Wordpress menu issue on IE! - wordpress

So I am building a site for a client. The problem is the menu I made doesn't work on IE. Here's the site: http://robertnogueira.com
You'll see that the topmost menu isn't where it is supposed to be..
I know this could be a very simple problem to fix. But since I am new to web development I really can't find a way to fix it...
Please help me figure it out..

Use CSS conditional comments to target IE and change ul#page-menu css.
You should work on getting the right margin-top for ul#page-menu

First thing to do is fix your code errors, like the broken <div id="header" "> tag that's probably the cause of the menu problems. See your [Invalid]Markup Validation of robertnogueira.com blog - W3C Markup Validator report. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.


Why Is My Wordpress Theme Losing CSS On Mobile?

I'm working on a Wordpress theme over at http://mbgb.co.uk/blog
Up in-till an hour ago all was OK, now however whenever accessing the site with mobile dimensions, the previous CSS has disappeared. I've tried going back to previous CSS but that's not working and to my knowledge I've not touched any other part of the build.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.
I have checked the url you mentioned.
Found some weird tags.
Please open your website and view your page source(Ctrl + U).
Preferably in Mozilla Firfox. As there the errors will be highlighted.
Please see the attached screenshots.
Go through the page source and resolve the things that are making these occur.
Please check
Please check
Did you checked if there are css rules that make your CSS appear only for desktop screens? This could be only explainable reason.
I'd just left a tag out - one day I'll learn not to panic. Sorry guys.

Multiple HTML 5 Canvases

I am new to HTML 5 and I recently created a page that has an issue. I grouped my navi links together with a tag and it works great. The problem is that none of the other links on the page work at all. This may be an obvious fix but I have been struggling for hours. I can provide code but its 400 lines and I thought someone may have an idea.
Thanks for all your help
For starters make sure your markup is valid. A good way to start is using the W3C Validator. If that is valid do the same with the JavaScript using JS Hint or JS Lint. And don't forget to check the developer console in Chrome or FireFox as it might show errors as well.

Sidebar pushed below content in individual post (Wordpress)

I'm designing a blog in Wordpress using the Thesis Framework and there is an issue that I just can't seem to find a fix to:
Basically everything is fine on the main page, but when I go into any individual post, the side bar is getting pushed off and showing up right down the button of the page (below the comments).
It's pretty obvious that there is some kind of sizing/width issue and I've played around with a lot of the widths in firebug but just can't seem to find where it's going wrong. I can't find a difference between the main page and post pages either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! A specific solution would be ideal because I've already spent a lot of time tinkering with it to try and address the issue.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I had this problem as well with the thesis framework. I found two reasons where it produced a similar mistake on my blog:
The first reason is that the sidebar + content area is bigger than you container. That would make the sidebar go below the the content. Make sure also that the content of the sidebar is also smaller than the sidebar. I had a Facebook box in the sidebar that was bigger, thus pushed the whole sidebar below the content.
An other reason was a plugin that I had installed. If you have any plugins installed try and see if one of those is interfering with the sidebar layout.
If that doesn't work you can also post a snippet of the code so that I can look at it.
I often have this problem when editing a page in html (text) mode and forget a closing tag, most notably a . If using tables, a missing , or similar will cause this.
So, in brief, make sure all your opening tags have a corresponding close tag.
Make sure the html is syntax-error free. I had the same problem and the culprit was a wrong closing tag (<b/>)

Wordpress menu breaking only the last 2 items in IE8

I have a site that for some reason is breaking in IE8 (fine in all other browsers) the last 2 menu items in the main navigation which in turn is messing up the whole page.
I cannot seems to find the source of the problem or anything on the web. The menu itself validates so it seems like it has something to do with jquery? I just can't find the problem.
Would appreciate any help!
Some validation errors in the menu: [Invalid] Markup Validation of finity.com.au - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. And Firebug shows a 403 and a 404 error, too.

Sidebar Behaves Differently on Wordpress Archive Pages

I am stuck on this one...
I have modified the default theme to a design my client came up with. All my modifications seem to be working okay, except the pages selected from the archive dropdown menu. Here's a link to an example page where the problem exists: http://mtrainierphotos.com/blog/?cat=15
Everywhere else the sidebar looks as it should.
Someone told me to look for a missing tag but I can't track it down.
Any suggestions?
I find that using the W3C Validator helps when trying to locate missing tags and may other html errors:
[Invalid]Markup Validation of mtrainierphotos.com blog ?cat=15 - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.
