How can we get status (read, shared, starred) for a single feed using Google Reader API - google-reader

Is there a Google Reader Api to return status for a single item?


TeamDrive Notification Using Google admin SDK for reports having issue with owner_is_team_drive flag

I'm using the documentation for creating the channel for team drive for google using google reports API. According to the document, we can make channel depending upon various filter conditions. For my purpose, I choose to use the filter "owner_is_team_drive==true". The problem with using this filter is that a channel gets created properly (I get a channel object in return) but the notification doesn't come if I perform any action.
I'm using Google Admin SDK for reports for creating the request for the channel. While looking at the logs I found that the API being used to hit the request is
PS: I tried using other filters(like "doc_type==team_drive") and also the API without filters, I get the notification properly.

TeamDrive Notification Using Google admin SDK for reports

I'm using the documentation for creating the channel for team drive for google using google reports API. According to the document, we can make channel depending upon various filter conditions. For my purpose, I choose to use the filter "owner_is_team_drive==true". The problem with using this filter is that a channel gets created properly (I get a channel object in return) but the notification doesn't come if I perform any action.
I'm using Google Admin SDK for reports for creating the request for the channel. While looking at the logs I found that the API being used to hit the request is
PS: I tried using other filters(like "doc_type==team_drive") and also the API without filters, I get the notification properly.

Analytics Reporting API v4 "viewId must be set" issue

We are using Analytics Reporting API v4 in our backend to process analytical data collected from our clients (apps & website). We are facing an issue that the reporting API requires a viewId parameter to be present in the request that queries analytical data, otherwise the request fails.
// create the ReportRequest object
ReportRequest request = new ReportRequest().setViewId("your-view-id-here")
According to their documentation, the viewId parameter can be extracted from the Google Analytics Console, which is correct.
The problem we are facing is that our "Website" property in Google Analytics already has a view where we can extract the ID from under it's settings:
This is great and exactly what we need, but for the "iOS" and "Android" properties, there is no view and the button to create one is greyed out:
Is there any way to query the API without specifying a viewId or is there a way to create a view in the console that we are unaware of?
Could the issue be caused by the fact that we are using Firebase to collect our data in Android and iOS?

Authentication to Google Reader using OAUth

I want to post a URL from my android application to Google Reader. I have authenticated to google Reader using ClientLogin (Accessed to unofficial google API).I have received response code 200, but I was not able to post this url to Google Reader. I have used JSOUP-1.5.2.jar.
I have seen other procedures to access Official Google Reader using OAuth. Which procedure is better for me to follow so that I can post a message from my android application to Google Reader?
See my example in C# (very similar to Java).
Google Reader API - Getting Feeds

Google Reader API Linking reader's User ID to a Google Account

I am developing a web application that heavily utilizes RSS feeds.
I have found you can query Google to get statistics and analytics on your RSS Feed (very useful, if you administer RSS feeds, you should check it out! Retrieving Google Reader stats for RSS feed and items)
Now that I have a method to determine a list of Google Reader User Ids that like a feed item, I would like to know how I could use this User Id.
Specifically, is there a way I can link a User Id to a Google Account - if they are logged in through a web interface like Stack Overflow does?
If this is not possible, what public information can be gathered about a particular Google Reader User Id? Is there documentation on this API? (note, I am not looking for Google Reader API, which, from my understanding, allows you to build your own RSS Reader)
