I know in general it is a good practice to move as much processing as possible from Sql Server to the application (in my case ASP.NET). However what if the processing on the application level means passing 30+ extra parameters to the Sql Server. In this case is it worth moving the processing to the Sql Server?
Here's the specific dilemma I am facing - which procedure will offer better performance overall?
#id int
SET somevalue1 = somevalue1 + 1,
somevalue2 = somevalue2 + 1,
somevalue3 = somevalue3 + 1,
somevalueN = somevalueN + 1
WHERE id = #id
#id int,
#somevalue1 int,
#somevalue2 int,
#somevalue3 int,
#somevalueN int
SET somevalue1 = #somevalue1,
somevalue2 = #somevalue2,
somevalue3 = #somevalue3,
somevalueN = #somevalueN
WHERE id = #id
I am using a managed hosting, but I guess it is valid to assume that Sql Server and ASP.NET runtime reside on the same machine, so the transfer of data between the two would probably be pretty fast/negligible(or is it).
The 30 Parameters are basically totalNumberOfRatings for different items. So whenever a user of my web app gives a new rating for itemN then totalNumberOfRatingsItemN is incremented by 1. In most cases the rating will be given to several items (but not necessarily all), so totalNumberOfRatings is not the same for different items.
I'll make a wild guess that you've read that SQL Server is not the appropriate place to do math. I think SQL is quite appropriate for doing a handful of arithmetic operations and aggregate operations, like SUM. Only measuring both implementations in realistic load scenarios can say for sure.
What SQL isn't appropriate for are things like multiple regression and matrix inversion.
Moving incrementors to the application tier sounds to me like a micro-optimization that is unlikely to pay for itself. Implement the logic to increment the values in either tier that makes the code readable and maintainable.
in general it is a good practice to move as much processing as possible from Sql Server to the application
Says who? SQL Server is good at some things, not so good at others. Use your judgement.
and by "application", do you mean
the web page
an application-service layer
an enterprise service bus component
a web service
something else?
There are many choices...
As to your specific question, incrementing 30 fields seems ludicrous. Passing 30 parms seems excessive. Some context is in order...
Is performance that critical in this instance? If its not I would personally go for readability and maintainability - which would mean implementing it following the same standards as the rest of the system.
I recommend normalizing your table to eliminate the 30+ columns of ratings. Instead, consider having a table with a single rating column and having one row for each different item, like so:
myTableId INT NOT NULL, -- Foreign key
itemNumber INT NOT NULL,
itemRating INT
You could then increment a bunch of ratings at once with a query like
UPDATE ItemRatings
SET itemRating = itemRating + 1
WHERE myTableId = #id
AND itemNumber IN (#n1, #n2, #n3, ...)
Something like that, anyways. I'm not exactly clear on how your tables function since you anonymized all the names, but hopefully you get the gist of what I'm saying.
That said, if you don't want to or can't normalize your table this way, I agree with the other answers. It's six of one, half a dozen of the other. Personally, I'd choose the first way and let the database do all the heavy lifting. Of course, as in all things, if performance is ultra-critical then the real answer is not to guess; try both ways and get out your stopwatch!
I need to insert about 1 million of nodes in Neo4j. I need to specify that each node is unique, so every time I insert a node it has to be checked that there's not the same node yet. Also the relationships must be unique.
I'm using Python and Cypher:
queryProbe = 'MERGE (a:ipNode8 {ip:"' + prev + '"})'
queryUpdateRelationship= 'MATCH (a:ipNode8 {ip:"' + prev + '"}),(b:ipNode8 {ip:"' + next + '"}) MERGE (a)-[:precede]->(b)'
The problem is that after putting 40-50K nodes into Neo4j , the insertion speed slows down quickly and I can not to put anything else.
Your question is quite open ended. In addition to #InverseFalcon's recommendations, here are some other things you can investigate to speed things up.
Read the Performance Tuning documentation, and follow the recommendations. In particular, you might be running into memory-related issues, so the Memory Tuning section may be very helpful.
Your Cypher query(ies) can probably be sped up. For instance, if it makes sense, you can try something like the following. The data parameter is expected to be a list of objects having the format {a: 123, b: 234}. You can make the list as long as appropriate (e.g., 20K) to avoid running out of memory on the server while it processes the list within a single transaction. (This query assumes that you also want to create b if it does not exist.)
UNWIND {data} AS d
MERGE (a:ipNode8 {ip: d.a})
MERGE (b:ipNode8 {ip: d.b})
MERGE (a)-[:precede]->(b)
There are also periodic execution APOC procedures that you might be able to use.
