How to browse image make it appear in Image control -

My Scenario,
I'm using Visual Studio 2005. In my website Page I'm trying to browse a image and display in image control and then i need to insert to Database, But I'm Unable to bring the image to control.
1.Browse image
2.View in the control and then insert in Database.
This What I want and I'm searching for code.

This is difficult to do on the client side without sending the image to the server at all without using a technology like Flash to display the preview of the image before uploading it.
If you wish to use Flash, then there is a donationware component called Agile Uploader that even has a jQuery plugin available that allows you to display a preview of the image wherever you like before uploading, as well as being able to resize the image on the client side first, so you don't have users uploading massive files. It's well worth a look.


SharePoint Client web part iframe

I am trying to make a simple add-in to sharepoint online with some pictures.
But all the pictures is not showing beacuse the iframe is defualt set to 300x200px in sharepoint and i canr acces it from visualstudio, but i can change the height in the browser window to get it to work. So is there a way with CODE and not in the edit webpart page that can change the size of the "box" the content is in?
this is how it looks now.
this is how i want it to look.

KendoUI Embedded External Links

I am using Telerik's KendoUI framework for an HTML5/JS mobile app. When I have views I want to link to inside my app, I do a standard link such as Link which is of course as basic as it gets. The question I have is whether there is a way to make that path an external link, but have the page load inside the content area of the app (such as in an iFrame)? I'm not finding any examples of that online and when I make the link external, my whole app disappears if you click it. The end goal is keeping the link's site content (already mobile friendly) in between the header/footer of my app so they can still navigate it.
After working through Telerik support, this wasn't natively possible with their framework. I ended up doing a Kendo view and utilized the data-init option to dynamically build an <iframe /> via jQuery and put the link in there so it loaded appropriately. Some might say that's a security concern, however in our case the link is something we put in for them so it's something that will always be trusted.

Multiple file upload with preview

Is there any good control or plug-in for uploading multiple photos with preview? As far as I understand it is impossible to preview photo on local computer using just JavaScript. So it has to use Flash or Java.
Thanks, also, I use ASP.NET.
Wait, do you mean show it in a browser window before starting the upload? So does the file have a URI? (Hint: file:///c/users/public/somefile.png is a URI) You can always just link it into an image tag on their browser session.
Now, will a browser let you link a file:/// for image? That I've not tried, but you should; at least you'll learn something from it when you do try.
But using this, there's no reason you can't use a lightbox style image viewer with the local URI.
You could also make use of silverlight 4. If you're looking for something already written you might try using the upload control from gallery which much require some hackery or if you have money to burn then telerik have an upload control but I don't believe it supports previews. This also looks nifty. image upload control (bonus - allows users to crop image before saving)

We have a scenario where we would like to allow our users to upload images to the site. We are running on ASP.Net.
A quick search did not result in anything good. It would be great if the control is free/open source but we do not mind paying a little bit.
I highly reccomend Jcrop.
I've posted an article on how to use JCrop and image resizing to let users crop and resize dynamically. The example uses about 11 lines of javascript, and you can add 2 or 3 lines of C# to save the dynamically generated image to disk.
If you download the module, you can take a look at a sample project that uploads and resizes/crops. (Located in Samples\ComplexWebApplication)
File uploading is the easy part - there are lots of options if you want to upload multiple files... This SO article lists several.
The following links give the idea for this:
Now, You can customize fileupload control.

Image preview in Flex

I am working on an image management application. We have an Adobe AIR client talking to a WAMP server. The MySQL DB stores the images as blobs.
We have an image search feature. Upon searching, I am displaying the results as XMLList in a popup window and provided a download button. Downloads work fine. I also want to add a preview button to the popup.
Please let me know how can I code this. Without having the file on the client, I cannot preview. But when I use save() method, the os dialog opens up. Anything to be done on the PHP side?
Please help.
Don't you mean to display an Image? Wouldn't the normal work? Of course, for performance issues, your PHP code must render smaller images (thumbnails).
Correct me if wrongly understood your question. :(
