Comments custom CSS - css

I am trying to have the Facebook comments on my site, and I would like to style it to match my sites design. Is it possible to include custom CSS to the comments, and if so, how would I do it?

Per Comments Plugin, you get two styling options, dark or light. There is no way for you to specify your own CSS.


Customizing Wordpress Latest Comments block

I’d like to have the block exclude my own comments. I’d also like to use CSS to show comments from a specific post. Is this possible with CSS? Thanks.
When I try to search for the solution, the search thinks I’m talking about CSS code comments.

WordPress styling of single blog post

Is it okay to sometimes style blog post differently, using inline styling?
Changing font size, color, margins and so on for some elements in the specific blog post.
In my case, I have started making a long blog post, and I want to change a lot of styles just for that one post because I can make it more beautiful without touching child theme.
Is that a bad practice (from design and SEO perspective) or is it a normal way of doing things?
In general, inline styling is bad, it will be hard to manage for the long term. Most blogs attempt to maintain some sort of styling across all posts. This is easier to manage if you leverage an external CSS file.
WordPress is great to spin up a free web page fast. But later on you'll find it very limited. Still it's better than a web site with monthly payments (IMHO). For example a menu bar solution is provided without have to code everything from scratch. Great, but the font default was an ugly Times Roman. Ultimately I let the theme fonts stay the same in then Menu. Then down in the body I had to sprinkle My text body. everywhere below in the page. It was more cut and text paste pasting but easier than creating my own custom theme...

Can I style Facebook comments?

Is it possible, with the new Facebook commenting system to restyle them? I only need two 'simple' changes: :link colour & a font change.
I have been reading the docs & have tried out some tests to no avail.
I have also read this blog post that says that it's not possible anymore, BUT I know there are sites that still custom css - I just cannot get mine to work..
Is it possible?
Those documents are for the old FBML implementation of the comments box, the current docs are at
Have you any examples of sites customising the plugin? It shouldn't really be possible since it's served from an iframe, it's possible those sites are implementing their own comments logic

Customize the way a Drupal Menu looks like from my Theme

I'd like my theme to display a menu in a completely custom way. What functions should I have to use in my theme code? Is there any good tutorial out there?
Yes, proceed to and take a look at theme_menu_tree, theme_menu_item, and theme_menu_item_link. With these overrides, you can change the html that is output by the menu system, and then style accordingly with CSS.
For a tutorial, I would suggest going through the Drupal 6 theming guide.
You might also want to check out this article from palantir, on the menu block module.

How do you remove inline styles in Wordpress?

I am currently trying to remove inline styles that come from the wysiwyg in Wordpress. My problem comes from editors styling their blog posts and its looking terrible, the main culprit being font sizes.
I was wondering if anyone knew of a plugin for Wordpress? OR if anyone knows if it is possible to turn off CSS inline styles in tinyMCE? might be what you are looking for. It's also possible in tinymce to have different levels of editor (minimal, regular, +kitchen sink). Perhaps using one of those may serve your purpose better.