For mass inserts like this, it's best to use LOAD CSV with periodic commit or the import tool.
I believe it's also best practice to use a parameterized query instead of appending values into a string.
Also, you created a unique property constraint on :ipNode8, but not :ipNode, which is the first one you MERGE. Seems like you'll need a unique constraint for that one too.
I'm creating a caching system to take data from an SQLite database table using a sorted/filtered query and display it. The tables I'm pulling from can be potentially very large and, of course, I need to minimize impact on memory by only retaining a maximum number of rows in memory at any given time. This is easily done by using LIMIT and OFFSET to load only the records I need and update the cache as needed. Implementing this is trivial. The problem I'm having is determining where the insertion index is for a new record inserted into a particular query so I can update my UI appropriately. Is there an easy way to do this? So far the ideas I've had are:
Dump the entire cache, re-count the Query results (there's no guarantee the new row will be included), refresh the cache and refresh the entire UI. I hope it's obvious why that's not really desirable.
Use my own algorithm to determine whether the new row is included in the current query, if it is included in the current cached results and at what index it should be inserted into if it's within the current cached scope. The biggest downfall of this approach is it's complexity and the risk that my own sorting/filtering algorithm won't match SQLite's.
Of course, what I want is to be able to ask SQLite: Given 'Query A' what is the index of 'Row B', without loading the entire query results. However, so far I haven't been able to find a way to do this.
I don't think it matters but this is all occurring on an iOS device, using the objective-c programming language.
More Info
The Query and subsequent cache is based off of user input. Essentially the user can re-sort and filter (or search) to alter the results they're seeing. My reticence in simply recreating the cache on insertions (and edits, actually) is to provide a 'smoother' UI experience.
I should point out that I'm leaning toward option "2" at the moment. I played around with creating my own caching/indexing system by loading all the records in a table and performing the sort/filter in memory using my own algorithms. So much of the code needed to determine whether and/or where a particular record is in the cache is already there, so I'm slightly predisposed to use it. The danger lies in having a cache that doesn't match the underlying query. If I include a record in the cache that the query wouldn't return, I'll be in trouble and probably crash.
You don't need record numbers.
Save the values of the ordered field in the first and last records of the LIMITed query result.
Then you can use these to check whether the new record falls into this range.
In other words, assuming that you order by the Name field, and that the original query was this:
SELECT Name, ...
FROM mytab
WHERE some_conditions
then try to get at the new record with a similar query:
FROM mytab
WHERE some_conditions
AND PrimaryKey = LastInsertedValue
AND Name BETWEEN CachedMin AND CachedMax
Similarly, to find out before (or after) which record the new record was inserted, start directly after the inserted record and use a limit of one, like this:
FROM mytab
WHERE some_conditions
AND Name > MyInsertedName
AND Name BETWEEN CachedMin AND CachedMax
This doesn't give you a number; you still have to check where the returned Name is in your cache.
Typically you'd expect a cache to be invalidated if there were underlying data changes. I think dropping it and starting over will be your simplest, maintainable solution. I would recommend it unless you have a very good reason.
You could write another query that just returned the row count (example below) to see if your cache should be invalidated. That would save recreating the cache when it did not change.
SELECT name,address FROM people WHERE area_code=970;
SELECT COUNT(rowid) FROM people WHERE area_code=970;
The information you'd need from sqlite to know when your cache was invalidated would require some rather intimate knowledge of how the query and/or index was working. I would say that is fairly high coupling.
Otherwise, you'd want to know where it was inserted with regards to the sorting. You would probably key each page on the sorted field. Delete anything greater than the insert/delete field. Any time you change the sorting you'd drop everything.
Something like the below would be a start if you were using C++. I realize you aren't doing C++, but hopefully it is evident as to what I'm trying to do.
struct Person {
std::string name;
std::string addr;
struct Page {
std::string key;
std::vector<Person> persons;
struct Less {
bool operator()(const Page &lhs, const Page &rhs) const {
return lhs.key.compare(rhs.key) < 0;
typedef std::set<Page, Page::Less> pages_t;
pages_t pages;
void insert(const Person &person) {
if (sql_insert(person)) {
pages_t::iterator drop_cache_start = pages.lower_bound(person);
//... drop this page and everything after it
You'd have to do some wrangling to get different datatypes of key to work nicely, but its possible.
Theoretically you could just leave the pages out of it and only use the objects themselves. The database would no longer "own" the data though. If you only fill pages from the database, then you'll have less data consistency worries.
