ASP.NET small online store, shopping cart -

Currently I have a site that is using Google Checkout's mini cart system and I like it a lot, however, I'm wondering if there is a more professional way of doing it, while still keeping it simple.
I've looked into an account, but I need to find a way to handle the mini shopping cart before heading off to process the order.
Are there any good open source mini shopping carts that are not linked with a merchant service?

Can't close the question, can still answer.
For Asp.Net one of the most popular shopping carts is AspDotNetStorefront. It's not inexpensive, but extensible.
PayflowPro ( run by PayPal ) might be an option you want to consider in the future. It's more professinoal than Paypal, fully skinnable.

Went with Google Checkout, just wanted to close this question.


In WordPress, can I have a form and a payment submit at the same time?

Apologies for not knowing the exact terms to describe what I want, but I am using a simple WordPress theme site, the included WPForms plugin, and am trying to take orders using Square as my payment processing.
The current system I'm using works: I have a WPForm that gets the order information I need, they submit the form, then that redirects to a page where they click a link and arrive at the payment window on Square.
The problem is that I'm finding there's abandonment between the order form sending and the payment -- so I get orders in my Inbox, then have to wait and eventually track down whether they're wanting to pay. I'd really love to have my order arrive ONLY if payment is completed.
I could do this most simply by reversing the process, requiring someone pay first, THEN redirect to the order page...but that's a bad customer experience and I think people are more invested in completing a purchase if they're already excited by "ordering" it.
So I'm hoping someone can tell me if there's a plugin or method such that the very same "Order now" button will send the order to me AND process (and complete) the payment.
If this is more complicated than I think, if it's a huge headache, I will opt for either leaving it as is and tracking down payment...or reverse and make them pay first. But any help or suggestions, particularly for a Plugin that can do what I'm looking for, would be great. Thank you in advance!
If you're willing to purchase the Pro version of WPForms then it easily integrates with Stripe to collect payment at the same time that your Form is submitted.
PayPal and Authorize.Net are other options that integrate with WPForms.
These other questions may be relevant as well:
Wordpress action hook not firing (wpforms)
Wordpress Help (WPForms + PayPal Workflow)

Embedding pay now button

I currently use Big Cartel for my online shop. Big Cartel is a web-based eCommerce solution specifically designed to help artists, whether musicians or crafters, sell their merchandise online easily. So when customers order my products online they can checkout through big cartel which they have an option to use PayPal after trying name, address, email address, etc, however, to add a more efficient/speedy checkout so they don't have to type out all of their info, I embedded a PayPal express button. The problem is when they order by clicking the pp button, it doesn't take away from my current stock resulting in overselling. It's acting like a separate entity and I can't see what they actually purchased- Only a PayPal message that they sent me funds. Obviously I want to avoid overselling and need to know how to get the PayPal button to collaborate with my big cartel shop when someone purchases with the "pay now" PayPal button. Is there an additional code I'm missing? Any advice and help with this issue is very appreciated! (This is the first time I've used code and inserted anything before so I'm not tech lingo savvy)
You must verify that you have entered your PayPal API information in Big Cartel settings. You should also add "Return URL" in your Admin Panel.
I would also suggest you to use Sandbox and test it yourself so you don't have to worry when real orders come in.
The API login credentials look like this:

disable/increace woocommerce cart timeout

I’m using WooCommerce for selling goods. Sometimes I use profiles of my customers to add specific products in their carts (I do it for them basically). When they ask me to help them and give them some nice suggestions.
When I’m ready with the suggested products, the customers are able to login again for some final adjustments and for purchasing of course :).
Sometimes I have a bad feedback, because their cart were empty and my suggestions are lost.
Is there a timeout for the woocommerce cart? If yes, how can I tweak it?
Or is this a server restriction?

Custom product order e-commerce site development

I am working on a eCommerce site. My client wants to develop site like this Where someone can order a product and he can customize the product option. All the options will be arranged in several tabs.
I tried to do it in woocommerce but it is not well documented and very hard to understand their API.
Please suggest me with any other eCommerce software with that requirements.
I doubt you will succeed searching for a ready made solution. WooCommerce is an extremely good free shopping cart solution and I would stick with that. Then I would use some extension like WooCommerce Product Add-Ons AND hire a developer that would do the fancy part. You won't get away without custom development here.

CreditCart payment for 1 fixed product (no PayPal, no Google Checkout, no Ubercart)

I'm about to start a new Drupal website. My client needs CreditCart payment (in-site with So he doesn't want PayPal or Google Checkout through Credit Cart payment. As I know Ubercart is well working solution. but i have 1 fixed product. I don't need any shopping basket, etc. so Ubercart is too big for my need. I just need simply CC payment. Is there any smaller alternative to Ubercart for this purpose? what would you recommend?
Thanks a lot!!
Take a look at this module list on has advanced searching, which allows you to easily find the modules you need.
I found a few modules on the list, that looks like they could fit your need, but I'll give you the whole list and let you check them out and decide for yourself.
