How do i change the index.html flex output to admin.anotherExtension? - apache-flex

i need to change the automatically generated index.html flex output to admin.anotherExtension. I understand that if i change the index.template.html the changes in html level will be preserve when the file is generated, however i need to change the name of the file also, and the extension.
Thank you! (using flashBuilder4)

In the html-template directory. Create a new template file named something like this:
The next time you build your project, you'll get a file with the extension .cfm that is the same name as your application. You can use whatever extension of your choosing. My source
If you create your own file in the html-template directory (say: index.cfm ), I'm pretty sure that file will be copied to your build directory, but not changed.
Keep in mind all your changes will be overwritten if you change the Flex SDK on the project. Back them up somewhere.


Robot framework upload file using choose file is not uploading the file

I am trying to upload file using choose file robot framework keyword. When I execute the test it runs successfully but the file is not uploaded.
Here is my HTML
I would like to click on Upload Study button to browse the file.
I tried following :
choose file xpath=(//button[contains(.,"Upload Study")]) Study_File.csv
But it is not uploading the file. Is it because input type=file is not present in the xpath I used? If so how should I create the xpath?
The choose file keyword requires that you give the locator to an input element, not a button. From the keyword documentation:
Inputs the file_path into file input field locator.
You probably want a locator like id:fileUploader
If you have already tried using the <input> element as the locator, then my next guess would be that it can't find the file you're trying to upload. You have referenced the file as simply 'Study_File.csv', which suggests it's in the same directory as the test file. If it's located elsewhere then you need to provide a path to it relative to the location of your test file.

Need help on my javafx-css

I have this problem in my Java Eclipse
this happens when i add my CSS File to the Scene. And i really don't know what to do here
I have tried adding a Source Folder and inside the source folder is the Css file then adding it to like this scene.getStyleSheets().add("Resource/Css/style.sheet"
and this error is still showing can someone help me with this
If you have the file directly under src in Eclipse, you need to request it from there, not from a "Resource/Css" sub-folder.
Also, the filename is obviously style.css, not style.sheet.

Exclude css files by default when checking in

I am using Less in Visual Studio to generate css files. When I check in I only want to check in the less files and exclude the generated css files. Is it possible to exclude css files by default when checking in?
If you are using Local Workspaces, you should be able to use a .tfignore file to ignore the css files like so:
# Ignore .css files in this folder and all its sub-folders
If you are using Server Workspaces, I think you will just have to avoid adding them when you use the Add Files to Source Control dialog. You can sort by the file type and select all the css files and choose "Exclude"

How to include a css stylesheet in Orchard module?

I am working on a module for Orchard, and I just want to know how to include a css file.
I have done the following with no result:
Added a folder "Styles" to the root of my module and included a stylesheet and a Web.config file like in this question.
And I have seen this but that's not what I am looking for.
Ok, solution:
When I started working on Orchard I created a new module by just creating a new project in Orchard.Web/Modules folder, but as I read here, my Views/Web.config file has to include some orchard base things what mine didn't because I did not create the module using codegen. I fixed it now by replacing my Web.config file for a Web.config file from another Orchard module, now it works.
Next time I will use codegen to create a new module.
Thanks to endorphin for helping me!
If you want to include your stylesheet in a view, you need to specify this at the top of your view. Where the name of your stylesheet is the filename of the .css file in the Styles folder.
So in your .cshtml file for your view..
I have used AtHead() in the past, but there are other methods to include your stylesheet in different locations (such as AtFoot())
If your stylesheet depends on other stylesheets you can do something a little more interesting by creating a Resource Manifest which is detailed here

CSS Changes, Updates in ASP.NET Theme Does Not Show Up

I thought it may be cached, but for some reason that I don't know the changes I make in CSS file that is located in application theme does not show up. If I take that change and put in a CSS file outside of theme folder, let's root or a new folder, it does show up. This is a ASP.NET 4.0 application. Not sure where to look for the solution. Please advise.
Don't just put the Theme folder, create a sub folder and put under it. It is better to name both sub-folder and css file same.
