Use of impression in AdRotator -

How can I use impression tag which is within advertisement
How it affects for different images...
Please help

Check if this helps you -


Google Form Header Size

I'm currently embedding a Google Form on my website and am noticing the header image has an incredibly tall height. Does anyone know if there is a way to change this in CSS? or am I stuck with Google's design?
There is no direct way to do it with the wizard tool of Google Form, fortunately, a nice way to generate the form through HTML, and when you use HTML to generate Google Form, that will make you do whatever you like: adjust the layout the way you love, you may use your own CSS, anything can be doable.
Please follow instruction on this link below:
also, you may check the add-ons on Google Form and select the one that suites your requirements, there is a lot of tools which can help you, but I think the one I posted up is the best option to customize the way you like.

Need some feedback: Customizing JBoss-Portal with CSS

As a Web-designer, I've been asked to evaluate the customization of an instance of JBoss-portal. My knowledge about JBoss-portal is very poor but I know that with such portals it's sometimes (always?) very hard to manipulate and modify layouts and themes.
Can somebody tell me if it's possible to customize JBoss-Portal simply via a new CSS stylesheet? Some feedbak and examples of what can/can't be done would help!
For example:
Is it possible to customize the global layout of the portal?
Is portal_style.css the only file to modify?
What I need here is not a Yes or No that's true, but some feedback from someone who knows how to customize JBoss-Portal and how far I can go.
So I've finally found an interesting HowTo PDF Guide here
I hope this will help other users ;)

Can we add text and video in adrotator?

If we can add please give a small coding hint to do so.
If you are referring to this AdRotator class, the short answer is no.

Can anyone recommend a slick, professional looking image carousel?

I am working on a .NET web app. I need to display images from the file system. Can anyone recommend a slick, professional looking image carousel (even if there is a cost) that has allows the user to rotate through the images at the bottom and then displays the larger image when the thumbnail is clicked.
This one's pretty nice, and it's only 12 bucks. Lots of configurability. It's in Flash; I don't know if that's an issue for you or not.
The jQuery plugin Cycle is really nice, it allows a lot of customization.
This one is really nice if you're looking for a Javascript solution...
It has more of the CoverFlow style to it.
Here's a whole collection of them to choose from :)
If anyone is still looking, I can heartily recommend Galleria.

Adobe BlazeDS Logo

I am using BlazeDS and I want to visualize it in a presentation. Therefore I am searching fo a BlazeDS logo. I only find 4-5 matches on google images, like this one:
Is this the official logo? And if yes, where could I get an image with a better resolution?
Thanks in advance!
The official logo is here:
I think is better to ask directly the product manager - his blog is here. I made a presentation about BlazeDS using the same logo as you have found, but I never thought if it's the official one or not.
