I am solving problems from htdp.org. I would like to know in scheme which is a better practice to evaluate long expressions having a common operator like '+' or '*'.
Example :
> (* 1 10 10 2 4) ; Version A
> (* 1 (* 10 (* 10 (* 2 4)))) ; Version B
Should I follow A or B. Also I please consider the above example for algebraic expressions like surface area of cylinder.
The real question should be, do they produce different results? Let's try in our REPL:
>> (* 1 10 10 2 4)
>> (* 1 (* 10 (* 10 (* 2 4))))
Since they're essentially the same (using your example), I'd opt for going with lower ceremony / noise in the code. Use the first one.
A bit of a followup on this. (* a b c ...) is not necessarily equivalent to (* (* a b) ...) when you're talking about timing.
Some implementations may recognize the common operation, but try timing these two definitions of factorial:
(define (f1 n)
(let loop ((up 2)
(down n)
(a 1))
(cond ((> up down) a)
((= up down) (* a up))
(loop (+ 1 up) (- 1 down)
(* a up down))))))
(define (f2 n)
(let loop ((up 2)
(down n)
(a 1))
(cond ((> up down) a)
((= up down) (* a up))
(loop (+ 1 up) (- 1 down)
(* a (* up down)))))))
The second procedure is considerably faster than the first for me.
I am writing the square of sums in racket/scheme recursively. The code sums the numbers right, but it doesn't square it right. I don't know what I am doing wrong. If I pass 10, it should be 3025.
(define (squareOfSums n)
(if (= n 0)
(expt (+ n (squareOfSums (- n 1))) 2)))
You should do the squaring only once, at the end of the recursion. Currently, your code squares at every iteration. One way to solve this problem would be to separate the sum part into a helper procedure, and square the result of calling it. Like this:
(define (squareOfSums n)
(define (sum n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ n (sum (- n 1)))))
(sqr (sum n)))
Also, did you know that there's a formula to add all natural numbers up to n? This is a nicer solution, with no recursion needed:
(define (squareOfSums n)
(sqr (/ (* n (+ n 1)) 2)))
Either way, it works as expected:
(squareOfSums 10)
=> 3025
Here's a version which I think is idiomatic but which I hope no-one who knows any maths would write:
(define (square-of-sums n)
(let loop ([m n] [sum 0])
(if (> m 0)
(loop (- m 1) (+ sum m))
(* sum sum))))
Here's the version someone who knows some maths would write:
(define (square-of-sums n)
(expt (/ (* n (+ n 1)) 2) 2))
I wish people would not ask homework questions with well-known closed-form solutions: it's actively encouraging people to program badly.
If you start out with your function by writing out some examples, it will be easier to visualize how your function will work.
Here are three examples:
(check-expect (SquareOfSums 0) 0)
(check-expect (SquareOfSums 2) (sqr (+ 2 1))) ;9
(check-expect (SquareOfSums 10) (sqr (+ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1))) ;3025
As we can see clearly, there are two operators we are using, which should indicate that we need to use some sort of helper function to help us out.
We can start with out main function squareOfSums:
(define (squareOfSums n)
(sqr (sum n)))
Now, we have to create the helper function.
The amount of times that you use the addition operator depends on the number that you use. Because of this reason, we're going to have to use natural recursion.
The use of natural recursion requires some sort of base case in order for the function to 'end' somewhere. In this case, this is the value 0.
Now that we have identified the base case, we can create our helper function with little issue:
(define (sum n)
(if (= 0 n)
(+ n (sum (sub1 n)))))
I want to write a function in Racket which takes an amount of money and a list of specific bill-values, and then returns a list with the amount of bills used of every type to make the given amount in total. For example (calc 415 (list 100 10 5 2 1)) should return '(4 1 1 0 0).
I tried it this way but this doesn't work :/ I think I haven't fully understood what you can / can't do with set! in Racket, to be honest.
(define (calc n xs)
(cond ((null? xs) (list))
((not (pair? xs))
(define y n)
(begin (set! n (- n (* xs (floor (/ n xs)))))
(list (floor (/ y xs))) ))
(else (append (calc n (car xs))
(calc n (cdr xs))))))
Your procedure does too much and you use mutation which is uneccesary. If you split the problem up.
