Is there a version of the removeElement function in Go for the vector package like Java has in its Vector class? - vector

I am porting over some Java code into Google's Go language and I converting all code except I am stuck on just one part after an amazingly smooth port. My Go code looks like this and the section I am talking about is commented out:
func main() {
var puzzleHistory * vector.Vector;
puzzleHistory = vector.New(0);
var puzzle PegPuzzle;
var copyPuzzle PegPuzzle;
var currentPuzzle PegPuzzle;
currentPuzzle = puzzleHistory.At(0).(PegPuzzle);
isDone := false;
for !isDone {
currentPuzzle = puzzleHistory.At(0).(PegPuzzle);
for i := 0; i < currentPuzzle.validMoves.Len(); i++ {
copyPuzzle.NewPegPuzzle(currentPuzzle.holes, currentPuzzle.movesAlreadyDone);
// There is no function in Go's Vector that will remove an element like Java's Vector
if copyPuzzle.validMoves.Len() != 0 {
if copyPuzzle.isSolutionPuzzle() {
fmt.Printf("Puzzle Solved");;
isDone = true;
If there is no version available, which I believe there isn't ... does anyone know how I would go about implementing such a thing on my own?

How about Vector.Delete( i ) ?

Right now Go doesn't support generic equality operators. So you'll have to write something that iterates over the vector and removes the correct one.


