Regarding shell script -env variables - unix

Have a shell script that reads the files in a particular directory.
for fspec in /exp/dira/test/ready/* ; do
I want to modify the unix shell script so that path is retreived from enviornmental variable.
export CUST_DATA=${_FX_DATA_}/test have set this variable in environment thru .profile
for fspec in $READY_FILES/* ; do
i tried the above but it's not working.

The space after the equal sign makes it mean something completely different.
for fspec in "$READY_FILES"/* ; do

. ~/.profile
for fspec in $READY_FILES/* ; do

add echo "<$CUST_DATA>" to your second script to make sure that variable is not set.


sleep inside inotifywait in a shell function not working

I am trying to run the following function
foo () {
sleep 1
echo "outside inotify"
(inotifywait . -e create |
while read path action file; do
echo "test"
sleep 1
echo "end"
Until inotifywait it runs correctly; I see:
>> foo
outside inotify
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
However as soon as I create a file, I get
>>> fooo
outside inotify
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
foo:6: command not found: sleep
Any idea why? Plus do I need to spawn the subprocess ( ) around inotifywait? what are the benefits?
thank you.
I realized I am running on zsh
The read path is messing you up, because unlike POSIX-compliant shells -- which guarantee that only modification to variables with all-uppercase names can have unwanted side effects on the shell itself -- zsh also has special-cased behavior for several lower-case names, including path.
In particular, zsh presents path as an array corresponding to the values in PATH. Assigning a string to this array will overwrite your PATH as well.

unix sh script - read from file

I'm trying to read the content from a aux file, but I can't figure why the command don't work, if I use the string in parameter, that was read from read from file..
for server in $(cat $file)
echo $server
echo $server
`/usr/IBM/WebSphere/App/profiles/BPM/bin/ $server -username adm -password adm`
ServersStatus[7]: ADMU0116I:: not found.
In past, I used something like: put the variable in one array and read the variable from that array, but I think this is possible, what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in Advance
I don't think you need the back-ticks on the last line. You're not trying to run the output of the script as a command itself, are you?

How to make zsh search configuration in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME

Looking to make my ~ a cleaner place, I would like to move as much user configuration files into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, which is ~/.config by default. So I would like to store all my zsh user files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/. So far already have this:
% ls $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/
histfile zsh_cache zshrc
Easy, you just have to fill your ~/.zshrc. Now the trickiest part seems to make zsh read directly $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/zshrc without sourcing it from ~/.zshrc. How would you proceed?
One may edit /etc/zsh/zshenv to set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directories and $ZDOTDIR. This require write privilegies on this files though.
So provided that $HOME is defined when zsh read it (I don't know if it's the case), you may add to your /etc/zsh/zshenv:
if [[ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]]
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config/"
if [[ -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh" ]]
It is good practice to not put a / at the end of any variable holding a certain path.
For example, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh translates to "$HOME/.config//zsh" and the / repeats because XDG_CONFIG_HOME ends with a /.
So I think your answer should be -
if [[ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]]
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
if [[ -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh" ]]
Variation to psychoslave's answer which uses ${HOME}/.zshenv to initiate the environment. No root access needed.
source $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv
This was discussed on this thread on the zsh-users mailing list.
You may want to consider saving history in XDG_DATA_HOME. Specifications can be found at XDG Base Directory Specification.
Write a wrapper for zsh that executes zsh after setting the environment variable ZDOTDIR to where you want zsh to look for the config files.

ZSH auto_vim (like auto_cd)

zsh has a feature (auto_cd) where just typing the directory name will automatically go to (cd) that directory. I'm curious if there would be a way to configure zsh to do something similar with file names, automatically open files with vim if I type only a file name?
There are three possibilities I can think of. First is suffix aliases which may automatically translate
% *.ps
% screen -d -m okular *.ps
after you do
alias -s ps='screen -d -m okular'
. But you need to define this alias for every file suffix. It is also processed before most expansions so if
% *.p?
matches same files as *.ps it won’t open anything.
Second is command_not_found handler:
function command_not_found_handler()
emulate -L zsh
for file in $# ; do test -e $file && xdg-open $file:A ; done
. But this does not work for absolute or relative paths, only for something that does not contain forward slashes.
Third is a hack overriding accept-line widget:
function xdg-open()
emulate -L zsh
for arg in $# ; do
command xdg-open $arg
function _-accept-line()
emulate -L zsh
whence $FILE &>/dev/null || BUFFER="xdg-open $BUFFER"
zle .accept-line
zle -N accept-line _-accept-line
. The above alters the history (I can show how to avoid this) and is rather hackish. Good it does not disable suffix aliases (whence '*.ps' returns the value of the alias), I used to think it does. It does disable autocd though. I can avoid this (just || test -d $FILE after whence test), but who knows how many other things are getting corrupt as well. If you are fine with the first and second solutions better to use them.
I guess you can use "fasd_cd" which has an alias v which uses viminfo file to identifi files which you have opened at least once. In my environment it works like a charm.
Fast cd has other amazing stuff you will love!
Don't forget to set this alias on vim to open the last edited file:
alias lvim="vim -c \"normal '0\""

How to capture the return value (no error code) in unix shell command?

i am trying to capture the return value of simple command:
where can i find the relevant return value without stdout it to file?
Thanks koby
you can use `pwd`
for example:
$ setenv MY_PWD `pwd`
$ echo $MY_PWD
You can try `pwd`
ole#...:~$ echo `pwd`
The first question people should be asking is... what shell are you running this in?
$ MY_PWD=$(pwd) will work in sh-like.
I think the `pwd` will call a subshell, but again, depending on the shell, the syntax to set the output value to a variable will depend on your shell.
echo $?
Is that what you are looking for?
use $?
