Website missing after copying to wwwroot folder -

I am trying to deploy a website; i have copy pasted the code into the webapps\wwwroot folder by creating a folder
Then when taking inetmgr ;
i am cannot see any of the folder in the folder structure to right click and create a applciation
Please help me

I know this may sound simple and I don't mean to be belittling when I ask this; but have you refreshed your IIS manager? Are you sure you have looked in the right area in IIS or have put the folder where you thought you did?


PDF is not accessible through URL in IIS .NET Framework 4.8 app

I have a PDF file in a folder on a server within a IIS website app that I need to be able to open through a link/url, like below:
The PDF file is hosted in a folder of my IIS application. When I try to access it through the link, I've got a 500 server error.
I tried several things within IIS settings (URL Rules, web.config, mime-types), but nothing worked so far.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
Is the folder included in the project? You can't just add a folder outside of Visual Studio, but have to use VS to add that folder.
You can right click on that existing folder (which of course is a sub folder of your project) and check this setting:
So, in my case, I right click on UpLoadFiles.
If the folder ALREADY is included in the project, then you get a option to EXCLUDE the folder like this:
However, if the folder is not included, then you see this:
so, is that folder included in your project? You want to check above.

Drupal Site configuration issues

Good day every one,
I am new in DRUPAL.
I am having problem with the drupal site.
I got the repository for the drupal site. I have successfully clone it and got every things and the database. I have uploaded the database to the local host server.
Now, I can see that initially the directory is like this
Then when i first open the site through local host the directory automatically becomes like this
The "file" directory contains the empty folder of css, images etc/
which I believe is downloaded from the database for the first time.
The site is giving many console error like missing images etc.
Instead of having the empty folder in file directory there must be images and css files and everything I do not know what is wrong becs the folder should not be empty there must be files and and image sand css files and should be downloaded from the database when I first open the site.
Please help me to locate the problem.
Thank you very much.
Usually, you will put on git drupal core, modules and theme files.., basically everything except the files uploaded by user (admin). Those files are usually located at:
So, since they are not on git repo you need to copy them to your local environment from the working site (i.e. over (S)FTP).
If your "file" is not "files" dir I'm talking about then it's something specific to your site - don't know nothing about it.

Server.MapPath does not find the path on Azure

I have deployed my project to Azure. In my project I have "App_Data\Images" folder.
Now I'm trying to do the following:
String filename = GLOBAL_IMAGES_VALS.GET_FILE_PREFIX(imageType) + "-" + User.Identity.GetUserId<int>().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(image.FileName);
String origPath = Server.MapPath("~\\App_Data")+"\\Images\\" + filename;
But then upon trying:
I get this error message:
Could not find a part of the path
How can I save my file to "App_Data\Images\"?
The actual problem was that the sub-folder 'Images' did not exist. I can't remember why the publish process did not create this sub-folder, however I added it manually and then everything worked fine.
As others wrote here (#Spectarion). I'll put here the important remark that explain why the folder was not created:
Just for the future readers, folder won't be created if it's empty.
Folder is empty even if there are files that are not included in
Just put some 'fake.txt' file into any folder you want to make sure that it will be created, and of course don't forget to add it to the project. Good luck.
Since you don't have any file in the particular folder, while publishing Web deploy ignores the empty folder.
Quick fix: Add any file to the folder before publishing will fix this issue.
if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Images")))
The directory might be missing in the folder. Create the directory and use it in file path
Maybe this :
System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~\\App_Data")+"\\Images\\" + filename )
Maybe the images folder doesn't exist and you need to create it first? Although I wouldn't recommend saving images in your app like this if it is designed for people uploading images. I would save them in Azure storage via blobs or the new Azure File storage. I would keep your app deployment files clean just related to your app and save any user generated content outside of it.
BTW, If you are using Azure Web Apps you can use the environment variable of "HOME" to always get the correct path (which should be D:\home)
string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") +
I assume your AppData folder is just under the wwwroot folder, which is usually the case.
Try this:
HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/AppData/Images/", filename));
I just had this problem on VS15. I first followed the advice in this question in order to generate the error you've got. I'm guessing this follows in part dsb's answer, but dsb hasnt given any description of the actual process of fixing this.
I then went to https://<mywebsite> to look through the directory and found that App_Data had not been published
Which was why the error was throwing. So, I then solved this by simply going to the solution explorer, right clicking App_Dataand selecting to "Publish App_Data".
However, my website was a short-term academic effort for a project - I think there is probably a lot to be said for considering Matt Watsons answer above about whether or not allowing users to upload to the deployment area is a good idea

ASP Site - Updating Dlls on Change

When I make a change to the a aspx.cs page in my website and then build I notice that none of the dlls in the Bin folder are updated, the only dlls I can see in there are the references the web app uses. I want to bring across this one change rather than redeploy the whole site so where are the changes being saved?
I've tried various things like build solution, rebuild solution, build website, rebuild web site.
Is it possible my dll is being sent elsewhere? How would I go about finding out where?
In Solution Explorer, on root project node, right-click and select Properties. Click on the "Build" tab and look under "Output" section. Here you will see the actual output path and can change it to your bin folder.
In Solution Explorer, on root project node, right-click and try to Clean solution and then again build whole solution.

Created folder in VS2012 is missing on the server

I have very strange problem and I don't even know why it occurs. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
So i have created new website in VB2012. Then i've created new folder and uploaded everything on my host. But this folder is missing on the server. Why is that and how to fix it? Do i need to create desired folders on my host manually?
Folder named "photos" added in my website project
Folder is missing on the server when I upload that project
Empty directories are not published when using Visual Studio.
The top answer to this question regarding a similar issue suggests a workaround:
You need to create a placeholder.txt file in each empty directory if you want the precompilation tool to generate these empty folders. Failing that you can create a command line app that will create the folders in your post build events (but only if you are using web application project not web site project).
From my experience VS won't publish an empty folder. As a workaround we always put a dummy file in the folder to ensure that it gets copied over. Something like "placeholder.txt"
