How can I display a message to the user after they request a new password on my Drupal-based site? - drupal

I work primarily with WordPress sites, and I have minimal experience with Drupal. Only about 1/100 of my sites use it, so I usually don't need to worry about it.
Right now, however, I need to add an alert after a user requests a new password on a Drupal based site. The alert is to tell the user that they need to check their email for the new password. It doesn't even need to be a popup, the message just has to be there.
I've been wandering aimlessly through the site's files and backend and all across google but I can't find any solutions to this. A solution would be great but I'd appreciate it if anyone could even point me in the right direction to figure it out myself. Please help!
I have checked the triggers page and there is nothing there that can help. I also read about a module called password_trigger which sends an email alert. The site is set up to send an email already, but it's not using this module. Help?

If that is not showing, double check that <?php print $messages; ?> is in your page.tpl.php theme file.

Are you sure this won't happen by default?
I just went to one of my Drupal 7 sites and did this:
clicked Request new password
typed in my user name
clicked Email New Password
Drupal displayed a message that said
Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address
Does that not happen for you? (If not, which version of Drupal are you using?)
I'm not clear about the email part of your question. Is Drupal sending out an email to the user when a new password is requested?


The security token did not match. The request was aborted to prevent any security breach. Please try again

I've got the error above in my Joomla website when I either try to log in or create a new account from the side site. I have also noticed the two following things:
if I create a new user from the backend, this doesn't appear in the _users table;
a file named ".myjoomla.configuration.php.md5", containing an alphanumeric string, is automatically generated in the website root every time I try to log in vainly from the frontend. Besides, it turns up again if I remove it manually through FTP.
Did my website get hacked? How could I fix it?
".myjoomla.configuration.php.md5" contains the md5 hash of the configuration.php file and appears on your site as part of the service you either subscribed to or trialled. It is part of the near-realtime alerting service which detects when configuration.php has been changed and alerts you if you are a paying subscriber of the service. It is NOT an indication of a hack at all.
Disclaimer: It is code I wrote and a service I run, so I know what Im talking about.
Not being able to create users - Im guessing you have Admin Tools or RSFirewall installed and configured, both these products stop users being created IF configured that way.
Token issues: These are well covered in Joomla documentation and forums. They are CSRF tokens and if yours is not validating then try NOT double clicking the buttons, check your session handlers are working, and check your cookies are working as expected
Nothing you say leads me to believe your site is hacked
The issue I've encountered was about the Joomla native Login module. As I published it in all the pages of my website and clicked on the login link appeared on the frontend side, I was redirected to a link that looked like
which displayed the login page correctly. Yet, once filled in the form and submitted it, the warning message in question popped out. The same problem occurred when either trying to register a new account or reset the password.
Although I couldn't find an explanation to the issue, I managed to fix it by creating a Login, Reset and Registration menu items under the main menu and then hidden them as I didn't want them to show up among the other menu items on the frontend.
Went back to the frontend and clicked on login, I was now redirected to a different url that looks like
where "login" is the alias that I had chosen for the Login menu item.
After having filled in the form and submitted it, I was able to log in successfully. Likewise, Registration and Reset operations worked.

Not able to integrate MailChimp with my WordPress Site

I have created a new website using wordpress and elementor pro. Main purpose of building this website is to collect email IDs.
In return on email ID, I’m giving away an opt in.
The problem I’m having is when someone enters their email ID and clicks on “Sign up”, the opt in I have created in templates of mail chimp isn’t going in their mailbox (not even in spam).
I believe the issue to linking the opt in with that form. I’m not sure.
Can someone please guide me how do I fix this?
Thank you
When they click "sign up" the form is not supposed to send an email to you, it is supposed to send that user/email to your MailChimp list on
Therefore first check if the information goes to your MailChimp. If it does, you can then contact MailChimp support to get help on how to configure email notifications once a user is added to a list.
And if it is not sending to your list then the issue may be with your setup/API/plugin. We cannot troubleshoot that without a login access or link.

