Can we add text and video in adrotator? - adrotator

If we can add please give a small coding hint to do so.

If you are referring to this AdRotator class, the short answer is no.


What is bsPrefix in React-Bootstrap?

I want to change the css design of bootstrap's <Form.Control> component, but I couldn't do it even though I used the css module. I found bsPrefix related to this. I couldn't quite understand when I reviewed the document, can you help?
My code;
enter image description here
*When I use bsPrefix the code works but I don't understand how it works.
thank you very much in advance :)

Mark inside checkbox

I have a short question. How can I change mark inside checkbox from standard tick to dot? I already have a circle shape. All I want is my checkbox looks like radiobutto. How can I solved this?
While I agree with ProgrammerPer that this might not be a great idea from a user experience perspective, sometimes manipulations like this are necessary.
If I'm understanding the OP's question, I think the only way this could be accomplished is to mirror the checkbox functionality with a div (for example) so it can have a custom 'ticked' view.
This a great resource for customizing inputs:
Also, this post and the article linked in it, might be worth a read regarding the UX implications:
Hope this helps!

iPad iWebkit css question (form field)

i don't have any knowledge about the iwebkit, or something similar, but i have to make a form, and i really don't know where to start.
Here is an image of what i want to do, what i ask you is a little help to make the 2 first fields (name and password) using css and i can learn from that to make the rest of the form:
I really appreciate any given help. Thanks very much guys!
If Sencha Touch is what you want, why not use that instead?

Use of impression in AdRotator

How can I use impression tag which is within advertisement
How it affects for different images...
Please help
Check if this helps you -

Multiple images in one

I ask myself how use multiple images in one. For example youtube ->
sorry for my english.
What you are referring to are CSS sprites.
Another example on A List Apart. Everyone who works with HTML in some shape or form should read it.
