I want to post a URL from my android application to Google Reader. I have authenticated to google Reader using ClientLogin (Accessed to unofficial google API).I have received response code 200, but I was not able to post this url to Google Reader. I have used JSOUP-1.5.2.jar.
I have seen other procedures to access Official Google Reader using OAuth. Which procedure is better for me to follow so that I can post a message from my android application to Google Reader?
See my example in C# (very similar to Java).
Google Reader API - Getting Feeds
I am trying to embed a url in our google site wherein the viewer will be routed to a direct message in google chat should they have a question. However the only answer I have found so far was through google hangouts. Can you suggest how will I be able to do it to google chat? Thank you in advance.
I am having a hard time to find a documentation for web conversion tracking for Google Ads.
I would like to understand more about the HTTP POST request that is sent to Google.
I can see there is a good documentation for mobile apps:
Is there similar documentation for web? I would like to understand more how i could send conversions to Google creating manually my HTTP request.
I am aware of the Offline conversions API (https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/samples/upload-offline-conversion), but it doesn't support the new parameters as wbraid
I get this user agent Feedfetcher-Google; (+http://www.google.com/feedfetcher.html; 1 subscribers; feed-id=17582163705065100568) in my logs coming from a google domain even if there is no way you could read rss feeds through google and still I see there is 1 subscriber.
Even though the Google Feed API has been deprecated, it's still possible that some people are subscribed to your feed(s) thru that? Also, don't forget that Google uses RSS as a discovery mechanism for its search engine.
I'm looking at getting some stats out of Google Analytics using the Embed API to display on our site using javascript.
My question is:
Is it possible to display the stats without the user authenticating? I.e. I would like to make some traffic statistics available to anonymous users.
This is definitely possible, but you'll have to get the access token yourself (server side, using whatever OAuth 2.0 flow you want).
Once you have a valid access token, you can pass it to the gapi.analytics.auth component and use the Embed API as normal.
Here's some documentation on that:
UPDATE: (07/27/2015)
A demo of server-side authorization with the Embed API is now featured on the Google Analytics Demos & Tools site. You should look there to see a working example.
I am developing a web application that heavily utilizes RSS feeds.
I have found you can query Google to get statistics and analytics on your RSS Feed (very useful, if you administer RSS feeds, you should check it out! Retrieving Google Reader stats for RSS feed and items)
Now that I have a method to determine a list of Google Reader User Ids that like a feed item, I would like to know how I could use this User Id.
Specifically, is there a way I can link a User Id to a Google Account - if they are logged in through a web interface like Stack Overflow does?
If this is not possible, what public information can be gathered about a particular Google Reader User Id? Is there documentation on this API? (note, I am not looking for Google Reader API, which, from my understanding, allows you to build your own RSS Reader)
Try http://www.google.com/reader/api/0/people/profile?u=14290265284323789574