WordPress Form E-Mail delivering

I 'm trying to fix a problem here in a wordpress eviremont which I'm also new to. I want to get a form running but it isn't sending emails. Currently I'm using Caldera Forms with the WordPress email system. What I want to do is that everytime somebody applies a form, I want to get a email with the content of the form and the user who applied to the form should get a normal autoresponder email. I think this should work without any email plugin or something else, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to fix a probleme here on a wordpress site which crashed after too many people visited this page. Now, the email system espacially the send and receive a email if somebody applied on a form, is not working anymore.. As mentinoed, I don't think that you need a email plugin to do that. I'm right?
Further, the emails get hostet by CrazyDomains. If I use the webmailer, I can receive and send emails from the emails on CrazyDomains.
Where could be the problem?
A plugin called Postman SMTP generates a log which also logs the form emails. This log says:
"250 OK" (I shorted the log). So, it means, the email should be send. For no reason, as already written, I do not receive and get emails with the form...
This plugin is connected with GMAIL API. I don't know why and for what that is...
I already deactivated all email plugins and tried different form plugins like Gravity Form or Contact Form. But same result...
How can I figure out whats the problem and how can I solve it?
I would be very happy about help.
Greetings and Thank You!
Here you can find a Quick config smtp
Maybe email went in the spam section, or you had not configured good the smtp.
You can try to install and configure email sent from wordpress as say the crazydomains guide, so with the port 587 etc.

How can I get rid of spam users

The company I work for have a small Plone blog. But we have a problem with spam accounts. We use captcha on the site and Plone sends a mail to the users that they must confirm before they can edit the user profile. Still about 600 spam users are created every day. In the Plone user profile they paste all kinds of commercial links.
We are located in Denmark and the blog is in danish, therefore I have made a script to delete all users with a non danish mail adress. But even though most of the real users have a danish mail account I probably still deletes some real users when running the script.
The spam users register from a vide range of ip-adresses, so blocking ip's is not an option.
Does anyone have ideas to what to do about this problem?
Disable Plone comments/public user creation and use a third party commenting service such as Disqus.
They somehow trick recaptcha (if you find out, please let me know :)
But how do they do the email validation? They don't have to. Plone join_form has a hidden field for password which is filled by this bot and Plone saves it as the real password (check the REQUEST object comming from this bot)
So the bot doesn't need to check email for password. That's how they get in and activate those accounts. So fix the hidden password field from join_form.
Then, remove all users that have links in their profile description (as a real user you don't do that, do you?). Also don't let the users to input HTML within their profile description.

Drupal 7: Contact Form Not Visible, Despite Permissions

So I've enabled the site-wide and user contact forms through the Contact module, enabled ALL of the permissions (for good measure) under the Contact permissions for ALL roles. The contact form tab appears and is accessible for all users when I'm logged into my Admin account, but doesn't appear for any other user role.
I've scoured all over Drupal forums and can only find people making the mistake of forgetting to change permissions or enable the personal user contact form. I've flushed all caches and run updates, done everything I can think of.
Any ideas on what might be causing this?
I was hitting a very similar issue in respect of giving Authenticated the permission Use users' personal contact forms, then logging in and going to user/[uid]/contact results in Access Denied.
Simply I hadn't picked up that each user has to opt in to being contacted via the Personal Contact Form.
EDIT - in a comment below #tanius has provided a link to some code that could be used to mass update the settings for 'opt in' to personal contact form.
If you trip the flood filter you will also get an access denied page. You should get a system message saying "You cannot send more than 5 messages in 1 hour. Try again later.", it prevents you from even seeing the page via the access denied text.
If this is the case, you can resolve it by going to the flood table and deleting some of the entries it. It bases it on IP address so just knock a few of those out.
Give site wide contact contact form permission using code :-
function mymodule_menu_alter(&$menu)
$menu['contact']['access callback'] = TRUE;
* mymodule is your custom module name.
Try this :
1) go to admin/structure/block
2) Find the block of your contact form
3) Click Configure
4) Check visiblity settings
option - roles
Make sure none are selected so that it will be shown to all roles.
Hope this helps.
I had the same issue. This is what I did.
Go to Structure --> Blocks
Find here "Main content" and from drop-down menu choose "Content" field. Save your settings and check.
