Problem While swf embedding in Flex - apache-flex

A problem that is waste my one hour
I am embedding swf in the flex application it works fine.
But when i embed one swf the compiler through an error
unable to resolve 'com/assets/swf/flash_ad.swf' for transcoding
Unable to transcode com/assets/swf/flash_ad.swf.
pls help me.

Actually that swf is compiled and published in older version of action script.
So when i de-compile the swf and generate my own swf with latest version of action script the problem is gone.
Anyway Thanks

Make sure your flex compiler is able to locate the swf first. Try refreshing your workspace, so compiler finds it.
Also ensure your swf is built correctly. Corrupted swf's wont get embedded.
Check if this helps:


RSL used in FLEX

How to use RSL(Runtime shared library) in flex ?
how can decrease loading time of swf using rsl?
please give answer
The SDK default setting of the project is RSL.
check here Goto Project->Properties choose the Library path from the tab where you can see the framework linkage.
The thing is It is one of the way to reduce the size of the application and the library files are downloaded and saved to cache file in browsers. so when you run the application again, the library files are taken from the browser the loading makes faster than the first time.It continues until the cache is cleared from the browser. for more information refer here.

Flex Swfloader with a swf which loads another swf file

I have one Swfloader. This swfloader loads file A.swf.
On creationComplete event, File A.swf loads another swf(file B.swf).
Everything works fine when I run the application once in the same machine.
But when I run two or more instance of the application, the first works fine (both file A and B are loaded) but the second swf (file B) is not loaded by file A.
Could you please help me to find out why the first swf (file A) doesn't load file B, when the application is running in multiple instance ?
Thank you in advance,
That's weird. There could be a few explanations. First off, have you tried debugging your problem? It could be something to do with browser caching. I would look at your developer console (included with Chrome, ctrl+shift+i, or use Firebug extension with Firefox) in the Net panel to see if it's loading the new swf properly or not.
Are the swf being loaded dynamically with data or is it static (b.swf never changes). There are too many things to take into consideration here, but it could be that there's an error that happening and it's not loading b.swf. Do you have Flash Player debug installed?

Flash builder crashes with auto complete

I've been working with Flash Builder for quite a long time, but just lately, developing a relative small project in Flex, when I try to auto complete the code sometimes the whole application crashes (keeps loading forever). It happened when I was writing <Style source="" /> or even when it was auto generating an handler for an event, so I guess it doesn't depend on the classes I use.
Any suggestion?
thank you
This is probably a dead thread, but I'll answer where the eclipse.ini is on Windows Machines:
In your Program Files directory (Program Files (x86) if you're running 64-bit) and then in the following folders:
\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\eclipse\eclipse.ini
Good luck!
On Mac OSX, use this file :
/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/Adobe Flash Builder Flash Builder 4.5.ini
You will also need to recreate your workspace (delete .metadata folder).
You might be interested by this article :
Try the following:
Locate your eclipse.ini file and set the following settings to higher values than you have right now.

clean project in flash builder on debug launch

Using Flash builder 4 to build an AIR app.
I keep having my code changes not take effect when I launch the project with the debugger, probably happens about once an hour. So does anyone know how to have FlashBuilder clean the project automatically before each launch?
I'm having a similar issue with a Flex application. If I make a change to an .as file the change is not taking effect. The component is being instantiated by a parent component in the application so the compiler should be catching any changes I made. In fact, I can put a syntax error in the file and it won't report a problem. I've uninstalled and reinstall Flash Builder 4. I have to do a clean every time. I tried the tip from rakslice's comment of compiling with mxmlc manually and it successfully compiled without any clues as to what the issue with incremental compiling in Flash Builder 4 is. I finally added "-incremental=false" to my project's additional compiler arguments. This takes longer to compile of course, but I find it easier than having to click Project --> Clean every time.
I find that as long as I don't change code and/or recompile while an active debug sessions is on-going; I have no issues with the application not picking up code changes between subsequent runs.
I'm finding that I have a very similar problem. Everytime I launch my Flex app in a browser I have to perform a Clean just to get it to run.
I have noticed that I get a JavaScript error saying 'swfobject' is undefined odd error to be getting.
Not sure if that helps?

Why does Adobe Flex strip ActionScript from Flash embed symbols when compiling?

I wanted an animation to dispatch custom events as it cycled. It became apparent that not even trace() was running. After some searching, I found the following at Adobe:
"If the SWF file contains any ActionScript code, Flex prints a warning during compilation and then strips out the ActionScript from the embed symbol. This means that you can only embed the symbol itself."
I also found a work-around by Grant Skinner at:
So, I can proceed, but I'm still wondering. Why does mxmlc strip ActionScript from Flash compiled resources when embedding their symbols into Flex apps using metatags?
Sorry for the very late response, but since I wrote that code, I can answer. :-)
Basically, there are two answers.
For old SWF assets that contain AS2 bytecode, it was far too much work to try to convert the bytecode to AS3. I'm assuming this isn't theuse case you care about anyway.
For SWF assets linked to AS3 bytecode, the basic problem is that there is no dependency information any more, so when we clone the asset, we have no idea what else we would need to pull. Because Flash can export a SWC, I decided that this was a far more robust workflow for getting assets with code from Flash to Flex. (Take a peek inside a SWC file, and you'll see an XML file that describes the dependencies used by the linker.)
It's probably a performance issue. To load a swf resource without stripping it, load it dynamically using SWFLoader or Loader instead of embedding it.
