Rotating an object around a tilted axis - math

I have the coordinates of a centre point . I also have an array called the asteroid normal which I assume is the relative rotation of the axis (its 3 numbers between zero and one).
How can I make an object revolve around this object? I haven't been able to find any formula that does this.

Try this:

Use the rotation matrix for an axis and angle. The new position p' of a point p on the object is
p' = center + R(angle, axis) * (p - center)
where R(angle, axis) is the matrix that rotates by angle about axis, and center is a point that the axis passes through. Tal Darom's answer is the same, only in OpenGL notation.


Mouse pointer locked around a point

Sorry if this question has been asked before, but if so I could not find it before posting this.
In a nutshell, I want to do this:
I want a pointer (red) to rotate about the circle (blue) according to where the mouse is located. (If picture is not visible, it depicts a blue circle with a red triangle pointing away from it, towards the mouse).
If possible, please answer with a general mathematical equation rather than specific code. Thanks.
Assuming a normal cartesian coordinate space, with the X axis going to the right and the Y axis going up, you first need to calculate the angle to the mouse coordinate (M) to the circle origin (O):
theta = atan2(M.y - O.y, M.x - O.x)
you can then calculate the position of a point (P) orbiting the circle at radius (r) with:
P.x = r * cos(theta)
P.y = r * sin(theta)
The atan2(y, x) function is a common math library function that just computes atan(y / x) but takes the relative signs of x and y into account to determine the correct quadrant.

How to find view point coordinates?

I have azimuth , elevation and direction vector of the sun.. i want to place a view point on sun ray direction with some distance. Can anyone describe or provide a link to a resource that will help me understand and implement the required steps?
I used cartesian coordinate system to find direction vector from azimuth and elevation.and then for find
viewport origin.image for this question
x = distance
y = distance* tan azimuth
z = distance * tan elevation.
i want to find that distance value... how?
azimutal coordinate system is referencing to NEH (geometric North East High(Up)) reference frame !!!
in your link to image it is referencing to -Y axis which is not true unless you are not rendering the world but doing some nonlinear graph-plot projection so which one it is?
btw here ECEF/WGS84 and NEH you can find out how to compute NEH for WGS84
As I can see you have bad computation between coordinates so just to be clear this is how it looks like:
on the left is global Earth view and one NEH computed for its position (its origin). In the middle is surface aligned side view and on the right is surface aligned top view. Blue magenta green are input azimutal coordinates, Brown are x,y,z cartesian projections (where the coordinate is on its axis) so:
Dist'= Dist *cos(Elev );
z = Dist *sin(Elev );
x = Dist'*cos(Azimut);
y =-Dist'*sin(Azimut);
if you use different reference frame or axis orientations then change it accordingly ...
I suspect you use 4x4 homogenous transform matrices
for representing coordinate systems and also to hold your view-port so look here:
transform matrix anatomy
constructing the view-port
You need X,Y,Z axis vectors and O origin position. O you already have (at least you think) and Z axis is the ray direction so you should have it too. Now just compute X,Y as alignment to something (else the view will rotate around the ray) I use NEH for that so:
view.Z=Ray.Dir // ray direction
view.Y=NEH.Z // NEH up vector
view.X=view.Y x view.Z // cross product make view.X axis perpendicular to Y ansd Z
view.Y=view.Z x view.X // just to make all three axises perpendicular to each other
view.O=ground position - (distance*Ray.Dir);
To make it a valid view_port you have to:
view = inverse(view)*projection_matrix;
You need inverse matrix computation for that
if you want the whole thing
Then you also want to add the Sun/Earth position computation in that case look here:
complete Earth-Sun position by Kepler's equation
The distance
Now that is clear what is behind you just need to set the distance if you want to set it to Sun then it will be distance=1.0 AU; (astronomical unit) but that is huge distance and if you have perspective your earth will be very small instead use some closer distance to match your view size look here:
How to position the camera so that the object always has the same size

