Does anyone know what the registry settings should look like in order to get a 64 bit custom adapter to show up in the BizTalk admin console? I have created a 32 bit adapter, but would like to port it to 64 bit, but there's no information on creating custom 64 bit adapters.
Not really the answer but I was running out of room in the comment section.
The BizTalk Scheduled Task adapter 3.0 supports 64 bit. You might be able to figure it out by looking at the project.
The 3.0 version seems to use the same .reg file. I wonder if the keys are the same but the 64 but version of regedit is used.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Biztalk ScheduledTask Adapter"
"InboundAssemblyPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Biztalk ScheduledTask Adapter\\ScheduledTaskAdapter.dll"
"AdapterMgmtAssemblyPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Biztalk ScheduledTask Adapter\\ScheduledTaskAdapterManagement.dll"
"ReceiveLocationPropertiesXML"="<CustomProps><AdapterConfig vt=\"8\"/></CustomProps>"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{A35C0D84-DAE6-4de0-BDCC-3A20426AF41D}\Implemented Categories]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{A35C0D84-DAE6-4de0-BDCC-3A20426AF41D}\Implemented Categories\{7F46FC3E-3C2C-405B-A47F-8D17942BA8F9}]
I have installed the Greenbone Community Edition (GCE) ISO mentioned at installation in a virtual box in a Mint Linux with a bridged Adapter over WIFI in a home network. The IP that the virtual box got was
Via advanced task wizard I started a new scan and after some sec it gave me the results:
Actually it didn't give any results.
What am I doing wrong? Should I do something further?
The most common reason for this is that the target is not answering to an ICMP Echo Request which is the default method for deciding if a target is alive.
Please check the "Alive Test" setting of your Target definition (found via Configuration -> Targets) and try some of the other available methods like "TCP Service Ping" or even "Consider Alive".
One additional issue might originate from the initial sync of the NVT feed which could take up to one our or more. Without a fully synced feed (check the availability of the NVTs via SecInfo->NVTs) you also won't get any results.
I have an asp page which brings data from DB through ODBC connection, but it's failing. The stored proc is defined in the asp page which brings the data, SP seems to be fine but data is not coming.
Post the error, blur your passwords (hope that box isn't exposed.)
Your error is likely a missing ODBC driver. Check whether your sites AppPool is running 32 bit or 64 bit, then check the respective ODBC Manager to see if the driver you are using exists on the machine. If not go download one for whatever database server you are using and install it.
If you have windows 8+ or 2012 Server + on the server, just use the start screen search to find the ODBC managers, can't remember their run commands, and their difficult to find in the UI, I don't even remember where they are.
This commonly happens when people switch their app pool from 32 bit to 64 bit in a server upgrade, or just to run 64 bit. There are two versions of ODBC drivers, one 32 and one 64 bit. If you don't have the 64 bit ODBC driver and switch the app pool to 64 bit, your DB access will time out or fail. ASP commonly has "On Error Resume Next" all over the place, so might be eating the error and showing something generic instead.
I have sorted out this issue.Commented out the ODBC section and created a new SQL connection string directly in the asp page-
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open strConn
Right Now I'm using Asterisk 11 on centos 6 operating system and using asterisk-java-1.0.0.m3.jar to establish communication between my java application and Asterisk 11.
I'm able to connect my java program with Asterisk
Issues I'm facing are
1.always at console message coming "Unsupported Version Asterisk Use at your own risk"
2.Unable to set property 'state interface' to 'SIP/0010' on org.asteriskjava.manager.event.QueueMemberStatusEvent:no setter found.Please report at
My questions are:
1.Is there is asterisk-java-1.0.0.m3.jar source available anywhere so that i can edit source code and use it
2.I'm able to establish basic sip call,but getting issue as while making other type of calls which use other entities of same station like 0110 & 0210, which saved in extensions.conf & which work fine in Asterisk1.6 but not in Asterisk11.
As per my observation in Asterisk i added AppKonference module which is 3rd party module. & In java Program i write commands for that to establish channels using those entities.
But for communicate AppKonference in Asterisk API helps when Asterisk1.6 but not in 11.
Please suggest what I need to do is there is other asterisk and asterisk jar compatibility issue,if yes then what i need to do.
Please help
Sure, source can be found at
Also you can change agi compatability in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
I need to communicate with a bar code scanner connected over a serial port in Microsoft Access. In older versions of Access I was able to use a wrapper around MSCOMM32.ocx that no longer seems to work. I can't use wedge communication because I need to use ACK/NACK which is only supported through the RS232 interface and I need to send messages to the scanner, which is also only supported through the RS232 interface.
Are there any controls in widespread use that support serial communication in Access 2007?
EDIT: In case anyone comes across this, the newest version of MSCOMM32.ocx (I believe dated 3/09) still works fine as of this writing. It is older versions of MSCOMM32.ocx that do not work.
I can't vouch for the answer, but I can say that Tony Toews is a reliable person, and on this topic, he posted on his blog last year:
An older version of MSCOMM32.OCX has had the "kill bit" flag set.
As Tony says, it's almost always better to rely on Windows APIs than it is to build your app with connections to an ActiveX control. Windows APIs don't really have the versioning problems that ActiveX controls and OCX's do.
I am presently running several websites and a mail server from my home network. I have a business DSL account with 8 public IP addresses (1 by itself, and 7 in a block). To handle routing/firewall/gateway, I am presently using RRAS, DNS, & DHCP from Windows 2003 running on a ancient (circa 2001) PC -- which I suspect is going to fail any time now.
What I would like to do is replace that with a simple router. Have a consumer model LinkSys Wifi-router, which I'm presently just using as an access point (don't have the model number handy, but it's one of their standard models). It seems to be able to handle all the NAT/firewall/DHCP tasks -- except for handling routing the multiple public addresses. (e.g., I need x.x.x.123, port 21 getting to one machine, but port 80 of x.x.x.123 & x.x.x.124 to going to another, and x.x.x.123, port 5000 to still another etc).
So my questions are:
Can this be done with standard Linksys router, which they just don't explain in the consumer manual?
Can this be done ... if I replace the firmware with a community/OS version (and if so, which one?)
If neither of the above, can someone recommend a profession router (preferably with wifi) that does do this, which is close to a consumer level price point.
Alternately, is there a reliable OS/3rd party replacement to RRAS which handles this (since RRAS is the part causing the most trouble)
Alternate-Alternately, can someone point to a VERY simple HOWTO to doing this (ie. follow these steps and forget about it), to installing a LINUX system to do this) (since I assume I can run Linux longer on the old machine)?
This can't be done on a Linksys router with stock firmware. It can be done if you load a third-party firmware, but there's no GUI (afaik) to accomplish it, so you'll be hacking system shell scripts which is pretty hairy. I would recommend getting a low-power or older PC and installing PFSense.
PFSense is an open-source router appliance OS distribution with a very easy to use web front end.
Install DD-wrt On your linksys box. I believe this will have everything you need link text