This may be a bit off topic, you aren't re-implementing views are you? It doesn't cache per se, but it isn't clear if that is a requirement of your project.
The solution I came up with is not exactly simple, but it's currently working well. I realized that the index of a record in a Query Statement is also the Count of all it's previous records. What I needed to do was 'convert' all the ORDER statements in the query to a series of WHERE statements that would return only the preceding records and take a count of those records. It's trickier than it sounds (or maybe not...it sounds tricky). The biggest issue I had was making sure the query was, in fact, sorted in a way I could predict. This meant I needed to have an order column in the Order Parameters that was based off of a column with unique values. So, whenever a user sorts on a column, I append to the statement another order parameter on a unique column (I used a "Modified Date Stamp") to break ties.
Creating the WHERE portion of the statement requires more than just tacking on a bunch of ANDs. It's easier to demonstrate. Say you have 3 Order columns: "LastName" ASC, "FirstName" DESC, and "Modified Stamp" ASC (the tie breaker). The WHERE statement would have to look something like this ('?' = record value):
"LastName" < ? OR
("LastName" = ? AND "FirstName" > ?) OR
("LastName" = ? AND "FirstName" = ? AND "Modified Stamp" < ?)
Each set of WHERE parameters grouped together by parenthesis are tie breakers. If, in fact, the record values of "LastName" are equal, we must then look at "FirstName", and finally "Modified Stamp". Obviously, this statement can get really long if you're sorting by a bunch of order parameters.
There's still one problem with the above solution. Mathematical operations on NULL values always return false, and yet when you sort SQLite sorts NULL values first. Therefore, in order to deal with NULL values appropriately you've gotta add another layer of complication. First, all mathematical equality operations, =, must be replace by IS. Second, all < operations must be nested with an OR IS NULL to include NULL values appropriately on the < operator. This turns the above operation into:
("LastName" < ? OR "LastName" IS NULL) OR
("LastName" IS ? AND "FirstName" > ?) OR
("LastName" IS ? AND "FirstName" IS ? AND ("Modified Stamp" < ? OR "Modified Stamp" IS NULL))
I then take a count of the RowID using the above WHERE parameter.
It turned out easy enough for me to do mostly because I had already constructed a set of objects to represent various aspects of my SQL Statement which could be assembled to generate the statement. I can't even imagine trying to manipulate a SQL statement like this any other way.
So far, I've tested using this on several iOS devices with up to 10,000 records in a table and I've had no noticeable performance issues. Of course, it's designed for single record edits/insertions so I don't really need it to be super fast/efficient.
This question is a followup to This Question
The solution, clearing the execution plan cache seemed to work at the time, but i've been running into the same problem over and over again, and clearing the cache no longer seems to help. There must be a deeper problem here.
I've discovered that if I remove the .Distinct() from the query, it returns rows (with duplicates) in about 2 seconds. However, with the .Distinct() it takes upwards of 4 minutes to complete. There are a lot of rows in the tables, and some of the where clause fields do not have indexes. However, the number of records returned is fairly small (a few dozen at most).
The confusing part about it is that if I get the SQL generated by the Linq query, via Linqpad, then execute that code as SQL or in SQL Management Studio (including the DISTINCT) it executes in about 3 seconds.
What is the difference between the Linq query and the executed SQL?
I have a short term workaround, and that's to return the set without .Distinct() as a List, then using .Distinct on the list, this takes about 2 seconds. However, I don't like doing SQL Server work on the web server.
I want to understand WHY the Distinct is 2 orders of magnitude slower in Linq, but not SQL.
When executing the code via Linq, the sql profiler shows this code, which is basically identical query.
sp_executesql N'SELECT DISTINCT [t5].[AccountGroupID], [t5].[AccountGroup]
AS [AccountGroup1]
FROM [dbo].[TransmittalDetail] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TransmittalHeader] AS [t1] ON [t1].[TransmittalHeaderID] =
INNER JOIN [dbo].[LineItem] AS [t2] ON [t2].[LineItemID] = [t0].[LineItemID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountType] AS [t3] ON [t3].[AccountTypeID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountCategory] AS [t4] ON [t4].[AccountCategoryID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountGroup] AS [t5] ON [t5].[AccountGroupID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountSummary] AS [t6] ON [t6].[AccountSummaryID] =
WHERE ([t1].[TransmittalEntityID] = #p0) AND ([t1].[DateRangeBeginTimeID] = #p1) AND
([t1].[ScenarioID] = #p2) AND ([t6].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3)',N'#p0 int,#p1 int,
#p2 int,#p3 int',#p0=196,#p1=20100101,#p2=2,#p3=0
The only difference between the queries is that Linq executes it with sp_executesql and SSMS does not, otherwise the query is identical.
