How to perform file / directory manipulation with user privileges in mind? - unix

I have a server application that will be running under a system account because at any given time, it will be processing requests on behalf of any user on the system. These requests consist of instructions for manipulating the filesystem.
Here's the catch: the program needs to keep that particular user's privileges in mind when performing the actions. For example, joe should not be able to modify /home/larry if its permissions are 755.
Currently my strategy is this
Get the owner / group of the file
Compare it to the user ID / group ID of the user trying to perform the action
If either match (or if none match), use the appropriate part of the permission field in the file to either allow or deny the action
Is this wise? Is there an easier way to do this?
At first, I was thinking of having multiple instances of the app running under the user's accounts - but this is not an option because then only one of the instances can listen on a given TCP port.

Take a look at samba for an example of this can be done. The samba daemon runs as root but forks and assumes the credentials of a normal user as soon as possible.
Unix systems have two separate sets of credentials: the real user/group ids and the effective user/group ids. The real set identifies who you actually are, and the effective set defines what you can access. You can change the effective uid/gid as you please if you are root—including to an ordinary user and back again—as your real user/group ids remain root during the transition. So an alternative way to do this in a single process is to use seteuid/gid to apply the permissions of different users back and forth as needed. If your server daemon runs as root or has CAP_SETUID then this will be permitted.
However, notice that if you have the ability to switch the effective uid/gid at whim and your application is subverted, then that subversion could for example switch the effective uid/gid back to 0 and you could have a serious security vulnerability. This is why it is prudent to drop all privileges permanently as soon as possible, including your real user uid/gid.
For this reason it is normal and safer to have a single listening socket running as root, then fork off and change both the real and effective user ids by calling setuid. Then it cannot change back. Your forked process would have the socket that was accept()ed as it is a fork. Each process just closes the file descriptors they don't need; the sockets stay alive as they are referenced by the file descriptors in the opposite processes.
You could also try and enforce the permissions by examining them individually yourself, but I hope it is obvious that this is potentially error-prone, has lots of edge cases and more likely to go wrong (eg. it won't work with POSIX ACLs unless you specifically implement that too).
So, you have three options:
Fork and setgid()/setuid() to the user you want. If communication is required, use pipe(2) or socketpair(2) before you fork.
Don't fork and seteuid()/setegid() around as needed (less secure: more likely to compromise your server by accident).
Don't mess with system credentials; do permission enforcement manually (less secure: more likely to get authorisation wrong).
If you need to communicate with the daemon, then although it might be harder to do it down a socket or a pipe, the first option really is the proper secure way to go about it. See how ssh does privilege separation, for example. You might also consider if can change your architecture so instead of any communication the process can just share some memory or disk space instead.
You mention that you considered having a separate process run for each user, but need a single listening TCP port. You can still do this. Just have a master daemon listen on the TCP port and dispatch requests to each user daemon and communicate as required (eg. via Unix domain sockets). This would actually be almost the same as having a forking master daemon; I think the latter would turn out to be easier to implement.
Further reading: the credentials(7) manpage. Also note that Linux has file system uid/gids; this is almost the same as effective uid/gids except for other stuff like sending signals. If your users don't have shell access and cannot run arbitrary code then you don't need to worry about the difference.

I would have my server fork() and immediately setuid(uid) to give up root privileges. Then any file manipulation would be on behalf of the user you've become. Since you're a child of the server you'd still hold the accept()ed child socket that the request (and I assume response) would go on. This (obviously) requires root privilege on the daemon.
Passing file descriptors between processes seems unnecessarily complicated in this case, as the child already has the "request" descriptor.

Let one server run on the previlegued server port, and spawn child processes for users that log into the system. The child processes should drop privilegues and inpersonate the user that logged in. Now the childs cannot do harm anymore.


uWSGI and Flask: keep objects in memory between requests

My stack is uWSGI, flask and nginx currently. I have a need to store data between requests (basically I receive push notifications from another service about events to the server and I want to store those events in the server memory, so client can just query server every n milliseconds, to receive latest update).
Normally this would not work, because of many reasons. One is a good deployment requires you to have several processes in uwsgi in production (and even maybe several machines to scale this out). But my case is very specific: I'm building a web app for a piece of hardware (You can think of your home router configuration page as a good example). This means no need to scale. I also do not have a database (at least not a traditional one) and probably normally 1-2 clients simultaneously.
if I specify --processes 1 --threads 4 in uwsgi, is this enough to ensure the data is kept in the memory as a single instance? Or do I also need to use --threads 1?
I'm also aware that some web servers clear memory randomly from time to time and restart the hosted app. Does nginx/uwsgi do that and where can I read about the rules?
I'd also welcome advises on how to design all of this, if there are better ways to handle this. Please note that I do not consider using any persistant storage for this - this does not worth the effort and may be even impossible due to hardware limitations.
Just to clarify: When I'm talking about one instance of data, I'm thinking of my executing exactly one time and keeping the instances defined there for as long as the server lives.
If you don't need data to persist past a server restart, why not just build a cache object into you application that can do push and pop operations?
A simple array of objects should suffice, one flask route pushes new data to the array and another can pop the data off the array.

