Flex: TextArea attached Image - apache-flex

Is there any advance TextArea that can attached image(image is alligned with the text) and the image can be movable inside the text area.I know that text area can support html text and can insert image tag but it is very limited, I can't move the picture inside textArea by dragging it or even add events on it.Is there any approach or solution or suggestion that you can give me?Your help guys is very much appreciated.

It should be possible using the new(ish) TextLayoutFramework (TLF), that came with CS5 and Flash builder 4 http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/textlayout/
It has advanced location information for letter possitions, and also supports inline images more like the way html does.
Also look at the textflow options from this developer: http://guyinthechair.com/tag/flash-text-engine/
Seems like you would only need to add the interaction layer to achieve your desied results and it might be easier to use.

It sounds like you would need to build a custom component for that functionality. Dragging an image around a TextArea is very non-standard behavior.
Flex documentation on custom components
Examples of custom components including a custom TextArea

The solution is TLF (text Layout Framework).
With TLF you can use TLF markup to send formatted text and images to a TextFlow. It's very powerful, but also complex. Here is a list of the tags you can use:
I created a HTML Editor using it, and I'm impress with it. It supports image resizing, drag-n-drop, advanced formatting, etc.
Hope this helps!


How to implement a tooltip that supports HTML?

I'm using angular material, which has a neat tooltip, but it's not supporting HTML. So basically, just like a regular tooltip, when I hover over an element I want the contents of a component to appear on the right/left/top/bottom (wherever there is enough space available).
How can do that?

How to custom the TextArea line background color

I want to compare two TextArea's text ,and change the different text's line background color,but i don't know how can have tow background color in one TextArea. Maybe should custom to get it,what should i do?
or import .js to get it ? what should i do?
As a more advance solution, you can manipulate TextArea content with https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtextdocument.html QTextDocument. Original text document is available via this property https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-textedit.html#textDocument-prop . From this point, you can assign your own syntax highlighting. But it requires research from your side.
From the other side, you can check this example https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwidgets-widgets-codeeditor-example.html and using this class https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsyntaxhighlighter.html you can assign the existing QTextDocument to QSyntaxHighlighter. The same, I guess, can be used for QML TextArea element.
Since TextArea has textDocument property it should be possible re-implement it for QtQuick Constrols.
To be honest I've never dealt with such a task, but this example looks pretty useful for such cases. Probably you should stick with rich text format option suggested in comments if you don't need advanced features (like real-time content changes).

bulma - adjusting typography sizing efficiently

I'm having a hard time figuring out the most efficient way to resize text for mobile. I know per the documentation, making the text size responsive to the screen is fairly straightforward, simply add the is-size-*-mobile class to an element to reset the text size to the value of * (1-7) for mobile devices. What elements are the best place to do this? For example, I would like to be able to have all the text on screen change to size 7 on mobile, but so far I've had to add the is-size-7-mobile class to almost every text container on the page. While it's not impossible to do, it seems to be defeating the purpose of having such a class available through CSS.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Although they lack a specific example, those Typography helpers are meant to be added to the element that holds the content you want to modify.
For example, if you want to modify the whole document consider adding it right to the body element:
<body class="is-size-7-mobile layout-documentation page-helpers">
The above example works on their documentation page you liked in your question. Just hit F12, add the modifier, and voilĂ , all the page changes text size.

Is it possible to make text touchable in Libgdx

I am creating a menu screen for my game and instead of creating button there I just have text font. I want to know whether it is possible to to make them touchable.as i have 3 text in main menu so three different function.
I have very little experience making GUIs in LibGDX, and I'm sure this answer is too late anyway, but:
Why not just have a clickable object surrounding the text, and just don't render this?
In other words, do what you'd do normally for a button, just don't render it.

Resizing jQueryUI widgets

I am relatively new to jquery UI. I am able to understand the functionality and making use of the widgets. However I find the widgets quite large and clunky and would like to resize them. Specifically I am using a large number of spinners, sliders and choice buttons. I would like to resize these to fit my page but can't figure out any way to do this. Please help.
There is a css file that comes with the widget, you can edit it, or you can overwrite the rules in you css file.