(define (calc-one-bill n bill)
;; test
(calc-one-bill 450 100) ; ==> 4
(calc-one-bill 450 50) ; ==> 9
Then you can make:
(define (calc-new-n n bill amount)
(calc-new-n 450 100 4) ; ==> 50
(calc-new-n 450 50 9) ; ==> 0
Then you can reduce your original implememntation like this:
(define (calc n bills)
(if (null? bills)
(if (zero? n)
(error "The unit needs to be the last element in the bills list"))
(let* ((bill (car bills))
(amount (calc-one-bill n bill)))
(cons amount
(calc (calc-new-n n bill amount)
(cdr bills))))))
This will always choose the solution with fewest bills, just as your version seems to do. Both versions requires that the last element in the bill passed is the unit 1. For a more complex method, that works with (calc 406 (list 100 10 5 2)) and that potentially can find all combinations of solutions, see Will's answer.
This problem calls for some straightforward recursive non-deterministic programming.
We start with a given amount, and a given list of bill denominations, with unlimited amounts of each bill, apparently (otherwise, it'd be a different problem).
At each point in time, we can either use the biggest bill, or not.
If we use it, the total sum lessens by the bill's value.
If the total is 0, we've got our solution!
If the total is negative, it is invalid, so we should abandon this path.
The code here will follow another answer of mine, which finds out the total amount of solutions (which are more than one, for your example as well). We will just have to mind the solutions themselves as well, whereas the code mentioned above only counted them.
We can code this one as a recursive-backtracking procedure, calling a callback with each successfully found solution from inside the deepest level of recursion (tantamount to the most deeply nested loop in the nested loops structure created with recursion, which is the essence of recursive backtracking):
(define (change sum bills callback)
(let loop ([sum sum] [sol '()] [bills bills]) ; "sol" for "solution"
((zero? sum) (callback sol)) ; process a solution found
((< sum 0) #f)
((null? bills) #f)
(lambda (b . bs) ; the "loop":
;; 1. ; either use the first
(loop (- sum b) (cons b sol) bills) ; denomination,
;; 2. ; or,
(loop sum sol bs)) ; after backtracking, don't!
It is to be called through e.g. one of
;; construct `the-callback` for `solve` and call
;; (solve ...params the-callback)
;; where `the-callback` is an exit continuation
(define (first-solution solve . params)
(call/cc (lambda (return)
(apply solve (append params ; use `return` as
(list return)))))) ; the callback
(define (n-solutions n solve . params) ; n assumed an integer
(let ([res '()]) ; n <= 0 gets ALL solutions
(call/cc (lambda (break)
(apply solve (append params
(list (lambda (sol)
(set! res (cons sol res))
(set! n (- n 1))
(cond ((zero? n) (break)))))))))
(reverse res)))
> (first-solution change 406 (list 100 10 5 2))
'(2 2 2 100 100 100 100)
> (n-solutions 7 change 415 (list 100 10 5 2 1))
'((5 10 100 100 100 100)
(1 2 2 10 100 100 100 100)
(1 1 1 2 10 100 100 100 100)
(1 1 1 1 1 10 100 100 100 100)
(5 5 5 100 100 100 100)
(1 2 2 5 5 100 100 100 100)
(1 1 1 2 5 5 100 100 100 100))
Regarding how this code is structured, cf. How to generate all the permutations of elements in a list one at a time in Lisp? It creates nested loops with the solution being accessible in the innermost loop's body.
Regarding how to code up a non-deterministic algorithm (making all possible choices at once) in a proper functional way, see How to do a powerset in DrRacket? and How to find partitions of a list in Scheme.
I solved it this way now :)
(define (calc n xs)
(define (calcAssist n xs usedBills)
(cond ((null? xs) usedBills)
((pair? xs)
(calcAssist (- n (* (car xs) (floor (/ n (car xs)))))
(cdr xs)
(append usedBills
(list (floor (/ n (car xs)))))))
(if ((= (- n (* xs (floor (/ n xs)))) 0))
(append usedBills (list (floor (/ n xs))))
(display "No solution")))))
(calcAssist n xs (list)))
> (calc 415 (list 100 10 5 2 1))
'(4 1 1 0 0)
I think this is the first program I wrote when learning FORTRAN! Here is a version which makes no bones about using everything Racket has to offer (or, at least, everything I know about). As such it's probably a terrible homework solution, and it's certainly prettier than the FORTRAN I wrote in 1984.
Note that this version doesn't search, so it will get remainders even when it does not need to. It never gets a remainder if the lowest denomination is 1, of course.
(define/contract (denominations-of amount denominations)
;; split amount into units of denominations, returning the split
;; in descending order of denomination, and any remainder (if there is
;; no 1 denomination there will generally be a remainder).
