Why is JMock 2.6.0 a release candidate? - jmock

I rolled out JMock at our company, and many folks are using it with success. The version we are using is the latest stable release, which is 2.5.1. That was released in August 2008. Since then, two release candidates came out, 2.6.0RC1 and RC2 in 12/08 and 9/10, respectively. That seems like a long time for a release to be a "candidate." I'd like to update to 2.6.0, but my company is hesitant to use a product that is not a "stable" release. I share their concerns.
I have two questions about this. First, for anyone using the 2.6.0 RC1 or RC2 releases, have you found any evidence of instability in these versions?
Second, and this is more for the folks who created the tool, why is 2.6.0 considered still a release candidate and are there plans to release a "stable" 2.6.0?

2.6.0.RC2 seems to be perfectly stable. I'd have no issues with using that in anger.
I understand there are plans to push 2.6.0 to a full release, and that it's just a matter of free time to do it...

We're trying to get a release out but are short of maven help


Show only LTS updates for NuGet packages in Visual Studio

My org is low-risk so we're planning to stick to LTS releases (.NET Core 3.1 at the time of this post.) The Nuget Package Manager Updates list, however, currently offers non-LTS updates (namely to .NET 5.0.)
Is there a way to configure Visual Studio in a way to show LTS updates only? Alternatively, is there any other way I can achieve the same desired result?
(This question is actually almost a copy of Lion's original, but I'm hoping that improvements on api.nuget.org or in the way Visual Studio handles API results may result in a viable answer.)
Your question is a real good question. And many community members want this feature on PackageReference for net core projects.
In fact, what you want is not supported on PackageReference so far. And net framework projects with packages.config nuget management format can realize it. See this official document.
Under packages.config, you can use allowedVersions node for nuget packages on packages.config file, such as [3.1.0, 5.0.0). It means 3.1.0 <= current version < 5.0.0. You can only update the nuget package under that range on the Nuget Package Manager UI.
It is quite useful feature but Microsoft has not added this feature for the new-sdk project with PackageReferece. Therefore, many community members has raised this issue on github which is still in processing.
And the Team has planned to fix the problem on December 20. So I suggest you could follow that github link and add any comments to describe your issue to raise more attention from Microsoft' team. All of them will help solve the problem as soon as possible.

Is realm stable enough for production use?

After reading the documentation on the website, I was very impressed with how easy it is to implement and use. However, I also noticed that it hasn't been officially released yet and it is still in beta.
I will soon start a new iOS project and I was wondering if realm is "stable" enough for production use. As many of you know, CoreData is a pain in the ___.
According to the folks at realm, the framework has been used in production, however, developers should expect the API to evolve as this is still in a beta stage.

What if anything, is Symfony 3

I keep hearing about Symfony 3, in particular the new directory structure, but I can find nothing about a release date. Are there plans to release a new major iteration of symfony?
Yes there are plans but nothing definite yet.
The community section of the Symfony 2 site has plenty of information on these sorts of things.
From: http://symfony.com/doc/current/contributing/community/releases.html
The work on a new major version of Symfony starts whenever enough
major features breaking backward compatibility are waiting on the todo-list.
The next major version will be 3.0.
The next major long term release will be S2.7 schedule for May of 2015. I would not be surprised if serious work on S3.0 starts after that release but that is just a guess. Check the development mailing list and chat rooms for more information.

How to install TideSDK from TideSDK-1.2.1 package?

I've downloaded package TideSDK-1.2.1.RC1-0be9cd89-windows-7-x86-64.zip from tidesdk.org. Installer was found in tidesdk\sdk\win32\1.2.0.RC4\installer. This installer doesn't work: "Installation failed. The installer could not determine the application path."
What's wrong with it? Is it the only (right) way to install TideSDK? No docs on topic were found in resources and links on tidesdk.org.
It looks like you picked up an artefact from our Continuous Integration System from some point in time in development. We will eventually expose a Nightly Build site for developmental releases. That said, we will do this once the 1.3.0-beta is ready so we can properly support you with developmental artefacts.
Please use the legacy 1.2.0.RC4 in the interim that can be downloaded from front page of tidesdk.org until TideSDK 1.3.0-beta is available (which will be along very soon). This will serve your development needs in short term as we continue the work to get the beta prepared.
A new 'Getting Started Guide' will be up later today for the legacy 1.2.0.RC4 as there have been many requests for this help.
We appreciate how much attention our project is getting and have been working hard as a team to produce great documentation. Despite this, our efforts were primarily targeted on the API documentation at the outset. We experienced a surge of interest prior to getting the new guides in place. Our apologies to anyone new that has experienced any difficulty getting started. We appreciate your patience while we fill these gaps.
The new documentation is being prepared in anticipation of the 1.3.0 release so that we have great API docs, guides, and example apps when the time arrives. It is targeted for the end of September. We hope to also have our Tide Builder app available at that time to provide a nice app to help create, run and package your apps. There will also be an enhanced tidebuilder CLI since a tool with a UI will be strictly an option. For those that appreciate minimalism, this will get you going with no more than the SDK and a text editor.
You need to download Titanium Studio first.
Once that's done, you can install the package : Help menu > Install Sepcific Titanium SDK.

Release numbering in a git workflow

I've come across the following excellent blogpost on a git workflow model that works with release, develop, feature and bugfix branches: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
It sounds like an excellent workflow and I am really eager to try it in production but one paragraph caught my attention and leaves me wondering.
It is exactly at the start of a release branch that the upcoming release gets assigned a version number—not any earlier. Up until that moment, the develop branch reflected changes for the “next release”, but it is unclear whether that “next release” will eventually become 0.3 or 1.0, until the release branch is started. That decision is made on the start of the release branch and is carried out by the project’s rules on version number bumping.
I'm wondering, how does this way of working reflect in your ticketing and bugtracking system? In JIRA and BugZilla we create "versions" that a ticket can belong to. Prior to switching to a release branch, what version does a ticket belong to when in the development branch? Do you have a version in your issuetracker for every branch?
And what about feature tickets that you know you are going to implement not in the upcoming release but in the release thereafter? Am I supposed to create a version "upcoming" and "future" for this kind of tickets?
Any insight in how this branching workflow reflects in ticket/issue management is appreciated!
Am I supposed to create a version "upcoming" and "future" for this kind of tickets
This is the basic idea. The key idea is that a current development will include some features part if the next release, and some which will ultimately be too complex and/or not ready in time and/or depending on other features which won't make it in said next release.
This is a bit like branches 'pu' and 'next' in the git repo itself.
In short, a feature ticket is rarely issued to a specific release number, while a bug fix ticket can be (2.1 for fixing release 2 for instance).
