Is there a Flex widget for a common calculator? - apache-flex

I need a calculator for a flex app I am making, and was wondering if there was any official widget prebuilt or already in good quality. I could make one myself but it would be nice to use one that already existed and had a nice api to customize it with. Any ideas? Thanks!

Not official or anything, but you should check out this one.
Yottabyte Calculator
Source code is here.


Xamarin Forms photo Pan/Scale/Crop plugin?

I'm making app with using XF pcl.
To make photo viewer/editor function, you should add Pan/Scale/Crop.
Is there good plugin that somebody already have done for it?
Of course I can make my own but
It's very common behavior so I'm curious.
You might want to try this, this library has a lot of different transformations.

Tutorials for Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms - get device location

I am looking for instructions on using Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms? I am especially interested in how to get the device's current location. I know that there is sample code here,, that showcases everything that you can do with the library, the only problem being it is way too complicated for a newbie to understand, and there are no comments
Links to any comprehensive tutes or sample code with comments would be appreciated. I have searched but have not come up with anything good.
There are a good set of examples for learning Xamarin.Forms with some descriptions at the following link
With Xamarin.Forms being rather new you will have to search around for good snippets etc however.
There are a number of projects for Xamarin.Forms in Try to looking at the following two for easier to understand short examples in Xamarin.Forms:-
The examples are short enough that should help you to learn from them.
There is a specific map related example at the following that also shows your current location on a map that you may like to look at further also:-
Run the applications, make small modifications and experiment - a great way to learning.
Have fun!
If you want to find out a users location via shared code, look at the Geolocator plugin from the component store. super easy to use

Plone and Twitter Bootstrap

What kind attempts there exist to make Plone 4 themes based on Twitter Bootstrap, preferably 2.0?
I have seen some discussion on mailing list and I'd hope to know what add-ons there already exists before inventing a new one.
You don't need to use an add-on per se (though you can). Instead, consider downloading an example template from:
Then apply rules to it, as explained here:
This approach places a heavier emphasis on HTML/CSS/JavaScript knowledge in general, and less on Plone-specific techniques.
Note that the new (4.3-hopefully) will contain an example/template theme based on Bootstrap.
It's not intended to be perfect (it also needs to be easy to understand and chop up and reuse), but it shows the basics. See for the work in process.
Bootstrap is a starting point to create a webapp. It provides a lot of CSS with associated widget. Mix with Plone will add conflict (forms.css, ...) and not optimised results (weight of page).
Once Plone will have splited CMS UI in overlays it will be easier to build the CMS UI itself on bootstrap or use bootstrap to create a theme (I like their responsive solution).
At the moment you will have many bugs by using existing addons. I have already tried plonetheme.bootstrap and diazotheme.bootstrap.
So if you really want it, get all Plone's CSS in a trash, get bootstrap and start to see what happens ;)

How to use custom widget in Qt-Designer

I want to use a custom widget in the GUI-Designer of Qt-Creator IDE.
So i created a class which inherits from Qt's QWidget. It worked to place
it on a QMainWindow programaticaly, but have to do my work in the desiger
where it does not appear as an option in the kist of components.
I googled to find a solution for problem an found an manual on, who guesses, the
Qt doc page (
I tried to follow it but doesn't work.
Does someone know an other way to do this or can give a hint where i can search
for problems following this tutorial?
Thanks in advance.
There is a different example in the examples section of the Qt documentation that I think is a lot clearer.
Custom Widget Plugin Example
It was a little unclear to me when reading the tutorial where the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() macro goes, but having full example code and project alleviates that.
If you are like me, the analog clock example didn't do it for you, in which case I found just one better tutorial. It may be on the kde site but I you dont need kde to do it, it just explains how to make the custom widget a plugin so you can add it into Qt Designer, rather than having to code it in, which is the norm when you just add a widget to your project and customize the class. I hope this page helps you like it helped me, get in the right direction of writing a single Qt Designer (or multiple) plugin:
Writing Qt Designer Plugins
If this link ever becomes dead, just do a search for the link itself, usually that will turn up the original page in someone's cache, as they do in the other examples above (the dead links in the above answers that just take you to main area and not to the pages originally intended).

Hierarchy in Qt [C++]

Guys could any one point it out to me a link to web page where I can find a hierarchy of classes in Qt, preferably as a diagram (something in UML style)? I'm just starting to learn it and I'm finding it quite difficult to work with all these classes - well, mainly with widgets and layouts at the moment- without knowing where they belong.
Thank you.
The official class hierarchy is found here:
There are also some class charts. It is really big, you need a plotter to print this in a size which is readable:
I was looking for the same thing but for QT 5.3. If anyone is interested here you have the class hierarchy for last QT version.
Unfortunately, the classes diagram does not exist as it is mention here.
