Extracting LinkedIn recommendations for your website - linkedin

How can I extract or get the LinkedIn recommendations for my website? Is there any plugin or PHP script?

You can extract the recommendations using the LinkedIn API, specifically the Profile API. Rough steps are:
Create an application;
Authenticate yourself via OAuth;
Make a call to the API (via JavaScript or some other language via the REST interface) to retrieve your recommendations. A sample call that will do this:
In terms of doing this with PHP, there is a free library, along with demo scripts, here:

LinkedIn ended their support for the most of the apps. You must be in a partner program in order to be able to get full profile information.


Linkedin REST API Job Search

I've seen several posts linked to this question (some older than others) but no definitive answer.
I want to set a section on my web-page linking to the LinkedIn positions that answer to a particular, kind of specific, query.
Ideally, I would like to download and reprocess the text to mix Linkedin's job offers up with other sources and implement a layer of processing on all job positions relating to my user's needs.
Overall, what I do need is scraping LinkedIn Job Offers. I'm not too fond of the idea of implementing a scraping tool or using some external and non-supported plugin.
I've tried opening a request to LinkedIn, and I've been told I should write here with the #linkedin tag so that LinkedIn technicians' can see my bid and answer.
I have the impression that a LinkedIn API allowed searching for Job Posts/Positions and downloading the main, but the functionality it's not supported anymore. Does anyone know if that's the case or what I should do to perform that operation if that's not the case?

Trouble tweeting from R?

I was wondering if anybody on here has any experience using the Twitter API in R? I'm trying to set up a simple Twitter bot with an R script but seem to be running into a problem with my access to twitter's API. I'm using the package Rtweet, I have a developer account set up on Twitter and I believe the token information is entered correctly. I followed the example from this blog post: https://www.interhacktives.com/2021/03/16/how-to-scrape-open-data-and-tweet-it-using-a-bot-with-r/
When I run my code, I get an error message when I try to use the function "post_tweet". The error message is as follows: "You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal. You can learn more here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/getting-started/about-twitter-api#v2-access-leve" I've been up and down the Twitter developer dashboard and I thought that my level of access would allow me to send a simple tweet, but maybe I'm wrong?
Does anybody have any insight here? I can provide more information if needed.

Automatically Upload Job offers to Linkedin

I've read much about implementing LinkedIn into my website, but is it possible to upload job offers from an external software directly to LinkedIn?
I’m working with an SAP based recruiting management software. One of the function it is capable of, is to create job offers. But until now, they are only internal. I want to implement a function, which allows the user to automatically upload a job offer to LinkedIn.
Does LinkedIn provide some kind of support for such kind of work? XING for example, offers you documentations for a connection via API or XML. Is there something additional existing for LinkedIn?
Looks like it isn't available for the normal APIs. They have a specific section based on their "Talent Solutions" that may be of interest. Looks to be a paid program

Facebook Connect for Qt

I am trying to use the facebook API provided by Nokia Developer:
I need to know what library or files should i include to connect to this API. And if you can provide me with any important guidelines it would be great.
Did you actually read the page you linked to? The first line has a link to the download location and the entire page is full of examples of how to use the API.
However, if you did follow the download link you'd see this:
Facebook is deprecating the old REST api upon which this library is
based on. The new api is called facebook graph api and that should be
used, the rest api breaks all the time so its not a good idea to use
it. Please look at http://gitorious.org/qfacebook for a Qt
implementation of the new facebook graph API
Which makes your question somewhat irrelevant.
With Qt 5, you can now use the V-Play Facebook Qt Plugin.
It wraps the native Facebook SDK around a QML item and thus has the advantage that native login functionality and the whole Facebook Graph API is available cross-platform.
There is a free sample, documentation and tutorials available here: http://plugins.v-play.net/plugins/facebook/

Is it possible to build an application for the LinkedIn platform?

Do you know if it's possible to build an application for the LinkedIn platform?
Yes, they have API at http://developer.linkedin.com/index.jspa, allowing access to the profile, connections, messaging and more.
While LinkedIn has promised a public API for a very long time now, they have yet to deliver.
No, there is no public LinkedIn API yet.
IMO, their widgets (which there are only two of at the moment, which are very limited) don't count.
They say that they are open to being contacted with specific uses for their API and they may give access to parts as needed - but that is if they accept your ideas for integration. They have been very picky with this - and have not accepted my attempts to integrate with LinkedIn yet, they tell me I have to wait with everyone else, apparently my applications are not "high-profile" enough.
Sure, you'll find many Google results talking about their "promised" API, but they are empty promises and won't be of much help.
Yes, Linkedin has an API:
So you could build an application that uses it.
Update: (from second link)
We’ll be phasing all of this in over the coming months and to get involved with the Intelligent Application Platform either for APIs, widgets, or hosted applications, send us an e-mail to developers#linkedin.com telling us what you want to build and what you need to build it.
Since there are published Mashups using LinkedIn I would assume that means you can use the API even if the documentation isn't readily available.
As a tip, in the future include links to what you found that didn't work, so we know not to give it to you again.
I poked around a bit more and I found some more on their widgets which appears to be the main focus of their API.
