posting to a wordpress blog using XML-RPC without credentials - wordpress

I would like to be able to create a post from within my iPhone app/server code.
I'm guessing there is no problem doing it with XML-RPC.
The thing is that my app user needs to give me his admin user/password to the blog, which is something I would like to avoid (as a user I would have a problem disclosing this data myself)
The question is - can I avoid it somehow? Having the user install a plugin I wrote that will somehow help me seems more reasonable to me - the question is: "Will it help? What can be done?
Creative solutions are welcomed...

Security through obscurity is never a good idea I would suggest just making your username and password the same thing while setting the user role to Author.This would all you to post with little effort.


Requesting extra permissions through Google sign in on Concrete5

We are currently trying to use Concrete5 to create an internal Intranet for the company I work for (this is a web-based server). What we would like to do is allow our employees to sign in using their Gmail and be able to see their personal calendars amongst other things on sign in.
I would like the employees to just sign in once, get automatically asked for granting permissions during the login, and then be taken to the home page.
I'm having trouble figure out how to modify Concrete5's built-in Google login to request these scopes. I am pretty bare-bones in my PHP knowledge and no amount of Google searching has really answered my question specifically for modifying the authentication for Concrete5.
So to sum up my question:
How would someone go about modifying Concrete5's Google authentication to request additional permissions? We are using 5.8.3 and are always updating as necessary, so modifying the core is not really an option to prevent overwrites in the future.
The best way to do that would be to copy the core Google login system to create a new one. You could call it Google Custom or anything you want. You could include it in the folder application/authentication or in a package, with the appropriate modifications.
But to be honest, if you're bare-bones in your PHP knowledge, it all might be a bit too difficult to achieve

Spam emails strange wordpress site

I'm receiving strange emails can't stop them even using re-captcha in my site where it says they're comming from.
My answer to you is that you should redirect your question to
You're not giving us any information for your WordPress configuration to help determine what might be happening. I am guessing, but this looks like your form has been exploited. My suggestion would be to disable your forms to see if that stops the traffic. I also suggest you look at your WordPress configurations and disable comments or any other way someone can contact you, since that could be the other issue.
Good luck.

User to user email for Drupal site

I would like to allow users of my Drupal site to send anonymous email to each other but have not found a module that does this. Coding is likely not an option for me for this issue as I'm both new to Drupal and don't know PHP.
Does anyone know if there is a module to help with this?
If there are no modules then code I will. Any example code or recommended learning resources would be appreciated.
Could something like this work? It is a private messaging addon, allowing users to communicate on the site, it also provides users with the option "notify-by-email". Assuming i understood your question. Anonymous as in not able to see each others e-mail.

Wordpress & Secure Forms

Question on which way to take this project. Im creating a site that is in its simplest, a form that people can submit ideas. I want to have it post automatically to a home page.
Questions is, what is the best software out there to do this? Was thinking wordpress just because I know some php and how I could do it quickly.
Its almost similar to stackoverflow in that you ask a question, add tags to it, etc.
Any ideas? is a service that allows users to submit ideas or help requests.

Need to submit the register info in eloqua from Drupal

Need to post the registration info to eloqua too.
I am using Drupal 6.14
I didn't ask the original question, but I might be able to shed a little more light. I am a consultant, and I work at Eloqua.
Eloqua is a marketing automation database. Having the registrations flow from Drupal into Eloqua would allow things like moving that info over into a CRM system, or sending a follow up email with the registration details.
Our clients have integrated with other CMS systems.
Now, in terms of the registrations, there are a couple of ways Eloqua could receive that data. Perhaps the simplest way would be through some sort of form repost, IF that is allowed in Drupal. So, someone would register, that data would enter Drupal, and then be reposted into Eloqua. It looks like people (including the initial poster) have been able to make this work succesfully on regular forms The other way would be to utilize Eloqua's API. This would require someone to build out a module that would facilitate that.