I have tried various Transaction Isolation levels to no avail. I've also set ARITHABORT to try to force a recompile when it executes, and no difference.
The bad plan is most likely the result of parameter sniffing: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/queryoptteam/archive/2006/03/31/565991.aspx
Unfortunately there is not really any good universal way (that I know of) to avoid that with L2S. context.ExecuteCommand("sp_recompile ...") would be an ugly but possible workaround if the query is not executed very frequently.
Changing the query around slightly to force a recompile might be another one.
Moving parts (or all) of the query into a view*, function*, or stored procedure* DB-side would be yet another workaround.
* = where you can use local params (func/proc) or optimizer hints (all three) to force a 'good' plan
Btw, have you tried to update statistics for the tables involved? SQL Server's auto update statistics doesn't always do the job, so unless you have a scheduled job to do that it might be worth considering scripting and scheduling update statistics... ...tweaking up and down the sample size as needed can also help.
There may be ways to solve the issue by adding* (or dropping*) the right indexes on the tables involved, but without knowing the underlying db schema, table size, data distribution etc that is a bit difficult to give any more specific advice on...
* = Missing and/or overlapping/redundant indexes can both lead to bad execution plans.
The SQL that Linqpad gives you may not be exactly what is being sent to the DB.
Here's what I would suggest:
Run SQL Profiler against the DB while you execute the query. Find the statement which corresponds to your query
Paste the whole statment into SSMS, and enable the "Show Actual Execution Plan" option.
Post the resulting plan here for people to dissect.
Key things to look for:
Table Scans, which usually imply that an index is missing
Wide arrows in the graphical plan, indicating lots of intermediary rows being processed.
If you're using SQL 2008, viewing the plan will often tell you if there are any indexes missing which should be added to speed up the query.
Also, are you executing against a DB which is under load from other users?
At first glance there's a lot of joins, but I can only see one thing to reduce the number right away w/out having the schema in front of me...it doesn't look like you need AccountSummary.
[t6].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3
could be
[t5].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3
Return values are from the [t5] table. [t6] is only used filter on that one parameter which looks like it is the Foreign Key from t5 to t6, so it is present in [t5]. Therefore, you can remove the join to [t6] altogether. Or am I missing something?
Are you sure you want to use LEFT OUTER JOIN here? This query looks like it should probably be using INNER JOINs, especially because you are taking the columns that are potentially NULL and then doing a distinct on it.
Check that you have the same Transaction Isolation level between your SSMS session and your application. That's the biggest culprit I've seen for large performance discrepancies between identical queries.
Also, there are different connection properties in use when you work through SSMS than when executing the query from your application or from LinqPad. Do some checks into the Connection properties of your SSMS connection and the connection from your application and you should see the differences. All other things being equal, that could be the difference. Keep in mind that you are executing the query through two different applications that can have two different configurations and could even be using two different database drivers. If the queries are the same then that would be only differences I can see.
On a side note if you are hand-crafting the SQL, you may try moving the conditions from the WHERE clause into the appropriate JOIN clauses. This actually changes how SQL Server executes the query and can produce a more efficient execution plan. I've seen cases where moving the filters from the WHERE clause into the JOINs caused SQL Server to filter the table earlier in the execution plan and significantly changed the execution time.
I just started learning LINQ to SQL, and so far I'm impressed with the easy of use and good performance.
I used to think that when doing LINQ queries like
from Customer in DB.Customers where Customer.Age > 30 select Customer
LINQ gets all customers from the database ("SELECT * FROM Customers"), moves them to the Customers array and then makes a search in that Array using .NET methods. This is very inefficient, what if there are hundreds of thousands of customers in the database? Making such big SELECT queries would kill the web application.
Now after experiencing how actually fast LINQ to SQL is, I start to suspect that when doing that query I just wrote, LINQ somehow converts it to a SQL Query string
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Age > 30
And only when necessary it will run the query.
So my question is: am I right? And when is the query actually run?
The reason why I'm asking is not only because I want to understand how it works in order to build good optimized applications, but because I came across the following problem.
