Sidebar Behaves Differently on Wordpress Archive Pages - css

I am stuck on this one...
I have modified the default theme to a design my client came up with. All my modifications seem to be working okay, except the pages selected from the archive dropdown menu. Here's a link to an example page where the problem exists:
Everywhere else the sidebar looks as it should.
Someone told me to look for a missing tag but I can't track it down.
Any suggestions?

I find that using the W3C Validator helps when trying to locate missing tags and may other html errors:
[Invalid]Markup Validation of blog ?cat=15 - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.


CSS gets messed up after Ajax page load

I have a website in wordpress. I recently download a plugin called Advanced Ajax Page Loader. It refreshes you content when clicked on other page without refreshing the whole site(header, footer). I tried to get my answer from plugins developer and wordpress support forum, but none responded.
I read that if ajax jquery call is used then all scripts should be reloaded again, for that the plugin have a place where I should put those codes. Until that everything works correctly, except one thin. When I go from a category to category, everything works fine, but when I open a single Post it completely screws up all my css for that page, when I refresh it, everything looks fine but then again, if I open one of the big categories with many posts, then that pages css is messed up.
I though that I could somehow refresh whole css by putting some code in the "Reload code" box, but I have no idea how to do that using scripts. English isn't my native language, therefore I'm having difficulty finding my answer on google, I tried, but my vocabulary is limited. How can I do it?
are you adding CSS classes to your elements via Javascript? If so, then the styles you add will only affect those elements which are part of the DOM at that point in time, so you might be experiencing a race condition, that actually happens to work in Chrome and Safari, but not Firefox.
second try to validate your markup and CSS and see if you have any error in your css syntax ?

Crystal report is making the menu for master page disappear

For some reason whenever I go to the page of my website that has the crystal report on it my main navigation bar disappears. Here is what the header for the site (with the navigation menu) is suppose to look like:
and here is what it looks like when there is a report on the page:
Could someone tell me what is causing this and how I can fix it?
I'm using master page for the header by the way.
Greener, the Crystal Report viewer is a dynamic HTML representation of the report. It combines JavaScript, HTML and CSS (duh, what doesn't) to represent your report on the webpage. The toolbars are powered by JavaScript calls to .JS that is linked in when the CrystalReportViewer control is rendered to your page.
My point is, all of this introduces a LOT of stuff that can conflict with your existing page. In particular JavaScript errors can occur (which can cause certain things to stop rendering) OR CSS the report uses happens to apply styles you never intended to have applied to objects in your page.
I highly recommend installing the Web Developer toolbar and/or FireBug to FireFox, IE, or whatever browser they are offered on these days. FireFox's implementation of those is quite good in my experience.
When the page loads you can use the 'CSS' menu of the Web Developer toolbar to actually disable some or ALL the styles applied to the page. If disabling Crystal related styles (or all) makes your missing toolbar appear, then it's probably a conflict in your CSS. A front end developer would know to adjust the styles (i.e. add the !important directive to a style, change class/id names, etc.) to address this.
Alternatively, FireBug may be reporting JavaScript errors (heck, even FireFox can show these in the console) which could indicate a problem that prevents the completion of rendering your toolbar.
An outside possibility is that the report itself contains mark-up. For example, if you had certain fields in the report contain HTML that happened to be rendered by the browser, this could create an open div tag, css styles and even JavaScript that would do all the stuff I explained above.
I hope this narrows it down for you. Happy troubleshooting!
I was having the same issue and after hours of searching I finally resolved it... check this out...
In the crystalreportviewer css file, I adjusted the div class = clear and changed the height attribute and disabled overflow:hidden. Hopefully, that works for you. Good luck!
I found the solution after searching on the web and is a quite simple.
On the Site Master, change the Name for all the places you have the style "clear" for example "clear1" and change it too en the site.css with that name.
The problem is for the conflic with the namespaces with Crystal Report css.
Hope this help.

Wordpress menu breaking only the last 2 items in IE8

I have a site that for some reason is breaking in IE8 (fine in all other browsers) the last 2 menu items in the main navigation which in turn is messing up the whole page.
I cannot seems to find the source of the problem or anything on the web. The menu itself validates so it seems like it has something to do with jquery? I just can't find the problem.
Would appreciate any help!
Some validation errors in the menu: [Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. And Firebug shows a 403 and a 404 error, too.

Drupal6: Theming Node Edit pages / Opening within Lightbox

I'm trying to display all node_edit form neatly within a lightbox without any of the excess content I don't want. No sidebars, footer, header, nothing. Just the content. So I created a page-node-edit.tpl.php file.
I have two problems daunting me, but for now I'll only mention the first since its more important.
1) From any drupal page, clicking on the "edit" link for the node doesn't activate the lightbox like it should. Instead it clicks-thru the link as normal.
With jQuery in the header I added a rel attribute for the lightbox to the links, but the box still doesn't activate. I tested the lightbox on a link I hardcoded into the page, and it activated just fine. For elements generated by Drupal, like the node edit link/button the problem seems to be timing.
I think the rel attribute needs to be built with the page, with the link, rather than appended onto it. The catch is, the link lacks an id and class, so I don't see how the hook_alter_link() function can help me.
I'm willing to try anything. Perhaps someone has done this before? Opened a node/edit form within a lightbox.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've seen the Modal Frame API used in a few modules (Node Relationships uses it to do something very similar to what you're doing); might be helpful...

Wordpress menu issue on IE!

So I am building a site for a client. The problem is the menu I made doesn't work on IE. Here's the site:
You'll see that the topmost menu isn't where it is supposed to be..
I know this could be a very simple problem to fix. But since I am new to web development I really can't find a way to fix it...
Please help me figure it out..
Use CSS conditional comments to target IE and change ul#page-menu css.
You should work on getting the right margin-top for ul#page-menu
First thing to do is fix your code errors, like the broken <div id="header" "> tag that's probably the cause of the menu problems. See your [Invalid]Markup Validation of blog - W3C Markup Validator report. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.
