Archive manipulating using qt framework - qt

Is it possible to handle different type of archive (zip,rar,7z,tar,) using qt framework ?

see: How to compress data with Qt? | Qt Developer Network


Can I create a .MP4 container with Qt APIs?

Is it possible to create a .mp4 container with Qt Multimedia or some other Qt APIs ?
I understand that Qt does not have encoding APIs, BUT if I've a library helping me to encode & decode, then can I use Qt to create the MP4 container and the additional third party library to encode video data into it ?
Qt (version 5.9.2 or earlier) does not have support for creating or writing to .mp4 files.
You might be able to do this with a third party add-on QtGstreamer

Mixed qt4 and qt5 in a application

I would like to know if it is possible to create a Qt application that uses the qt5 version of core library and the qt4 version of the gui library. I would like to use some features available only in qt5, like the QCommandLineParser class, but it is not possible for me to use qt5gui, only the qt4 version is working.
No that's not possible, you can't link an application with mixed versions of Qt, actually you can't even compile it.. if you need something very specific you can extract from the code, but you need a commercial license for this.

QT multilanguage app

I am new in Qt framework and now, I want to create an app which supports multi-language display. I known there is a way to do: Qt Linguist. I searched, and archieved some information about lupdate, lrelease ... But I just have Qt Creator IDE, how can I run or compile lupdate, lrelease ???
How can I create *.ts file ?
Please give me some code example or guide to do. (I often use Qt Designer to create GUI)
As far as i know, there is no option in QtCreator to use QtLinguist - you have to do it manually. Here you have an excellent documentation about how to do it. I have learned from there also.

How can I create a new Qt localisation for Qt itself?

Our application is localised and I have pulled in all the standard Qt_*.qm files as well so that my Qt dialogs are translated as much as possible.
However one of our distributors wants to add the Danish translation and its not in the standard Qt translation files.
How can I get Qt to create the file so I can send it off for translation?
There is some information about translation of Qt itself:
it's said that templates for qt translation (*.ts files) should be in the ${QTDIR}/translations directory. I can't see them in my Qt4 installation from official Ubuntu repository but I think they should be included in distributions provided by Nokia on official download page.
Idea how to generate new empty *.ts file for qt itself can be found in translations/translations.pri directory of qt sources. For Qt 4.6.3 it will be
lupdate -locations relative -no-ui-lines -I../include -I../include/Qt corelib gui-ts ../qt_my.ts

Where is qembed tool in QT4.5?

Or how could i embed .qm files into my application?
I'm using qt-creator.
The qembed tool was made obsolete by the Qt Resource System.