(-> natural-number/c (listof (integer-in 1 #f))
(values (listof natural-number/c) natural-number/c))
(let handle-one-denomination ([current amount]
[remaining-denominations (sort denominations >)]
[so-far '()])
;; handle a single denomination: current is the balance,
;; remaining-denominations is the denominations left (descending order)
;; so-far is the list of amounts of each denomination we've accumulated
;; so far, which is in ascending order of denomination
(if (null? remaining-denominations)
;; we are done: return the reversed accumulator and anything left over
(values (reverse so-far) current)
(match-let ([(cons first-denomination rest-of-the-denominations)
(if (> first-denomination current)
;; if the first denomination is more than the balance, just
;; accumulate a 0 for it and loop on the rest
(handle-one-denomination current rest-of-the-denominations
(cons 0 so-far))
;; otherwise work out how much of it we need and how much is left
(let-values ([(q r)
(quotient/remainder current first-denomination)])
;; and loop on the remainder accumulating the number of bills
;; we needed
(handle-one-denomination r rest-of-the-denominations
(cons q so-far))))))))
I have an assignment in which i need to explain the impact on the memory using two types of delayed computation. The code solves the hanoi problem.
Type 1:
(define count-4 (lambda (n) (count-4-helper n (lambda (x) x)))
(define count-4-helper (lambda (n cont)
(if (= n 1)
(cont 1)
(count-4-helper (- n 1) (lambda(res) (cont (+ 1 (* 2 res))))))))
Type 2:
(define count-5 (lambda (n) (count-5-helper n (lambda () 1)))
(define count-5-helper (lambda (n cont)
(if (= n 1)
(count-5-helper (- n 1) (lambda() (+ 1 (* 2 (cont))))))))
The first case is the classic syntax of delayed computation. The second case is the same only it doesn't get any arguments and just returns the initial value.
The question is which one of those function is tail-recursive?(i think both them are). And how different is their memory consumption? The second should be more effective but i can't really explain.
Thanks for your time.
The answer is in these two lambdas:
(lambda (res) (cont (+ 1 (* 2 res))))
(lambda () (+ 1 (* 2 (cont))))
In one of them but not the other, cont is called in tail position with respect to the lambda.
I'm a newbie in LISP. I'm trying to write a function in CLISP to generate the first n numbers of Fibonacci series.
This is what I've done so far.
(defun fibonacci(n)
((eq n 1) 0)
((eq n 2) 1)
((+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2))))))))
The program prints the nth number of Fibonacci series. I'm trying to modify it so that it would print the series, and not just the nth term.
Is it possible to do so in just a single recursive function, using just the basic functions?
(defun fibonacci (n &optional (a 0) (b 1) (acc ()))
(if (zerop n)
(nreverse acc)
(fibonacci (1- n) b (+ a b) (cons a acc))))
(fibonacci 5) ; ==> (0 1 1 2 3)
The logic behind it is that you need to know the two previous numbers to generate the next.
a 0 1 1 2 3 5 ...
b 1 1 2 3 5 8 ...
new-b 1 2 3 5 8 13 ...
Instead of returning just one result I accumulate all the a-s until n is zero.
EDIT Without reverse it's a bit more inefficient:
(defun fibonacci (n &optional (a 0) (b 1))
(if (zerop n)
(cons a (fibonacci (1- n) b (+ a b)))))
(fibonacci 5) ; ==> (0 1 1 2 3)
The program prints the nth number of Fibonacci series.
This program doesn't print anything. If you're seeing output, it's probably because you're calling it from the read-eval-print-loop (REPL), which reads a form, evaluates it, and then prints the result. E.g., you might be doing:
CL-USER> (fibonacci 4)
If you wrapped that call in something else, though, you'll see that it's not printing anything:
CL-USER> (progn (fibonacci 4) nil)
As you've got this written, it will be difficult to modify it to print each fibonacci number just once, since you do a lot of redundant computation. For instance, the call to
(fibonacci (- n 1))
will compute (fibonacci (- n 1)), but so will the direct call to
(fibonacci (- n 2))
That means you probably don't want each call to fibonacci to print the whole sequence. If you do, though, note that (print x) returns the value of x, so you can simply do:
(defun fibonacci(n)
((eq n 1) 0)
((eq n 2) 1)
((print (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))))))
CL-USER> (progn (fibonacci 6) nil)
You'll see some repeated parts there, since there's redundant computation. You can compute the series much more efficiently, however, by starting from the first two numbers, and counting up:
(defun fibonacci (n)
(do ((a 1 b)
(b 1 (print (+ a b)))
(n n (1- n)))
((zerop n) b)))
CL-USER> (fibonacci 6)
An option to keep the basic structure you used is to pass an additional flag to the function that tells if you want printing or not:
(defun fibo (n printseq)
((= n 1) (if printseq (print 0) 0))
((= n 2) (if printseq (print 1) 1))
(let ((a (fibo (- n 1) printseq))
(b (fibo (- n 2) NIL)))
(if printseq (print (+ a b)) (+ a b))))))
The idea is that when you do the two recursive calls only in the first you pass down the flag about doing the printing and in the second call instead you just pass NIL to avoid printing again.
