How to create Multiple images with hyperlinks - css

I have a psd image with me. This image has been created combining multiple images. I want that each of this multiple images must have a seperate alt tag and a hyperlink. When the user clicks on it, he/she should be taken to the that url.
How can I do it. Please suggest me all options like open source or online tools etc.

Take a look here: Medialab's SiteGrinder. This is a PS plugin which transforms your PSD into a working webpage, I use it for prototyping and to figure out px distances and such, there are services out there too, but have a look at this tutorial too.
Hope they help.


Needing guidance on image preview for wordpress

Hey guys I am needing some guidance on what this kind of image feature is called. I tried googling around but cant seem to find the correct name of the image feature. Its where there a bunch of small images surround a bigger image and when a smaller image is selected or hovered over then it will be shown on the bigger image place as seen here.
I am trying to add this feature into a clients website in wordpress but dont know the correct term to look for or if a plugin exists that allows me to do this sort of thing in wordpress.
Thank you all for your time!

Tool for creating preview images from equirectangular Panoramas

I am looking for a tool or library that will allow me to generate a preview image for an equirectangular panoramic image. I am using the pannellum library [] to present panoramas, which works great. What I'd like to add, however, is a way to generate lightweight preview images to display on initial page load. I would like to have a small sized preview image that does not look warped. Does such a tool/library/script exist?
Thank you!
Some people like to convert panoramas to cube maps, which is a lot easier to google.
I've been looking at, or also at if you want a pure JavaScript approach (check out that entire question page for lots of info). Both of these will by default create all six cube faces; you can either edit them or just throw out the five extra faces.
Once you have this unprojected image, you can resize it using whatever utility you like.

Hide or insert image (logo) in pdf using iTextSharp

We print pdf provided by the company and merged it with data from our C# ASP.Net 3.5 Web application using iTextSharp. This works well but we have been asked to either print the form with or without the company logo depending on the user preference.
Should I use a pdf with the logo and hide it or use a pdf without the logo and add the logo to it?
I have found numerous way to add a logo to a pdf but nothing on hiding images. Because the logo could be having different size and be in a different location I would prefer to hide it when needed instead of adding it. Can we hide images from pdf without removing it? What would be easier?
Or should we just use 2 versions of each forms, one with the logo and another without?
UPDATE: In a nutshell I just want to have your opinion to what way would be best. Use a form without a logo and add it when needed or use a form with the logo and hide it when needed. Thanks
FINAL UPDATE: Some people gave good answer but I see no way to accept their answer. Can someone help me?
Because no one answered my question I selected one of the comment as "the" answer. Thanks mkl!
You can store data private to your application in PDFs, e.g. logo size and location in the case at hand (cf. this answer on PieceInfo structures). I would, therefore, recommend that you create the PDFs without the logo but store the size and location for a logo in such a PieceInfo dictionary. If adding a logo is required later-on, use that information to properly place the logo

plonetruegallery: Download link or button, so users can download a viewed image?

I use collective.plonetruegallery for image galleries within Plone and I like it. However, what I miss is a "download" button or a simple "link" in order to let users actually download a image. The "Galleria" display view of plonetruegallery does seem to offer such a link/button -- does any of the other display views? Or any other solution whithout having to hack the plonetruegallery addon myself?
I know that you can right click and then choose "download image" among several other options within your preferred browser -- however, for a dumb user to cumbersome ;)
I have added an option to collective.ptg.contactsheet (1.1.2) that let you choose between going to the content or downloading it.
There's not a built-in "feature" to do this. You can see which of the gallery views might have this; looks like you've already found one. I'm sure you could easily customize another one to include such a link, simply by following the example in Galleria.
This is quite easy to make. The url to download the image would probably be:
One option could be to just add an action.
If you want to have this for a specific gallery, I can probably fix it.
(go to or whatever gallerytype you want it for and add an "Issue"
Espen image upload control (bonus - allows users to crop image before saving)

We have a scenario where we would like to allow our users to upload images to the site. We are running on ASP.Net.
A quick search did not result in anything good. It would be great if the control is free/open source but we do not mind paying a little bit.
I highly reccomend Jcrop.
I've posted an article on how to use JCrop and image resizing to let users crop and resize dynamically. The example uses about 11 lines of javascript, and you can add 2 or 3 lines of C# to save the dynamically generated image to disk.
If you download the module, you can take a look at a sample project that uploads and resizes/crops. (Located in Samples\ComplexWebApplication)
File uploading is the easy part - there are lots of options if you want to upload multiple files... This SO article lists several.
The following links give the idea for this:
Now, You can customize fileupload control.
