how to write on facebook wall in ASP .Net -

I want to post on facebook wall from my website, i had built the site in ASP .Net, I don't know how to perform this task. Can anyone please guide me or give me a script to post on facebook wall.

Here is a documentation on Getting started with Facebook developers
The Graph API is the core of Facebook Platform, enabling you to read and write data to Facebook. It provides a simple and consistent view of the social graph, uniformly representing objects (like people, photos, events, and pages) and the connections between them (friendships, likes, and photo tags).
Here's a sample application from CodeProject to use the Graph API.
hope it helped !

I've had some fun playing with the Facebook C# SDK for creating Facebook applications.
Are you using C# on your site?
The SDK is quite easy to get started with and there are a few tutorials etc...
Facebook C# SDK


Steam Web API Integration with ASP.NET site

I've been designing a website in ASP.NET, and I have been researching many ways to integrate the Steam Web API into my site. Whenever I try a method, it seems promising, but there is always a problem that I can't seem to overcome. Most of the methods online are using PHP, but I have not found a way to integrate this into my ASP.NET site either. I want users to be able to sign in through Steam, and to display inventories of certain users on the page. Any way of retrieving this data would be a huge step forward at this point.
The website is currently located at Kritz.TF. It's in a VERY early stage, I have been limited to what I can do before I do get this thing sorted out.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Deeper Facebook Integration in ASP MVC

I am an admin of a Facebook Page. Now it want to involve it in my MVC Project. I was wondering if it is possible to :
1)fetch its data (such as profile pic ,about,events,who is attending etc) from fb and showing it in my ASP MVC View.
2) involve all the features provided by fb (to the page)in MVC project. e.g. creating an event, adding photos and videos.
3) is there any way to Authorize forms via fb authentication.
if this is achivable how should i proceed? what are the prerequisites?
any blog/link/tutorial/study material for this?
Facebook has a clean API you can use to integrate it into your applications. It's called the Graph API, they have the docs on their site:
The Graph API is designed to perform various operations, if something is to be done, it can be done via the Graph API.
As for the authentication, yes, it's fairly simple, Facebook implements the OAuth2 protocol. Just google on "C# OAuth2 Facebook" or something similar and you will get links to complete tutorials.
The docs from Facebook team are here:

Facebook Connect for Qt

I am trying to use the facebook API provided by Nokia Developer:
I need to know what library or files should i include to connect to this API. And if you can provide me with any important guidelines it would be great.
Did you actually read the page you linked to? The first line has a link to the download location and the entire page is full of examples of how to use the API.
However, if you did follow the download link you'd see this:
Facebook is deprecating the old REST api upon which this library is
based on. The new api is called facebook graph api and that should be
used, the rest api breaks all the time so its not a good idea to use
it. Please look at for a Qt
implementation of the new facebook graph API
Which makes your question somewhat irrelevant.
With Qt 5, you can now use the V-Play Facebook Qt Plugin.
It wraps the native Facebook SDK around a QML item and thus has the advantage that native login functionality and the whole Facebook Graph API is available cross-platform.
There is a free sample, documentation and tutorials available here:

Social networking on smart phones?

I have to implement application that can post to the selected network I can select from the application drop down.
There are Objective-C frameworks for Facebook (Three20) and Twitter (Twitter-OAuth-Library & MGTwitterEngine).
A quick trip to Google find facebook-android-sdk for connecting to Facebook on Android.
As far as Twitter goes, you can find a whole list of APIs for various languages/platforms on Twitter's developer website.
A second trip to Google finds this on for adding MySpace to an iOS app. Also, see this page and this page on LinkedIn's Developer Network.
Basically, LinkedIn is just using a JSON encoded API with OAuth. You should be able to handle that with any OAuth library.
It seems that I've found another great library. Check out ShareKit, which helps with alot of what you're trying to do.
#appaspect and #moshe, this is an old thread so the question my no longer be relevant, but here's a new open-source SDK and social api service: Socialize . Full feature set at

facebook chat in silverlight

I have a silverlight application and i want is that my application should ask for the user name and password and the client should be able to start chat with their facebook friends.Could this be done? and if so then is there sample code available
This is the question of what kind of API Facebook provides. There aren't any inherent issues here if Facebook exposes this sort of functionality to third parties. I'm not an expert in this, but reading the facebook documentation should help you out.
Also maybe check out these links:
It looks like some folks developed a framework to more easily interop facebook with .net based technologies:
Here they are discussing the LiveMessage stuff:
People did facebook chat clones on the web, and in standalone apps (, so at least in principle it's certainly doable.