Node.JS: Converting tcp to stdin/stdout

Node.JS seems limited in its ability to live-update code and in its ability to automatically isolate exceptions. Both of which are practically by default in Java.
One very effective way to live-update is to have a listener process that simply echos communication to/from the child process. Then to update, the listener starts up a new child (which reads the updated code automatically) and then starts sending requests to the new child,, ending the old child when all requests are complete.
Is there already a system that provides this http functionality through stdout/stdin.
Is there a system that provides TCP server or UDP server functionaility through stdout/stdin.
By this I mean, providing a module that looks like the http or net module with the exception that it uses stdout/stdin for the underlying I/O.
Similar to This CGI module
some applications will only have to change require('http') to require('cgi')
I intend to do something similar. I hope to re-use code if it is already out there, and also to easily convert a small or single purpose webserver, into this listener layer which runs many webapps. It is important that cleanup occurs properly. Connections that end or error should be freed up and the end/error events/commands should be properly echoed both ways.
(I believe a common way is to have the children listen on ports and the parent communicate with those ports, but I think an stdout/stdin solution will be more efficient)
Use nginx (HttpUpstreamModule) or HAProxy. In both cases you'd run them in front and mark a backend as down and then bring it back up when you need to do a live upgrade.
I'm not certain that this is what you're looking for (indeed, I'm not certain that I understand your question), but Remy Sharp has written a very helpful node module called nodemon. It promises to "monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server." This may help with the issue of live updating code.

Logging across multiple web servers

I would like to know how people dealing with logging across multiple web servers. E.g. Assume there are 2 webservers and some events during the users session are serviced from one, some from the other. How would you go about logging events from the session coherently in one place (without e.g.creating single points of failure)? Assuming we are using: ASP.Net MVC, log4net.
Or am I looking at this the wrong way - should I log seperately and then merge later?
Please also assume that the load balancers will not guarantee that a session is stuck to one server.
You definitely want your web servers to log locally rather than over a network. You don't want potential network outages to prevent logging operations and you don't want the overhead of a network operation for logging. You should have log rotation set up and all your web servers clock's synced. When log rotation rolls your log files over to a new file, have the completed log files from each web server shipped to a common destination where they can be merged. I'm not a .net guy but you should be able to find software out there to merge IIS logs (or whatever web server you're using). Then you analyze the merged logs. This strategy is optimal except in the case that you need real-time log analysis. Do you? Probably not. It's fairly resilient to failures (assuming you have redundant disks) because if a server goes down, you can just reboot it and reprocess any log ship, log merge or log analysis operations that were interrupted.
An interesting solution alternative:
Have 2 log files appenders
First one in the local machine
In case of network failure you'll keep this log.
Second log to a unix syslog service remotely (of course
a very consistent network connection)
I used a similar approach long time ago, and it work really well, there are
a lot of nice tools for analyzing unix logs.
Normally your load balancing would lock the user to one server after the session is started. Then you wouldn't have to deal with logs for a specific user being spread across multiple servers.
One thing you could try is to have the log file in a location that is accessible by all web servers and have log4net configured to write to it. This may be problematic, however, with multiple processes trying to write to the same file. I have read about NLog which may work better in this scenario.
Also, the log4net FAQ has a question and possible solution to this exact problem

Classic file system problem - concurrent remote processing on a directory

I have an application that processes files in a directory and moves them to another directory along with the processed output. Nothing special about that. An interesting requirement was introduced:
Implement fault tolerance and processing throughput by allowing multiple remote instances to work on the same file store.
Additional considerations are that we can not assume the file system, as we support both Windows and NFS.
Of course the problems is, how do I make sure that the different instances do not try and process the same work, potentially corrupting work or reducing throughput? File locking can be problematic, especially across network shares. We can use a more sophisticated method, such as a simple database or messaging framework, (a la JMS or similar), but the entire cluster needs to be fault tolerant. We can't have one database or messaging provider because of the single point of failure that it introduces.
We've implemented a solution that uses multicast messages to self-discover processing instances and elect a supervisor who assigns work. There's a timeout in case the supervisor goes down and another election takes place. Our networking library, however, isn't very mature and the our implementation of messages is clunky.
My instincts, however, tell me that there is a simpler way.
I think you can safely assume that rename operations are atomic on all network file systems that you care about. So if you arrange an amount of work to be a single file (or keyed to a single file), then have each server first list the directory containing new work, pick a piece of work, and then have it rename the file to its own server name (say, machine name or IP address). For one of the instances who concurrently perform the same operation, the rename will succeed, so they should then process the work. For the others, it will fail, so they should pick a different file from the listing they got.
For creation of new work, assume that directory creation (mkdir) is atomic, but file creation is not (for file creation, the second writer might overwrite the existing file). So if there are multiple producers of work also, create a new directory for each piece of work.

Managing authorized_keys on a large number of hosts

What is the easiest way to manage the authorized_keys file for openssh across a large number of hosts? If I need to add or revoke a new key to an account on 10 hosts say, I must login and add the public key manually, or through a clumsy shell script, which is time consuming.
Ideally there would be a central database linking keys to accounts#machines with some sort of grouping support (IE, add this key to username X on all servers in the web category). There's fork of SSH with ldap support, but I'd rather use the mainline SSH packages.
I'd checkout the Monkeysphere project. It uses OpenPGP's web of trust concepts to manage ssh's authorized_keys and known_hosts files, without requiring changes to the ssh client or server.
I use Puppet for lots of things, including this.
(using the ssh_authorized_key resource type)
I've always done this by maintaining a "master" tree of the different servers' keys, and using rsync to update the remote machines. This lets you edit things in one location, push the changes out efficiently, and keeps things "up to date" -- everyone edits the master files, no one edits the files on random hosts.
You may want to look at projects which are made for running commands across groups of machines, such as Func at or other server configuration management packages.
Have you considered using clusterssh (or similar) to automate the file transfer? Another option is one of the centralized configuration systems.
