Wordpress & Secure Forms - wordpress

Question on which way to take this project. Im creating a site that is in its simplest, a form that people can submit ideas. I want to have it post automatically to a home page.
Questions is, what is the best software out there to do this? Was thinking wordpress just because I know some php and how I could do it quickly.
Its almost similar to stackoverflow in that you ask a question, add tags to it, etc.
Any ideas?

getsatisfaction.com is a service that allows users to submit ideas or help requests.


Wordpress site with multi-language functionality

I don't know if there is a sub-stackoverflow page for asking Wordpress questions, sorry if I'm doing it wrong now.
I want to develop a multi-language website wherein certain pages do exist for a language, and wherein some languages don't have the page.
www.site.com/*NL*/services --> 404 not found - because we don't deliver services in NL..
What's the best workaround for this? --> I've looked up multi-language plugins, lots of possibilities...
Thanks for reading and responding!
Based on your requirements it sounds like WPML is the best solution for you. I have used it many times. It provides the exact functionality you are looking for.

Spam emails strange wordpress site

I'm receiving strange emails can't stop them even using re-captcha in my site where it says they're comming from.
My answer to you is that you should redirect your question to https://wordpress.stackexchange.com
You're not giving us any information for your WordPress configuration to help determine what might be happening. I am guessing, but this looks like your form has been exploited. My suggestion would be to disable your forms to see if that stops the traffic. I also suggest you look at your WordPress configurations and disable comments or any other way someone can contact you, since that could be the other issue.
Good luck.

posting to a wordpress blog using XML-RPC without credentials

I would like to be able to create a post from within my iPhone app/server code.
I'm guessing there is no problem doing it with XML-RPC.
The thing is that my app user needs to give me his admin user/password to the blog, which is something I would like to avoid (as a user I would have a problem disclosing this data myself)
The question is - can I avoid it somehow? Having the user install a plugin I wrote that will somehow help me seems more reasonable to me - the question is: "Will it help? What can be done?
Creative solutions are welcomed...
Security through obscurity is never a good idea I would suggest just making your username and password the same thing while setting the user role to Author.This would all you to post with little effort.

Comment engine for asp.net website

I am developing my own blog website in asp.net. I wonder if anything like this exists, which I could place like a script inside each of my blog page and will work as a comment. Might be a third party tool, which will allow me to moderate comment before posting them.
Which also has login feature may be from facebook, google, twitter, open id. etc
Have you tried Disqus? Its quite popular recently.
It basically takes away all your worries on maintaining your own comment system.
Hope this is helpful,

How to setup a Webmail inside Wordpress

i am trying to setup a webmail login page into wordpress nevertheless i havent found a way to do it, i've admit i'm wordpress rookie so i might be thinking things wrong, do you have any advice how to proceed?
Is there any plugin that enables a webmail login?
I'm afraid that the easiest way to do this would be to write your own plugin. It's very easy to make a plugin that adds an optiosn page and then edit the options page to reflect the webmail login.
Something like this?