(defun fib (n a b)
(print (write-to-string n))
(print b)
(if (< n 100000)
(funcall (lambda (n a b) (fib n a b)) (+ n 1) b (+ a b)))
(defun fibstart ()
(fib 1 0 1)
My solution to exercise 1.11 of SICP is:
(define (f n)
(if (< n 3)
(+ (f (- n 1)) (* 2 (f (- n 2))) (* 3 (f (- n 3))))
As expected, a evaluation such as (f 100) takes a long time. I was wondering if there was a way to improve this code (without foregoing the recursion), and/or take advantage of multi-core box. I am using 'mit-scheme'.
The exercise tells you to write two functions, one that computes f "by means of a recursive process", and another that computes f "by means of an iterative process". You did the recursive one. Since this function is very similar to the fib function given in the examples of the section you linked to, you should be able to figure this out by looking at the recursive and iterative examples of the fib function:
; Recursive
(define (fib n)
(cond ((= n 0) 0)
((= n 1) 1)
(else (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2))))))
; Iterative
(define (fib n)
(fib-iter 1 0 n))
(define (fib-iter a b count)
(if (= count 0)
(fib-iter (+ a b) a (- count 1))))
In this case you would define an f-iter function which would take a, b, and c arguments as well as a count argument.
Here is the f-iter function. Notice the similarity to fib-iter:
(define (f-iter a b c count)
(if (= count 0)
(f-iter (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c)) a b (- count 1))))
And through a little trial and error, I found that a, b, and c should be initialized to 2, 1, and 0 respectively, which also follows the pattern of the fib function initializing a and b to 1 and 0. So f looks like this:
(define (f n)
(f-iter 2 1 0 n))
Note: f-iter is still a recursive function but because of the way Scheme works, it runs as an iterative process and runs in O(n) time and O(1) space, unlike your code which is not only a recursive function but a recursive process. I believe this is what the author of Exercise 1.1 was looking for.
I'm not sure how best to code it in Scheme, but a common technique to improve speed on something like this would be to use memoization. In a nutshell, the idea is to cache the result of f(p) (possibly for every p seen, or possibly the last n values) so that next time you call f(p), the saved result is returned, rather than being recalculated. In general, the cache would be a map from a tuple (representing the input arguments) to the return type.
Well, if you ask me, think like a mathematician. I can't read scheme, but if you're coding a Fibonacci function, instead of defining it recursively, solve the recurrence and define it with a closed form. For the Fibonacci sequence, the closed form can be found here for example. That'll be MUCH faster.
edit: oops, didn't see that you said forgoing getting rid of the recursion. In that case, your options are much more limited.
See this article for a good tutorial on developing a fast Fibonacci function with functional programming. It uses Common LISP, which is slightly different from Scheme in some aspects, but you should be able to get by with it. Your implementation is equivalent to the bogo-fig function near the top of the file.
To put it another way:
To get tail recursion, the recursive call has to be the very last thing the procedure does.
Your recursive calls are embedded within the * and + expressions, so they are not tail calls (since the * and + are evaluated after the recursive call.)
Jeremy Ruten's version of f-iter is tail-recursive rather than iterative (i.e. it looks like a recursive procedure but is as efficient as the iterative equivalent.)
However you can make the iteration explicit:
(define (f n)
(let iter
((a 2) (b 1) (c 0) (count n))
(if (<= count 0)
(iter (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c)) a b (- count 1)))))
(define (f n)
((a 2 (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c)))
(b 1 a)
(c 0 b)
(count n (- count 1)))
((<= count 0) c)))
That particular exercise can be solved by using tail recursion - instead of waiting for each recursive call to return (as is the case in the straightforward solution you present), you can accumulate the answer in a parameter, in such a way that the recursion behaves exactly the same as an iteration in terms of the space it consumes. For instance:
(define (f n)
(define (iter a b c count)
(if (zero? count)
(iter (+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c))
(- count 1))))
(if (< n 3)
(iter 2 1 0 n)))