Password protect ASP.NET web application in IIS 7.5 -

I use IIS 7.5 on windows 7 to serve my websites for testing purposes. In order to stop random people viewing my websites I want IIS to require a username and password before it will serve anything.
I have tried disabling Anonymous Authentication and enabling Windows Authentication on the application but when I type my windows credentials in it doesn't work.
Can somebody explain a simple way of doing this?

You need "Basic Authentication":
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:
If you are using Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2:
On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7:
On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
In the Connections pane, expand the server name, expand Sites, and
then click the site, application or Web service for which you want to
enable basic authentication.
Scroll to the Security section in the
Home pane, and then double-click Authentication.
In the Authentication
pane, select Basic Authentication, and then, in the Actions pane,
click Enable.
In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous
Authentication, and then click Disable in the Actions pane.
quoted from Basic Authentication How To

With Colin's anwser, don't forget to install "Basic Authentification" feature in the Roles and Features Assistant : "IIS > WebServer > Security"


Configure IIS authentication from another domain

I have the following scenario:
I have Web Application hosted on IIS and I am in domain The IIS is configured to authenticate the users with windows authentication and everyone that in the domain can enter the site.
But there are users that in another domain lets call it and they can't enter the site with their windows credentials because the IIS check against
How can I configure IIS to check for windows user in
Try below process.
Go to (IIS) Manager.
Right Click on Web-Application.
Select Edit Permission option.
Select Security tab.
Click on Edit... button.
Click on Add... button.
Write your new user domain name
Click OK
select newly added User name from Group or user names:
tick on Allow
Click OK
-It should work
You need to set the identity of the application pool of that website:
Open IIS
Under "Application Pools" right click on your website's pool, choose "Advanced Settings..."
Edit "Identity" field
set "Custom account" credentials
Recycle just in case
You application is now using the user you've configured.

Enable Windows Auth and disable Forms auth on Admin folder

Just moved a site from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2012 and having difficulty restricting access to the Admin directory. In the older version of IIS, all I needed to do was disable anon access to that folder. In IIS8, I have:
Anonymous Authentication: Disabled
ASP.NET Impersonation: Disabled
Basic Authentication: Disabled
Forms Authentication: Enabled
Windows Authentication: Enabled
This gives me an Alert that says:
Challenge-based and login redirect-based authentication cannot be used simultaneously.
Which I find completely reasonable. However, I am trying to disable "Forms Authentication" and the next Alert says:
This feature has been locked and is read-only
How can I force an ASP.NET site's admin directory (only that directory) to require Windows Authentication?
I believe you just need to make your admin folder it's own application root, then you can do what you want.
From IIS Manager > Sites > {Your Website} > admin folder, right click and choose 'Convert to Application'
Accept the default settings for the application (you can change if you wish)
Click on the IIS Manager > Sites > {Your Website} > admin folder, drill down into Authentication, and choose Disable from the right menu.
An image where admin is not it's own app:
Make it's own app:
If your folder is under the same IIS web app (which apparently is) you can't use 2 different kinds of authentication. You need to have 2 separate IIS apps or to have sub-applications (which I think also implies virtual directories).
In other words, you can't have both Win Auth and Forms Auth enabled at the same time for the same IIS app, with managed pipeline mode set to Integrated, in IIS 7+
Update After searching through my bookmarks:
I tried the ideas from this article, but I could not get it to work:
However it might give you more insight or ideas.
My scenario was simpler, I needed Windows and Forms auth for the entire app.
I also had an admin section and I eventually ended up putting the admin in a totally separate web app, that runs under a subdomain. Both apps were running in IIS 7.5 with integrated mode (admin windows auth enabled and the rest of the app was Forms Auth enabled).

How to make a classic ASP application work

I have a classic asp application that is very old an d I want to make it work, any help would be appreciated because I don't have much idea on how to do so
Check this threads on stack over flow -
How to guide for getting a classic asp application working under IIS 7.0
How to deploy classic asp website?
check this steps also -
To use the UI on Windows Server 2008 or Server 2008 R2
Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
In Roles Summary, click Add Roles.
Use the Add Roles Wizard to add the Web Server (IIS) role.
For detailed instructions about how to install a default IIS 7 Web server, see Deploying a Static Content Server (IIS 7).
On the Select Role Services page, note the preselected role services that are installed by default, and then select the following additional role services:
Request Filtering
ISAPI Extensions
On the Summary of Features to Install page, confirm your selections, and then click Install.
On the Installation Results page, confirm that your installation of the Web Server (IIS) role and required role services completed successfully, and then click Close.
To verify that IIS installed successfully, type the following into a Web browser:
You should see the default IIS 7 Welcome page.
To use the UI on Windows Vista or Windows 7
Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
In Control Panel, click Programs, and then click Turn Windows features on or off.
In the Windows Features dialog box, click Internet Information Services to install the default features, and then select the following additional features:
Request Filtering
ISAPI Extensions
Click OK to close the Windows Features dialog box.
To verify that IIS installed successfully, type the following into a Web browser:
You should see the default IIS Welcome page.

Apply single signon for a site running on IIS 7 over Windows Server 2008 Standard

How do I make my Intranet site having Single Signon implemented while deployed it on IIS 7 over Windows Server 2008?
I know in IIS 6, or in Windows 7/ Windows Server 2008, I could right-click "Windows Authentication" in IIS for my site, and it would display Providers where I could select "NTLM". However, this is not the case with IIS 7 and Windows Server 2008 Standard. "Providers" option is not there entirely.
what I want is - my users should be authenticated automatically if they are accessing from within same domain, and login prompt shouldn't be appearing
1) Open IIS, click on your IIS Site.
2) Double click on Authentication Icon
3) Enable Basic Authentication and click EDIT to set it up.

How do I force windows authentication with local development server?

I'm developing an ASP.NET application which needs Windows Authentication. I have the web.config set up to deny anonymous users and use Windows mode for authentication, but my local development version still lets me pass right through to the site. In order to test different user set-ups, I need to force authorization so I can change users.
How do I set up my system (config files, VS2005 settings, IIS, etc?) to force the authorization window to popup on the site when I'm running on local development server? In other words, how do I get the authentication popup when running the site in Debug mode?
You will also need to configure IIS and have your application point to IIS instead of the local web server
To configure Windows authentication
Start Internet Information Services (IIS).
Right-click your application's virtual directory, and then click Properties.
Click the Directory Security tab.
Under Anonymous access and authentication control, click Edit.
Make sure the Anonymous access check box is not selected and that Integrated Windows > authentication is the only selected check box.
To configure your application to point to IIS
Right click on your web project, and then click Properties
Click the Web tab
Click the "Use Local IIS Web Server" radio button
