Customizing Wordpress Latest Comments block - css

I’d like to have the block exclude my own comments. I’d also like to use CSS to show comments from a specific post. Is this possible with CSS? Thanks.
When I try to search for the solution, the search thinks I’m talking about CSS code comments.


Make a simple Wordpress archive page

I want to create a simple Wordpress archive page exactly like on this website:
How can I do this?
Thank you.
Your question is too generic. If you want to create a page exactly like that, read tutorials and practice your html and css skills to achieve the output you want.

How to edit blog titles in Wordpress

I'd like to edit the titles of the blog posts but can't see how to do this on Word Press. I've managed to make them bold but that's as far as I could get. I'd like to change the size and font and perhaps centre them.
This is the blog:
(Also, if there's anything else you could suggest which you think would make the blog look a little nicer then any advice would be much appreciated!)
This essentially comes down to the theme that you use. And on which pages you want to make the edit. The best advice i can give you is go into your themes main folder and look at "single.php".
What you're looking for is a line that says:
<?php the_title ?>
It should be there along with around the same area. You should be able to style it yourself from there by seeing what classes are being used in that section.
There are many themes with a GUI to edit the entire header (logo,title, font, and more options), usually the "responsive" themes have this option.
Look for a new theme under "Appearance" section.
If you want to edit something specific you can also use the CSS editor too under appearance.

Comments custom CSS

I am trying to have the Facebook comments on my site, and I would like to style it to match my sites design. Is it possible to include custom CSS to the comments, and if so, how would I do it?
Per Comments Plugin, you get two styling options, dark or light. There is no way for you to specify your own CSS.

How to design a comment box similar to facebook using only CSS?

I want to implement a comment box similar to facebook using only CSS. I want a small image of the user that is commenting and the comment by the similar.
I tried searching for various CSS, but unable to find something similar to facebook.
Please assist.
You can use the comment system from Facebook...
Simple to install and you can even manage the comments...
Read more about it here:

How do you remove inline styles in Wordpress?

I am currently trying to remove inline styles that come from the wysiwyg in Wordpress. My problem comes from editors styling their blog posts and its looking terrible, the main culprit being font sizes.
I was wondering if anyone knew of a plugin for Wordpress? OR if anyone knows if it is possible to turn off CSS inline styles in tinyMCE? might be what you are looking for. It's also possible in tinymce to have different levels of editor (minimal, regular, +kitchen sink). Perhaps using one of those may serve your purpose better.