Modified function not working as intended without recursion

I have a recursive function which iterates though directory trees listing the file names located in them.
Here is the function:
void WINAPI SearchFile(PSTR Directory)
char SearchName[1024],FullPath[1024];
if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
MessageBoxA(NULL, FullPath, "Directory", MB_OK);
MessageBoxA(NULL, FullPath, "File", MB_OK);
There are obviously differences between both functions but I don't understand what's making them act differently. Does anyone know why I am having this problem?
for fast understand error need look for line
goto label;
at this point hFind containing valid data and FindClose(hFind); need be called for it. but after goto label; executed - your overwrite hFind with hFind = FindFirstFile(SearchName, &FindData); - so you already never close original hFind, never can return to iterate folder after such go to sub-folder. this is key point - need save original hFind before go to sub directory and restore it after. when you do recursive function call - this is done auto - because every sub directory in this case enumerated in self stack frame, which have separate hFind. this is native solution use recursion here.
but possible convert recursion to loop here because we call self always from the single place and as result to this single place. so we can not save return address in stack but do unconditional jump (goto) to known place.
then code have some extra errors, you never check for string buffers overflow, why 1024 as max length is hard-coded when file path can be up to 32768 chars, you not check for reparse point as result can enter to infinite loop, use FindFirstFile instead FindFirstFileEx, etc.
correct code for enumerate sub-folder in loop can be next
void DoEnum(PCWSTR pcszRoot)
SIZE_T FileNameLength = wcslen(pcszRoot);
// initial check for . and ..
switch (FileNameLength)
case 2:
if (pcszRoot[1] != '.') break;
case 1:
if (pcszRoot[0] == '.') return;
static const WCHAR mask[] = L"\\*";
if (_countof(FileName) < FileNameLength + _countof(mask))
ULONG dwError;
HANDLE hFindFile = 0;
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData{};
enum { MaxDeep = 0x200 };
//++ stack
HANDLE hFindFileV[MaxDeep];
PWSTR pszV[MaxDeep];
char prefix[MaxDeep+1];
ULONG Level = MaxDeep;
memset(prefix, '\t', MaxDeep);
prefix[MaxDeep] = 0;
PWSTR psz = FileName;
goto __enter;
hFindFile = FindFirstFileEx(FileName, FindExInfoBasic, &FindData, FindExSearchNameMatch, 0, FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH);
pcszRoot = FindData.cFileName;
// skip . and ..
switch (FileNameLength = wcslen(pcszRoot))
case 2:
if (pcszRoot[1] != '.') break;
case 1:
if (pcszRoot[0] == '.') continue;
if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
if ((SIZE_T)(FileName + _countof(FileName) - psz) < FileNameLength + _countof(mask))
memcpy(psz, pcszRoot, (1 + FileNameLength) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)
DbgPrint("%sreparse point: <%S>\n", prefix + Level, pcszRoot);
if (Level)
DbgPrint("%s<%S>\n", prefix + Level, psz);
hFindFileV[--Level] = hFindFile;
pszV[Level] = psz;
memcpy(psz += FileNameLength, mask, sizeof(mask));
goto __loop;
*--psz = 0;
psz = pszV[Level];
hFindFile = hFindFileV[Level++];
DbgPrint("%s</%S>\n", prefix + Level, psz);
DbgPrint("%s[%u%u] %S\n", prefix + Level, FindData.nFileSizeLow, FindData.nFileSizeHigh, pcszRoot);
if (!hFindFile)
// top level exit
return ;
} while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &FindData));
if ((dwError = GetLastError()) == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
dwError = NOERROR;
dwError = GetLastError();
if (dwError)
DbgPrint("<%S> err = %u\n", FileName, dwError);
goto __return;
The reason for the difference is actually the confusion brought to you by goto label.If you are using the recursive version, after the recursive execution is completed, it will return to the recursive place to continue execution.
In your code, you continue to execute while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData)), but when you use goto label, it will jump out of the original loop and restart the program from the label, which leads to what you said list a single directory tree before ending.
If you modify the modified code to the following iterative version, you can understand why there is such a problem.
void fun()
char* Directory = "D:\\test";
char SearchName[1024], FullPath[1024];
char LastName[1024] = "";
while (1)
memset(SearchName, 0, sizeof(SearchName));
memset(&FindData, 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA));
sprintf(SearchName, "%s\\*", Directory);
if (strcmp(SearchName, LastName) == 0)
strcpy(LastName, SearchName);
hFind = FindFirstFile(SearchName, &FindData);
while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData))
if (FindData.cFileName[0] == '.')
memset(FullPath, 0, sizeof(FullPath));
sprintf(FullPath, "%s\\%s", Directory, FindData.cFileName);
if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
MessageBoxA(NULL, Directory, "Directory", MB_OK);
char cArray[1024];
memset(cArray, 0, sizeof(cArray));
sprintf(cArray, "%s", FullPath);
Directory = cArray;
MessageBoxA(NULL, FullPath, "File", MB_OK);
So you cannot achieve the same purpose as recursion by using goto, here you can only use recursion. Of course, I have provided a way to traverse directories non-recursively using queues, which is a more scientific way.
One of the key things that you obtain from recursion is a separate set of local variables for each call to the recursive function. When a function calls itself, and in the recursive call modifies local variables, those local-variable changes do not (directly) affect the local variables of the caller. In your original program, this applies to variables hFind, FindData, SearchName, and FullPath.
If you want similar behavior in a non-recursive version of the function then you need to manually preserve the state of your traversal of one level of the tree when you descend to another level. The goto statement doesn't do any such thing -- it just redirects the control flow of your program. Although there are a few good use cases for goto in C, they are uncommon, and yours is not one of them.
There are several ways to implement manually preserving state, but I would suggest
creating a structure type in which to store those data that characterize the state of your traversal of a particular level. Those appear to be only hFind and FindData -- it looks like the other locals don't need to be preserved. Maybe something like this, then:
struct dir_state {
Dynamically allocating an array of structures of that type.
unsigned depth_limit = DEFAULT_DEPTH_LIMIT;
struct dir_state *traversal_states
= malloc(depth_limit * sizeof(*traversal_states));
if (traversal_states == NULL) // ... handle allocation error ...
Tracking the depth of your tree traversal, and for each directory you process, using the array element whose index is the relative depth of that directory.
// For example:
= FindFirstFile(SearchName, &traversal_states[depth].FindData);
// etc.
Remembering the size of the array, so as to be able to reallocate it larger if the traversal descends too deep for its current size.
// For example:
if (depth >= depth_limit) {
depth_limit = depth_limit * 3 / 2;
struct dir_state *temp
= realloc(traversal_states, depth_limit * sizeof(*traversal_states));
if (temp == NULL) {
// handle error, discontinuing traversal
traversal_states = temp;
Also, use an ordinary for, while, or do loop instead of a backward-jumping goto. There will be a few details to work out to track when to use FindFirstFile and when FindNextFile (which you would still have with goto), but I'm sure you can sort it out.
Details are left as an exercise.
Unless necessary due to memory or processing constraints or infinite recursion tail conditions that would be complication to introduce there really isn't much need to not use recursion here, since it leads to a readable and elegant solution.
I also want to point out that in "modern" C, any solution using a GOTO is likely not a solution you want since they are so often confusing to use and leads to memory issues (we have loops now to make all of that so much simpler).
Instead of the GOTOs I would suggest implementing a stack of the directories. Wrap the printing logic a while or do-while, and as you are iterating over the files add any directories to the stack. At every new iteration pop and walk the directory at the head of the stack. The loop condition just needs to check if the directory stack is empty, before continuing its block.

