Quickie ERD maker - erd

I've been using Visio to make ERD's, but I have a boatload of resource-hogging things running right now and wondered if there weren't something very light I could use instead..

I have created a python3 package that does database inspection. It includes a tool, that creates ER diagrams from the database schema. You can check it here: http://code.google.com/p/fathom/ and it also documents how to generate a diagram: http://code.google.com/p/fathom/wiki/Manual#fathom2graphviz

Depending on your Database, it may have one built in. If you're on a Microsoft stack, SQL server has an ERD tool built in.
Also check out This Post


Will using dblinq to SQLite in a Windows Store app pass store validation?

I've been trying to figure out how to get a decent LINQ to something working for ORM database access in a Windows Store app.
All I've found is SQLite and the sqlite-net NuGet package. The latter sucks a bit, as I don't get any .dbml like structure which resolves relationships and provides navigation properties for easy querying (no manual joins needed then).
I was wondering:
Does dblinq in comnbination with SQLite offer this?
Will using this pass Windows Store validation?
Thank you !
Update: Some links I used in my research:
The famous Tim Heuer post on SQLite and Windows 8: http://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2012/08/07/updated-how-to-using-sqlite-from-windows-store-apps.aspx
DBlinq: http://code.google.com/p/dblinq2007/
sqlite-net: http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-net/
Interesting discussion stating ADO.NET is not possible: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winappswithcsharp/thread/e9cdd75d-03e4-4577-988e-4c02a52e3f50
I'm not familiar with dblinq but by looking at the sqlite tests in the project, it seems the library is offering what you're looking for, i.e. navigation properties for relationships between different tables.
Since dblinq is a .NET library, using it shouldn't make the store validation fail. There is another problem though: you can't use such a .NET library in a Windows Store application, only Windows Store class libraries and portable class libraries are allowed. Since the source for the library is available, you can try compiling it as a Windows Store class library, but I'm afraid there are going to be some classes missing that dblinq is depending on which might make it difficult to port.

Visio stencils for system architecture

I know there are questions related to mine, but they do not solve my problem and I cannot find anything on the Internet. I want to create a diagram of the system we created. What I need is stencils with icons for:
wcf service (not necessarily different from the webservice stencil)
windows service
Active directory
I would like the webservice to have a gearbox theme in it (something like http://www.coretechnologies.com/images/alwaysup_web_service_logo.gif). Does such set of stencils exist or does everything look like it's from ages ago? (that is what I have found on the net until now)
I ended up creating my own from PNGs found on the internet. It's not a nice solution, because they are not vector graphics, but at least I could make the schemes I wanted...
You might try this large set from MS, as it contains numerous enterprise and Azure related symbols not found in the default set provided in Visio, and not available through the online Visio feature. The set includes SVG as well as bitmap versions. I personally found it while looking for a Cosmos DB stencil: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=41937

Database Designer/Editor for Browser

Someone at my office asked me to build a browser tool to let them specify a database table's columns and then let them edit the rows. I would be happy to do that, but it seems like this must have been written before or is part of some CMS tool out there. Is there a tool/service/website that lets user create simple database schemas that can then be editted? I am looking for a very simple tool. That really amounts to a simple table editor. It doesn't need to know about foreign keys or indexes. Something like multiple people editing a spreadsheet on Google docs but only let users edit one row at a time.
Extra points for an ASP.NET/MVC tool.
I'm not sure if it is what you looking for but have a look at phpMyAdmin.
It is a tool for mySql to manage databases, table, user, and data of a mySql installation.
It is a php written webfrontend.
This may be overkill for your needs, but we use DbVisualizer to manipulate our databases.
I have made a tutorial that shows you how to install phpMyAdmin on your server. The designer mode makes it simple to manage your database and it runs in your browser. This tutorial shows you how http://havenofcode.com/tutorial.php?tut=9.

is there an SQLite-based wiki?

I would like to find out if there is wiki software that runs on SQLite.
Sure is.
Instiki (What Is Instiki) is a basic
Wiki clone so pretty and easy to set
up, you’ll wonder if it’s really a
wiki. Runs on Rails and focuses on
portability and stability. Supports
file uploads, PDF export, RSS,
multiple users and password
protection. Some use Instiki as a CMS
- Content Management System because of its ability to export static pages.
Fossil, which is a DVCS with many other features (including a wiki) is built on top of Sqlite (in face, made by D. Richard Hipp who wrote Sqlite ). It can be found at: http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/tip/www/index.wiki
According to the SQLite Users Page, the CVSTrac program is using SQLite as its internal database structure (you have to follow the link to the CVSTrac site to see the details). I'm sure there are others by hunting around the site.
Wiki::Toolkit can use SQLite as its database.
Mediawiki does, but it is only in the development stage.
Any of the Django ones should be able to, because Django is flexible about which Database backend it uses and SQLite is one of the options.

How do I query the CrystalReports CMS database?

Is it possible to query the Crystal CMS database and get meaningful data back? The data appears to be encrypted.
I am running Business Objects Crystal Report Server version 11.5
Actually what I discovered I needed to do was use the administration tools available from the Administration Launchpad. I was not responsible for installing Crystal and did not even realise this existed. The query builder and also the "Report Datasources" feature that were available from here was exactly what I needed.
Use the Query Builder tool to query the CMS: http://[server]/businessobjects/enterprise115/WebTools/websamples/query/. For more information about the query language, see http://devlibrary.businessobjects.com/businessobjectsxi/en/en/BOE_SDK/boesdk_dotNet_doc/doc/boesdk_net_doc/html/QueryLanguageReference.html#2146566.
The properties that are returned by this query are store in a serialized state (I'm guessing binary and encrypted) in the Properties field in the infoobject database table (I can't remember the actual name of the table).
I had a similar problem on my workstation at the office. It sounds like you need to reinstall (that's what worked for me). This is a known bug according BussinessObjects (I had to call them and use our maintenance support). Hopefully you can find more information by searching for, 'Crystal Business query corruption' instead of calling them if the reinstall doesn't work for you.
They told me the data is not encrypted, but occasionally components don't install correctly and the queries come back in a binary form that is all garbled.
Good luck!
There are also several third party solutions out there that naturally layer "on top of" the CMS or Central Management Server to abstract the proprietary storage format into human-readable form. We develop a native database driver to the CMS which can be found at http://www.infolytik.com/products.
full disclosure: I'm the main developer and founder of Infolytik.
My experience is that the data is not encrypted but that it is not really readable. Your best option is to use the Auditor Universes to build you some reports. You can also check out the SQL that the auditor Universes are uses as a baseline for constructing additional reporting.
