#availability_append = ".not_in_stock"
#availability = I18n.t("products.filter.other#{#availability_append}")
%i{class: (#tyre.in_stock? ? 'i-check-circle color--success' : 'i-cross-circle color--important')}
= #availability
You can clean your controller tyres_controller.rb (i suppose) method,
def show
#tyre = Tyre.find(params[:id]) # I believe you have a model named 'tyre'
Then, there will be a file named tyres_helper.rb in your myproject/app/helpers/. Put the following code there,
def tyre_availability(tyre) # it'll return an array with two values, first one is class name, second one is localized value
if tyre.in_stock
return 'i-check-circle color--success', I18n.t("products.filter.other.in_stock")
return 'i-cross-circle color--important', I18n.t("products.filter.other.not_in_stock")
and, in the view you can use,
%i{:class => tyre_availability(#tyre)[0]}
= tyre_availability(#tyre)[1]

How to get multiple key presses in single event?

I am creating an application, where "Left Arrow + Down Arrow" press has different behavior ( It is not same as first left arrow and then left arrow ), currently in keyPressEvent event I am getting them one by one in two separate calls.
Is there any way by which I can get multiple keypress in one keyboard event?
Thanks for this. I am posting code for the Python (PyQt) equivalent so that someone else might find it useful.
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
self.firstrelease = True
astr = "pressed: " + str(event.key())
def keyReleaseEvent(self, event):
if self.firstrelease == True:
self.firstrelease = False
del self.keylist[-1]
def processmultikeys(self,keyspressed):
print keyspressed
I solved the problem by below code.
QSet<Qt::Key> keysPressed;
void Widget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event) {
m_bFirstRelease = true;
keysPressed+= event->key();
void Widget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *) {
if(m_bFirstRelease) {
m_bFirstRelease = false;
keysPressed-= event->key();
Nothing is "at the same time" and I believe in Qt you can't have that type of behaviour (except for modifier keys like shift, alt, etc).
Approach the problem in a different way. When you receive one of the keys, check to see if you received the other in a short while back, say 20ms before.