I have 2 tables, one of them is Books, the other has information on how many books were sold on certain days. My goal is to select books that had at least 50 sales/day in past 10 days. It's done with this simple query:
from Book in DB.Books where (from Sale in DB.Sales where Sale.SalesAmount >= 50 && Sale.DateOfSale >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) select Sale.BookID).Contains(Book.ID) select Book
The point is, I have to use the checking part in several queries and I decided to create an array with IDs of all popular books:
var popularBooksIDs = from Sale in DB.Sales where Sale.SalesAmount >= 50 && Sale.DateOfSale >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) select Sale.BookID;
BUT when I try to do the query now:
from Book in DB.Books where popularBooksIDs.Contains(Book.ID) select Book
It doesn't work! That's why I think that we can't use thins kinds of shortcuts in LINQ to SQL queries, like we can't use them in real SQL. We have to create straightforward queries, am I right?
You are correct. LINQ to SQL does create the actual SQL to retrieve your results.
As for your shortcuts, there are ways to work around the limitations:
var popularBooksIds = DB.Sales
.Where(s => s.SalesAmount >= 50
&& s.DateOfSale >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10))
.Select(s => s.Id)
// Actually should work.
// Forces the table into memory and then uses LINQ to Objects for the query
var popularBooksSelect = DB.Books
.Where(b => popularBooksIds.Contains(b.Id));
Yes, query gets translated to a SQL string, and the underlying SQL can be different depending on what you are trying to do... so you have to be careful in that regard. Checkout a tool called linqpad, you can try your query in it and see the executing SQL.
Also, it runs when iterating through the collection or calling a method on it like ToList().
Entity framework or linq queries can be tricky sometimes. Sometimes you are surprised at the efficiency of the sql query generated and sometimes the query is so complicated and inefficient that you would smack your forehead.
Best idea is that if you have any suspicions about a query, run an sql profiler at the backend that would monitor all the queries coming in. That way you know exactly what is being passed on to the sql server and correct any inefficiencies if need be.
This will help you to see what and when queries are being run. Also, Damiens blog is full of other linq to sql goodness.
You can generate an EXISTS clause by using the .Any method. I have had more success that way than trying to generate IN clauses, because it likes to retrieve all the data and pass it all back in as parameters to a query
In linq to sql, IQueryable expression fragments can be combined to create a single query, it will try to keep everything as an IQueryable for as long as it can, before you do something that cannot be expressed in SQL. When you call ToList you are directly asking it to resolve that query into an IEnumerable stored in memory.
In most cases you are better off not selecting the book ids in advance. Keep the fragment for popular books in a single place in the code and use it when necessary, to build on another query. An IQueryable is just an expression tree, which is resolved into SQL at some other point.
If you think your application will perform better by storing the popular books elsewhere (memcache or whatever), then you may consider pulling them out before hand, and checking against that later. This will mean each book id will be passed in as a sproc parameter and used in an IN clause.
I had a problem this week (which thankfully I've solved in a much better way);
I needed to keep a couple of fields in a database constant.
So, I knocked up a script to place a Trigger on the table, that would set the value back to a preset number when either an insert, or update took place.
The database is RDB running on VMS (but i'd be interested to know the similarities for SQLServer).
Here are the triggers:
drop trigger my_ins_trig;
drop trigger my_upd_trig;
!++ Create triggers on MY_TABLE
WHEN somefield = 2
(UPDATE my_table table1
SET table1.field1 = 0.1,
table1.field2 = 1.2
WHERE my_table.dbkey = table1.dbkey)
WHEN somefield = 2
(UPDATE my_table table1
SET table1.field1 = 0.1,
table1.field2 = 1.2
WHERE my_table.dbkey = table1.dbkey)
Question Time
I'd would expect this to form an infinite recursion - but it doesnt seem to?
Can anyone explain to me how RDB deals with this one way or another...or how other databases deal with it.
[NOTE: I know this is an awful approach but various problems and complexities meant that even though this is simple in the code - it couldn't be done the best/easiest way. Thankfully I haven't implemented it in this way but I wanted to ask the SO community for its thoughts on this. ]
Thanks in advance
edit: It seems Oracle RDB just plain doesnt execute nested triggers that result in recursion. From the paper: 'A trigger can nest other triggers as long as recursion does not take place.' I'll leave the rest of the answer here for anyone else wondering about recursive triggers in other DBs.
Well firstly to answer your question - it depends on the database. Its entirely possible that trigger recursion is turned off on the instance you are working on. As you can imagine, trigger recursion could cause all kinds of chaos if handled incorrectly so SQL Server allows you to disable it altogether.
Secondly, I would suggest that perhaps there is a better way to get this functionality without triggers. You can get view based row level security with SQL Server. The same outcome can be achieved with Oracle VPDs.
Alternatively, if its configuration values you are trying to protect, I would group them all into a single table and apply permissions on that (simpler than row based security).