Create nested map from key in groovy

I'm relatively new to groovy and am using it in the context of a gradle build. So please don't be harsh if there is an easy out-of-the-box solution for this.
Basically I'm trying to accomplish the reverse of Return Nested Key in Groovy. That is, I have some keys read from the map for example user.home and corresponding values like C:\User\dpr. Now I want to create a map that reflects this structure to use it in a groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine as bindings:
[user : [home : 'C:\Users\dpr']]
The keys may define an arbitrary deep hierarchy. For example java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation should become:
[java : [vm : [spec : [vendor : 'Oracle Corporation']]]]
Additionally there are properties with the same parents such as and
user: [
name: 'dpr',
country: 'US'
Edit: While ConfigSlurper is really nice, it is somewhat too defensive with creating the nested maps as it stops nesting at the minimum depth of a certain key.
I currently ended up using this
def bindings = [:] {
def map = bindings
def split = it.key.split("\\.")
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
def part = split[i];
// There is already a property value with the same parent
if (!(map instanceof Map)) {
println "Skipping property ${it.key}"
if (!map.containsKey(part)) {
map[part] = [:]
if (i == split.length - 1) {
map[part] = it.value
} else {
map = map[part]
map = it.value
With this solution the properties file.encoding.pkg, java.vendor.url and java.vendor.url.bug are discarded, which is not nice but something I can cope with.
However the above code is not very groovyish.
You can use a ConfigSlurper :
def conf = new ConfigSlurper().parse(

Swift get value from UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> using UnsafePointer<String>

I am trying to pass contextInfo of typeUnsafeMutablePointer<Void> to UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum and use it in the callback function. For some reason I am unable to access contextInfo as a string using UnsafePointer<String>(x).memory when I am in the callback function.
I am pretty sure it is something simple I am missing but have spent way to many hours trying to figure this out.
Below is some code that I have tried.
The following code works.
var testStr:String = "hello"
func takesAMutableVoidPointer(x: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>){
var pStr:String = UnsafePointer<String>(x).memory
println("x = \(x)")
println("pStr = \(pStr)")
However the following code does not work.
var testStr:String = "hello"
if UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum(filePath){ //the filePath is compatible
//UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum(filePath, self, nil, nil)
UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum(filePath, self, "video:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:", &testStr)
println("Not Compatible")
func video(video: NSString, didFinishSavingWithError error:NSError, contextInfo:UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>){
var pStr:String = UnsafePointer<String>(contextInfo).memory
println("contextInfo = \(contextInfo)")
println("pStr = \(pStr)")
Once I get to the following line:
var pStr:String = UnsafePointer<String>(contextInfo).memory
I keep getting the following error:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1, address=0x0)
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Rintaro commented that testStr needs to be top level but the following code works.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
var testStr:String = "hello"
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func takesAMutableVoidPointer(x: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>){
var answer = UnsafePointer<String>(x).memory
println("x = \(x)")
println("answer = \(answer)")
I am trying not to use global variables unless I have to. I may have to but since I am able to execute the above code, it seems as though I do not need to use a global variable.
As discussed in OP comments, testStr has already been freed.
Is there any way to force the retaining of a variable that has been created in a function? Then release it later?
It's not impossible, but I don't know this is the best way to do that.
Anyway, try this with Playground or OS X "Command Line Tool" template:
import Foundation
func foo() {
var str:NSString = "Hello World"
let ptr = UnsafePointer<Void>(Unmanaged<NSString>.passRetained(str).toOpaque())
func bar(v:UnsafePointer<Void>) {
let at = dispatch_time(
Int64(2.0 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))
dispatch_after(at, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
func baz(v:UnsafePointer<Void>) {
let str = Unmanaged<NSString>.fromOpaque(COpaquePointer(v)).takeRetainedValue()
println("info: \(str)")
Unmanaged<NSString>.passRetained(str) increments the retain count.
Unmanaged<NSString>.fromOpaque(...).takeRetainedValue() decrements it, and extract the object.
I think, using pure Swift String is impossible. because String is struct and is allocated in stack memory. Maybe the buffer of it is allocated in heap, but we cannot access it directly.