Libgdx - Keeping an object at certain distance and direction from other object

So let's say I have 2 objects. One with the sprite of a circle, other with the sprite of triangle.
My triangle object is set to the position of mouse in every step of the game, while circle is either standing in place or just moving in its own way, whatever.
What I want to do is to have the TRIANGLE move around the circle, but not on it's own, rather on the way your cursor is positioned.
So basically, calculate degree between circle's center and triangle's center. Whenever they are far from each other I just set triangle position to mouse position, BUT when you hover your mouse too close (past some X distance) you can't get any closer (the TRIANGLE is then positioned at maximum that X distance in the direction from circle center to mouse point)
I'll add a picture and hopefully you can get what I mean.
1. Calculate the distance between the cursor and the center of the circle. If it is more than the 'limit' then set the triangle's position to the cursor's position and skip to step 4.
2. Obtain the angle formed between the center of the circle and the cursor.
3. Calculate the new Cartesian coordinates (x, y) of the triangle based of off the polar coordinates we have now (angle and radius). The radius will be set to the limit of the circle before we calculate x and y, because we want the triangle to be prevented from entering this limit.
4. Rotate the image of the triangle to 1.5708-angle where angle was found in step 2. (1.5708, or pi/2, in radians is equivalent to 90°)
1. The distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2))
2. The angle (in radians) can be calculated with
double angle = Math.atan2(circleY-cursorY, cursorX-circleX);
The seemingly mistaken difference in order of circleY-cursorY and cursorX-circleX is an artefact of the coordinate system in most programming languages. (The y coordinate increases downwards instead of upwards, as it does in mathematics, while the x coordinate increases in concord with math - to the right.)
3. To convert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates use these conversions:
triangle.setX( cos(angle)*limit );
triangle.setY( sin(angle)*limit );
where limit is the distance you want the triangle to remain from the circle.
4. In order to get your triangle to 'face' the circle (as you illustrated), you have to rotate it using the libgdx Sprite function setRotation. It will rotate around the point set with setOrigin.
Now, you have to rotate by 1.5708-angle – this is because of further differences between angles in mathematics and angles in programming! The atan2 function returns the angle as measured mathematically, with 0° at three o'clock and increasing counterclockwise. The setRotation function (as far as I can tell) has 0° at twelve o'clock and increases clockwise. Also, we have to convert from radians to degrees. In short, this should work, but I haven't tested it:
Hope this helps!

Understanding QML Rotation Element

I think that first one out of the following states the point in the coordinate system where we wish to place the image. Correct?
What does the other one exactly say in layman's terms?
axis.x : real
axis.y : real
axis.z : real
The axis to rotate around. For simple (2D) rotation around a point, you do not need to specify an axis, as the default axis is the z axis (axis { x: 0; y: 0; z: 1 }).
origin.x : real
origin.y : real
The origin point of the rotation (i.e., the point that stays fixed relative to the parent as the rest of the item rotates). By default the origin is 0, 0.
Not correct.
The first is the axis which will rotated.
X is horizontal axis = Rotation will be to the viewer from top to bottom.
Y is vertical axis = Rotation will be to the viewer form left to right.
Z (the default) is perpendicular to the other 2 axis and is pointing to the viewer = Therefor rotation around Z is rotating on the screen-plane.
In the first parameter you just tell which axes to rotate around. So axis(x:0; y:0; z:1) just means to rotate on the screen plane.
The second are the origin-coordinates. This is the fixpoint where 0/0/0 of the axis coordinate system to rotate around is located. If this is the top-left corner of your object, you will rotate around that corner. You can rotate to any fixpoint, this also means: fixpoints other then the center point will always move your object.

3d Parabolic Trajectory

I'm trying to figure out some calculations using arcs in 3d space but am a bit lost. Lets say that I want to animate an arc in 3d space to connect 2 x,y,z coordinates (both coordinates have a z value of 0, and are just points on a plane). I'm controlling the arc by sending it a starting x,y,z position, a rotation, a velocity, and a gravity value. If I know both the x,y,z coordinates that need to be connected, is there a way to calculate what the necessary rotation, velocity, and gravity values to connect it from the starting x,y,z coordinate to the ending one?
EDIT: Thanks tom10. To clarify, I'm making "arcs" by creating a parabola with particles. I'm trying to figure out how to ( by starting a parabola formed by a series particles with an beginning x,y,z,velocity,rotation,and gravity) determine where it will in end(the last x,y,z coordinates). So if it if these are the two coordinates that need to be connected:
how can the rotation, velocity, and gravity of this parabola be calculated using only these variables start the formation of the parabola:
I am trying to keep the angle a constant value.
This link describes the ballistic trajectory to "hit a target at range x and altitude y when fired from (0,0) and with initial velocity v the required angle(s) of launch θ", which is what you want, right? To get your variables into the right form, set the rotation angle (in the x-y plane) so you're pointing in the right direction, that is atan(y/x), and from then on out, to match the usual terminology for 2D problem, rewrite your z to y, and the horizontal distance to the target (which is sqrt(xx + yy)) as x, and then you can directly use the formula in link.
Do the same as you'd do in 2D. You just have to convert your figures to an affine space by rotating the axis, so one of them becomes zero; then solve and undo the rotation.
