How do I turn off snaplines in Visual Studio 2008? -

How do you turn off those blue guide lines when working on an ASP.NET form in VS 2008?. You used to be able to just drag absolute controls around. Now, I'm fighting with the designer which won't let me put things where I want to put them!
Cheers, Rob.

Try holding down the Alt key while dragging - this will temporarily disable all snaplines.
If you want to permanently disable them then go to Tools > Options > HTML Designer > CSS Styling and uncheck Change positioning to absolute... (it is the last checkbox in the list).

Actually - they key change is that to drag a control around in VS2008, you drag the white tab ABOVE the control, not the control itself. If you drag the control of the window, you're changing the parent.
This is a stubtle change to the way it worked in VS2005.
But the reminder about using the ALT key to turn off grid/snapping as well is useful as well.
I googled so many times to try and find this!
Cheers, Rob.

Setting the position attribute on a div to position: absolute will allow you to drag it around.

Since this is one of the top results in a google search...for Visual studio 2019 pressing CTRL while moving will turn off the snap lines.


How to disable Live View Code Finder in Brackets

In Adobe Brackets, I have a HTML file open with live view on, when I click on an element in Live View (i.e. Chrome); It automatically scrolls to that elements code in Brackets. I find this very annoying since I have to keep scrolling back to where I was.
Is there a way to disable this feature?
This can be disabled by setting "livedev.enableReverseInspect": false in the preferences file.
For more info click here.
"There's a toggle View > Live Preview Highlight that you can use to disable and re-enable this feature."

Link jQuery-UI/Kendo-UI to make live changes to elements in page designer

I apologize if the title was not clear enough. I am working on a project where a user can design a page (something like Wix). I am continuing on a project left in-complete by some developer. The sequence of action is.
The user clicks on a link which adds an element on the page (e.g. textElement, picture, slider...)
There is an edit button for each element. Clicking which opens a dialog box.
On the dialog box there are sliders and color picker drawn using Kendo-UI. Using them the user can change the style settings for the element (e.g Font-Color, BG-Color, Font Size...)
What I want now is to apply/show the changes live on that element. I have the id available for each element. I can bind each of the style selectors and apply the changes live to the text element. But that does not seem the right choice as in future we might add another style selector in the dialog box, and that would mean adding the code for binding this new selector.
What I wanted to know was that is there an alternate or preferably easy way to do this?
Share some code with the basic idea that you follow, cause it's not getting clear what you did. It sounds like you can use the MVVM framework feature to help you for that.

How to inspect elements on dynamically created DOM by using IE developers tools

I have a bug that I experience only in IE. I would like to inspect DOM by using IE developers toolbar, but unfortunately cannot seem to do it as complete DOM is generated dynamically. Does anybody have an idea how to overcome this problem?
There is a reload button in the toolbar to the right of the floppy disc icon. Hitting this also works.
Once that div is generated dynamically, then inspect it. Answered it as it seemed to work for you... :)
once page is completely loaded then click F12, after that reload page again and then on developer toolbar click REFRESH button which is available to exactly next to save button in developer tool bar. After that click the arrow for inspect element.
Alternatively, make sure Inspector pane is active then hit F5 key.

Searching for ASP.NET autohide docking panel

In few words: I need panel that works like Visual Studio panels (for example Solution Explorer) with 'Auto Hide' turned on.
More detailed question:
I'm searching for docking panel in ASP.NET that can be docked to any edge of its parent programatically - for example dock it to left border (I don't need to change it manually in browser). Then it is minimalized to title only and after mouse hover it is expanded without resizing its parent - it should be displayed over parent panel.
Do you know any component that works in this way?
Have a look at Telerik RadDock or Zee Web Dock.
You want to look at JQuery UI and this article in case you want to roll out your own implementation.

html checkbox with an 'x' instead of the traditional tick

is it possible display a 'x' for an html checkbox when we click on it. Traditionally on ie, (on winxp and greater) it appears as a 'tick' mark. Can we change this? Or else what is the alternative to this in
I guess you can hack something using images instead of a real checkbox, using javascript to change the image selection
I'm not sure if you are talking to Web Application or Windows application.
Let's assume that you meant Web application.
You can't change normal input, it's something in system settings.
However, you can put Javascript that will put CSS images instead.
Example: or
Check out the Ajax Control Toolkit's ToggleButton Control:
I think it might be what you're looking for.
there's fancy-forms to accomplish exactly this
