css: Unexpected margin / padding in Firefox 4 css - css

I've recently started to setup a website and ran into a problem in firefox 4.
My main navigation bar has an unexpected margin from the top of the page.
- Only in Firefox 4.
Chrome, IE8, IE9, IE7, Safari work fine. Only FF4 seems to bug around.
How can I solve this elegantly without cluttering my css with ff hacks?
Thanks for your adive:
URL for live demo: http://www.creativeworkx.at

The 2em margin from the #main-wrap div are causing it.
Adding margin-top: -2em to your #doc div fixes.

This css is the badguy:
#main-wrap {
margin: 2em auto auto;

I've worked out a simple test for your case:
<div style="float:left;">test</div><div style="margin-top: 50px;"></div>
Note: Setting margin-bottom instead of margin-top acts similar but can be solved by adding contents into the second DIV
It shows that it's a kind of complicated float problem which cause an unexpected rendering.
This unexpected rendering even appears in browser besides Firefox, like Chrome.
However, I've recently find a quick, but not formal solution, to solve your interesting problem unpredictably.
Just add a text, no matter empty string or after the menu, the first DIV or before the DIVs which have margin.
You can wrap the text by an element with a property of zero height and block display.
<div style="height:0"> </div>
The problem will look like solved by this trick. :-)
Enjoy the fun of writing CSS. :-)


DIV is centered fine in Chrome/Firefox but not Safari

I'm using Twitter Bootstrap and have built the page and everything looks correct in Chrome. But the bottom div which the code is provided above, when viewed in Safari is not center aligned.
Ok, I think ive narrowed it down to the width css property with is different from Chrome to Safari for some reason?
Ive wrapped the whole thing in a div called paraWrapper.
The above code will display fine in Chrome but be out of place on Safari..
If I change the width however to something like 720px then it'll look fine in Safari but be out of place in Chrome..
So I guess my question at this point is. Does anyone know why this difference would be?
I guess I can get around this by using CSS hacks but if I can fix my code for a more permanent fix that that would be great!
when you are using rows, you should use this:
<div class="row">
<div class="span4">...</div>
<div class="span8">...</div>
remember to use a div with class row, and in there divs with spanX classes, where this Xs of all spans sums 12
and don't use the center attribute. Bootstrap makes that for you. Look at the code from this examples
If you having a compatibly issue, be sure to specify your margin and padding of your div's, even if it's 0.
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

CSS text overflow bug? in Google Chrome

I am creating my first site from scratch using PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, and some script languages. It is a dating site. Sorry for my bad english, but it's not my native language.
I have found a solution to every other problem/issue I have faced. But as I started testing cross-browser compatibility, a weird bug happened in Chrome.
The website is here http://www.writech.net.ee/testsite
The site's idea is that everyone who wants to date someone fills a form with his/her contact data and description and submits it. Every advert shows up as a floating div. These divs are floated left. The divs have fixed height, so if anyone writes a longer description and it doesnt fit to the div a scrollbar appears. The divs which should hold the description text are outlined with 1px red border.
The advert divs are OK in IE9 and Firefox 11 but in Chrome the div with too much text to fit the div which should be applied the "overflow: auto" to show vertical scrollbar for some reason renders to elevated position compared to other divs. At first I thought the problem is related to appearing scrollbar, tried "overflow:hidden" - overflow:hidden hides the excessive text but the div still appears elevated compared to other divs. So the problem is related to how much text the div contains.
As I have no previous cross-browser adaption experience I don't know where to look and what to do. Does anyone have thoughts on which CSS hacks to try?
Have to say I think it's a bit weird that this happens, but if you set the vertical-align property of your .boxes to top it works: .box {vertical-align: top}.
I had a similar problem once before, and float:left worked for it. You can use the same solution, but you'll have to change how the div containing the boxes is centered. I managed to get it to look right in Chrome on a Macbook with the following (you can move the styling to you CSS file, of course):
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 1080px;">
<div class="box" display="float:left">
<div class="box" display="float:left">
You could try applying block display(it's inline-block atm) on the .box class and also throw a float:left on it. (line 324)

Margin left/right behaving differently on Chrome & Firefox

I have a div (Facebook comments plugin, for what it's worth) styled with only the following CSS.
On Chrome, this puts the <div> in the center of the screen. However, on Firefox, it remains at the left. Why might this be?
As suggested by YoannM, I defined a width for this element and it solved the problem. Thanks!

IE Width Rendering issues

I've designed a fixed-width page which renders equally in Chromium, Firefox, Safari, but has a small issue in (from what I can tell) ALL flavours of IE. I've added some conditional styles for IE, which make things a bit better, but it's still off (by only a couple of pixels).
The site in question is here: http://www.brushesfacepainting.co.uk/brushes/home
IE and Chromium rendering side by side is shown here: http://www.brushesfacepainting.co.uk/images/renderissue.jpg
I added conditional styles for IE to fix the width of all the elements, prior to this, the banner style was much narrower than the body.
I assume I'm hitting up against an IE bug, but I can't figure out which one! Can anyone help please?
Your mainbodyie rule has a width that is different than the width in your standard css. (851px vs 848px). Fix that to match your other wrappers.
Also your page is not centered in IE - I suggest you wrap whole page in a fixed width wrapper with margin:0 auto to center whole page - so you don't keep repeating the width multiple times in your css for each layout element.
width: 848px;
padding-right: 0;
Use a div structure for enclosing all content like header,middle,footer inside it.Add following code for this div:
margin: 0 auto;

IE7 CSS bug aligning <img> with text in a <ul>

I've been banging my ahead on this IE7 bug for the last few days and it's time to resort to the mind of the crowd.
I have the following HTML and CSS: http://beerpla.net/for_www/ie7_test/test.html
The goal is to have a <ul>, with each <li> containing a small icon and some text. Multiline text would be aligned to itself and not wrap under the image.
I've tried using float:left on the image and a bunch of other things, and finally I thought the position:absolute would work for sure but in IE7 I consistently see the text pop off to the next line and get misaligned with the image:
This is what I expect it to look like:
I even tried to make the div display:inline which kind of worked but then started wrapping under the image for long lines, so it was no good. zoom:1 also produced a similar effect.
I'm at a loss at the moment. This code works fine in all other browsers. IE7 is a special, very special child.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Edit: If you have IE8, you can emulate IE7 by pressing F12 and then Alt-7.
instead of putting the image as an element, try using background property. like so
ul li { background url(path to image) 0 0 no-repeat; padding: 0 0 0 20px; }
note: you might have to adjust the padding to suit the distance you want to maintain between the image and text.
Try using padding on the li instead of margin on the div. If display:inline worked, it's probably IE choking on working out the div's box model in some arcane way: padding on the li and maybe display:inline on the div may iron it out.
Moving the <img> tag into the <div> fixes the issue. Still unknown to me why IE7 does what it does.
Go back to floating your image left, and then add overflow: hidden; to the div. The text will no longer wrap below the image, and there are no side-effects unless you are trying to position content from inside the div out (don't see that here). Completely compatible cross-browser. With IE6 you simply need to add hasLayout by any means to get the same effect.
