Port Qt to On-Time RTOS-32 - qt

I would like to know if there is some port of QT for On-Time RTOS-32.
Is there any place where I can found more information about this kind of port?
Thanks in advance.

Could you not simply use On-Time's own RTPEG-32 GUI library?
There is a slide presentation on porting Qt to an RTOS here, but is a bit general perhaps. You would need at least a pthread implementation for RTOS-32 since that is what the Qt source uses.


Can QT and FreeRTOS work together on MCU?

I may ask a stupid question. I want to use FreeRTOS as the OS on my NXP MCU MIMXRT1062XXXXB. The MCU connects to a display. I want to use QT to development user interface application. I want to know if it is possible to run QT application base on FreeRTOS on MCU?
Yes it is possible - lots of people do it. My first Google search for this hit this page on the QT website: https://doc.qt.io/QtForMCUs-2.1/qtul-using-with-freertos.html

Qt Bluetooth AVRCP Implementation

I'm working on Qt project and I successfully implemented Bluetooth connection using "HandsfreeAudioGateway" so I can stream audio.
As a next step I would like to implement AVRCP to control the audio player over Bluetooth.
Looks like Qt doesn't support AVRCP yet. On the other hand BlueZ has mediaAPI which I don't know how to use it in Qt.
If you can show me a way or an example to figure it out, would be appreciated.
You could take a look at bluez-qt which is a Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API.
BluezQt::MediaPlayer represents a media player interface and might be a way forward for you.

SQLite+ Embedded linux + Pygtk or QT/c++

I'm trying to build an application in my ARM9 (Freindly ARM) board that will get data via serial port and update the database.
Now I need to port SQLite in my embedded linux and write an application to store my values.
How to port SQLite to Embedded linux
Pygtk or Qt? Which is easy for a newbie ?
P.S: I know I'm asking a lot of questions in a single post, but I just thought giving the complete picture will help to give a better suggestion. If not personalized opinions, I'll be grateful if you guys can give me pointers to good links/tutorials. :) Thanks.
You don't need to port sqlite to the your Freindly ARM ARMv9 board.(as Mat has already mentioned)
I am going to assume that you have a mini2440 or
a micro2440.
Either way it is a Samsung S3C2440 chip.
sqlite works on this board as per the following thread.
Sumeet's post has cross compliation instructions.
Qt cross compliation works as per the following thread
So does Python and Gtk.
You have 2 options when it comes to cross-compliation,
Cross compile yourself
Use a tool like buildroot or openembedded's bitbake
For further resources on cross-compliation and building packages for this board
see the following resources.
mini2440 Google Code Project, specifically see the wiki and download sections
FriendlyArm Forum
FriendlyArm Downloads
linuxmce mini2440 wiki page
HOWTO-Getting-Started-With-OpenEmbedded for mini2440
Further HOWTOs
PyGTK and PyQt are both relatively easy to learn in comparison to learning and debugging cross compilation on embedded architectures. If by Qt you didn't mean PyQt but instead meant C++ and Qt, then it not only becomes a choice of GUI toolkit, but also of language. I don't know your familiarity with Python or with C++, so I don't know which would be easier for you.
Which one you want to use is up to you.
Resources for both are linked to below
PyQt4 Tutorial
PyGTK Tutorial

Qt oscilloscope example

I was told there is a qt oscilloscope example available online, not sure if it's by Qt QDevelop or someone else. Can someone give me a link to this project? I need this to test something I am working on in Qt. I need to generate some data, specifically a sine wave to do some testing with an application I am developing.
http://www.oscilloscope-lib.com/oscilloscope_DLL.zip but it's not based on Qt, though.
Sounds like a Qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications

Qt Client - LabVIEW server

I am trying to connect a Qt client to a LabVIEW server (acquiring analog signals). Can this be done with data sockets ?
Datasockets is an NI technology. It would depend if you can find a Datasocket library that you can call from Qt. I am not well-versed in Qt, but if it possible to call a C++ dll, then this is definitely available with Measurement Studio.
An simpler solution may be just to use TCP/IP which both LabVIEW(for sure) and Qt (presumably) support.
If you need further help, post more details about your app here, or on NI's forums.