Implementing an IObservable to compute digits of Pi

This is an academic exercise, I'm new to Reactive Extensions and trying to get my head around the technology. I set myself a goal of making an IObservable that returns successive digits of Pi (I happen to be really interested in Pi right at the moment for unrelated reasons). Reactive Extensions contains operators for making observables, the guidance they give is that you should "almost never need to create your own IObsevable". But I can't see how I can do this with the ready-made operators and methods. Let me elucidate a bit more.
I was planning to use an algorithm that would involve the expansion of a Taylor series for Arctan. To get the next digit of Pi, I'd expand a few more terms in the series.
So I need the series expansion going on asynchronously, occasionally throwing out the next computed digit to the IObserver. I obviosly don't want to restart the computation from scratch for each new digit.
Is there a way to implement this behaviour using RX's built-in operators, or am I going to have to code an IObservable from scratch? What strategy suggests itself?
For something like this, the simplest method would be to use a Subject. Subject is both an IObservable and IObserver, which sounds a bit strange but it allows you to use them like this:
class PiCalculator
private readonly Subject<int> resultStream = new Subject<int>();
public IObservable<int> ResultStream
get { return resultStream; }
public void Start()
// Whatever the algorithm actually is
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
So inside your algorithm, you just call OnNext on the subject whenever you want to produce the next value.
Then to use it, you just need something like:
var piCalculator = new PiCalculator();
piCalculator.ResultStream.Subscribe(n => Console.WriteLine((n)));
Simplest way is to create an Enumerable and then convert it:
IEnumerable<int> Pi()
// algorithm here
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
yield return i;
Usage (for a cold observable, that is every new 'subscription' starts creating Pi from scratch):
var cold = Pi().ToObservable(Scheduler.ThreadPool);
If you want to make it hot (everyone shares the same underlying calculation), you can just do this:
var hot = cold.Publish().RefCount();
Which will start the calculation after the first subscriber, and stop it when they all disconnect. Here's a simple test:
hot.Subscribe(p => Console.WriteLine("hot1: " + p));
hot.Subscribe(p => Console.WriteLine("hot2: " + p));
Which should show hot1 printing only for a little while, then hot2 joining in after a short wait but printing the same numbers. If this was done with cold, the two subscriptions would each start from 0.

remove duplicates from collection

I want to get a list of all Locales that have a different language, where the ISO3 code is used to identify the language of a Locale. I thought the following should work
class ISO3LangComparator implements Comparator<Locale> {
int compare(Locale locale1, Locale locale2) {
locale1.ISO3Language <=> locale2.ISO3Language
def allLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales().toList()
def uniqueLocales = allLocales.unique {new ISO3LangComparator()}
// Test how many locales there are with iso3 code 'ara'
def arabicLocaleCount = uniqueLocales.findAll {it.ISO3Language == 'ara'}.size()
// This assertion fails
assert arabicLocaleCount <= 1
You are using the wrong syntax: you are using Collection.unique(Closure closure):
allLocales.unique {new ISO3LangComparator()}
You should use Collection.unique(Comparator comparator)
allLocales.unique (new ISO3LangComparator())
So simply use () instead of {}, and your problem is solved.
what Adam said.
and you forget about the comparator
