Drupal Views Argument block Theming - drupal

I created a View Argument and saved it as a block. I wanted to theme the Row style output and hence created a "views-view-fields--product-content-box2--block-1.tpl.php" and input my div tags with my class names and then included print commands to print the node body and node title. I did this based on the useful video # http://mustardseedmedia.com/podcast/episode23
My problem is that when the page containing the above view block is shown, the newly created "views-view-fields--product-content-box2--block-1.tpl.php" isnt being used. Instead the standard block.tpl.php is used.
I have emptied the cache to no avail.
Any ideas on how to get this working will be much appreciated.

The block.tpl.php file is used to theme the block as a whole, not the content within it.
To theme each row with a single tpl file, make sure your theme has a node.tpl.php file, set the view's row style to "node", and name your tpl node-view-product_content_box2.tpl.php.


How do I display either body or file from content

I am a new in Drupal. I want your help for doing this please help
I have created one Content type with fields( Title, Body, File) and also added content through this content type. But Some of the content didn't have file filed and some of the content having the only file. In the view, I want to show both either body or file. if suppose file field is empty then it should display the body of the same content.
You could do this by creating a custom node template for particular content type. So if you have a content type 'news', for example, the you can create a node template for this content type and customized the front-end display of the content. See below how it would work.
As per the Drupal theme suggestions, create a node template, named, node--news.tpl.php (copying the existing node.tpl.php file) in your custom (active) theme directory under the templates folder. On this template, you will be able to access the $node object variable, containing complete node information including fields and data.
Suppose your fields are field_image and body then replace your template's code print render($content); with the following lines:
print render($content['body']);
} else {
print render($content['field_image']);
For more details: https://www.drupal.org/node/1323842
Hope this help!

Placing block inside a node (positioning block between specific elements in node's content)

Basically I created a webform and enabled it as a block, now I want to put that block inside a specific node. I can do that by placing it in a 'content' region and defining the specific node BUT it displays at the end of the content. Now how can I move it between specific elements inside the content?
The node is using a page-type....tpl.php which is used by 5 other nodes as well so I cannot change the code.
To visualize it looks like:
[ content ]
-description text-
-list of videos-
[ end of content ]
and I need to put my webform between the text and the video list. Is there a way?
There are many roads you could take, but since you said you're considering the template file: Why not use a node-specific template, since page is a node type?
Say you're on node/123, then you could use a template named node--123.tpl.php
(see Drupal 7 Template (Theme Hook) Suggestions) and embed your block right there.
Alternatively, you could provide a reusable token in a custom module via hook_token_info and combine it with the commonly used token_filter module. But that might be over the top, if it's just one node you need to touch.
For Drupal 7 a bit of a hacky way to display the contents of a block in content would be to enable the PHP Filter module. Then edit your node and switch to the PHP code Text format and add this code
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', '1');
print render($block['content']);
where '1' is the block id found in the URL when you edit the block and be sure to include the PHP tags.
Also see this page https://www.drupal.org/node/26502 for more information on placing blocks.
You can use the EVA module to add the webforms in the node as a field.
You basically create a view and choose the "eva field" option then you make sure that this view selects only the webforms you want to have and relates it to the node (the EVA module documentation has much better examples than I can provide).
After you have added it as a field you can place it anywhere in the node.
There is also the Block reference module that could help you.

wordpress. error creating content for custom templates with twentytwelve theme

i'm using the twentytwelve theme and i have to write custom content into my example template.
I want to maintain my header content so the main structure is the following
header = id page, wrapper
ex.page = primary, content
footer = close wrapper, close id page
If i have understood correctly, if i want to insert content into the middle of my page i have to do it into my template page (that is a copy of the main page.php), that is in the middle between my header and my footer
For example i want to insert a div into which insert the loop of such category.
The problem is that it displays me nothing, like i've wrote nothing. I can only see the contents if i erase all the originary div, but it's not what i want to do, just because the only div is the page which is my container.
I can't catch what i have to do.
Can you tell me what i forgot to do?
page.php is a "master" document. header.php, footer.php and (if it exists) sidebar.php are all imported into page.php. Twenty Twelve also uses atomized content templates. You may need to add your div to content-page.php, which is also imported into page.php. content-page.php is used inside the wordpress loop, and encapsulates the code that pulls in the actual article elements from the wordpress database.
If you are trying to add straight HTML to the templates, ensure that you are not adding code between the php brackets:
<?php // don't add html here ?>
<div>do add html here</div>
Depending upon the type of wordpress page you are trying to display, you may need to consult the Wordpress Template hierarchy to determine the proper Wordpress naming convention for your template file (the copy of page.php).
Technically speaking, everything in content-page.php can be put into page.php replacing the get_template_part function. All the 'content' pages are totally not required and can be combined into one file if you want simplicity.
In my opinion, it's easier to start from scratch when learning Wordpress rather than try and re-work something. The default wordpress themes don't lend themselves to be beginner friendly.

How can i edit the default drupal node view page

I am trying to edit the default page view of a node in Drupal and i found the file called node.tpl.php but even if i change it, the node page on the site isn't updated...
So how can i update the node view page so i can added some text, images etc.. ?
I guess that node_show function () { } is the one that displays the node but the code there doesn't give me enough detail on where the HTML is created so i can it
You need to copy the file to your theme's templates folder and clear the cache out before you can use this file. The original file should be at root/modules/node/
You can also set a template up for a specific content type by copying the default node.tpl.php file and renaming it to node--CONTENT_TYPE_MACHINE_NAME.tpl.php

Add HTML to node title in Drupal module, not in theme layer

I want to add some functionality to my Drupal 6 module: I want to insert an image next to certain node titles (it involves a span and an img tag). I thought I could do this by just implementing mymodule_preprocess_node() and modifying the title. However, Drupal strips out all tags to avoid XSS attacks.
I've seen many solutions that involve the theme layer (most commonly http://drupal.org/node/28537), but I want to do this in my module, not in the theme. I don't want to modify any .tpl.php files or template.php. Can anyone give me tips on how to do this?
You mention that you've tried preprocess_node(), and are correct that, if you are storing the img tag as part of the node title, Drupal will indeed strip that out, as it runs $node->title through check_plain in template_preprocess_node().
My suggestion would be to store the actual image as an image field (using some combination of the imagefield module and imagecache for sizing), set the display of that field to be hidden on the CCK display tab for the given content type, and then attach the image to be part of the $title variable in your module's preprocess function. This solution would also allow you to display that image next to the title in any views you may need to create.
By 'certain node titles' - do you mean all nodes titles from certain node types?
If so, you can likely style the node using only CSS. By default all nodes will have a class that corresponds to the node type. Using CSS background images, you can add an image to the node title.
Your module can call drupal_add_css and add in any required CSS into the page. This way, it is theme independent.
I think the easier way is with javascript / Jquery.
You create a Jquery script which is called only in certain types of nodes and pass the number of views from drupal to the jscript.
You can call drupal_add_js() inside your module_preprocess_node and pass a variable which contains the number of views or the image link to the script. Something like this:
drupal_add_js("var mymodule_imagelink = " . drupal_to_js($imagelink) . ";", 'inline');
then in my_js_file.js just change the text. There are several ways to acomplish this. For instance, you can do a search in the document and change the title to something else or you can use a determined ID, etc...
Find text string using jQuery?
