Searching for ASP.NET autohide docking panel -

In few words: I need panel that works like Visual Studio panels (for example Solution Explorer) with 'Auto Hide' turned on.
More detailed question:
I'm searching for docking panel in ASP.NET that can be docked to any edge of its parent programatically - for example dock it to left border (I don't need to change it manually in browser). Then it is minimalized to title only and after mouse hover it is expanded without resizing its parent - it should be displayed over parent panel.
Do you know any component that works in this way?

Have a look at Telerik RadDock or Zee Web Dock.
You want to look at JQuery UI and this article in case you want to roll out your own implementation.


Layout items on QToolBox page to expand with page

In Qt Designer, how do you lay out the items on the pages of a QToolBox so that they expand with the toolbox? I have tried adding a table-view widget on a QToolBox page. Please see image:
But when the QToolBox is expanded along with my application main window, the table-view does not expand with the toolbox page.
Is there something I am missing ?
To answer my own question, first I had to have a layout on the desired page of the toolbox.
Then I had to highlight the toolbox itself in the object inspector pane (while the page I want to layout on is active AND has a layout object !!).
Then I chose the desired layout from the toolbox context menu (i.e. right mouse click on the toolbox object and choose Layout). This changed the layout on the active page. Not sure why this worked but it worked.
Thanks #ekhumoro for pointing me in the right direction.
You need to click on the toolbox page to select it, and then set a layout on the page itself. Each page in the toolbox will need its own layout set in this way.
If you look in the Object Inspector, you will see that each page has a QWidget automatically added to it. The layout for each toolbox page is actually set on that container widget, which then holds whatever other widgets you add to the page. Once the layout has been set properly, you should see the icon in the Object Inspector change to the appropriate layout icon.

How can you add a TouchGridPanel to a Panel in Sencha 2?

I'm currently using the Sencha Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel, and I need to know how to add it to a Panel dynamically. Currently, I set up a store, then use a function to generate the Panel. I then use
This displays the toolbar and headings of the Panel, but not any of the information within it. Making the TouchGridPanel fullscreen works, but then the animations are sloppy.
If the component is working correctly, perhaps the panel you are inserting it into is not the size you expect it to be?
Or maybe the GridPanel is not stretching to the size of the panel, in which case, you should add a fit or card layout to the panel, so it fits to the size of that panel.
If neither of these two things work, I suggest you open up web inspector and look at the dom of your panel - and see what the size of it is, and if the grid is actually being added to it or not.

How to Remove Toolbar from QToolBox control in Qt?

How to Remove Toolbar from QToolBox in Qt?
Normal Toolbox looks like this:
I want to remove this button written with Page 1. Something like this :
I'm not sure if this makes much sense, since those buttons are needed for the functionality of the QToolBox. If you want a stack of widgets for which you can manually control if they are shown or not, then QStackedWidget provides similar functionality without displaying any elements of its own.
edit: No, as the QToolBox it doesn't come with a scrollbar. But since you 'fill' it with widgets of your own, which then are displayed with setCurrentWidget, you can use for example QScrollArea and placing your own widgets inside it. ajax combobox doesn't display correctly when inserted inside a tab control

I have a display problem when I try to use a ajax combobox inside a tab control:
when my tab control loads on the page where the combobox is, everything works fine; however, if it loads on a another page, the you change to the page which contains the combobox, the right button (which opens the list of the combobox) isn't displayed at all.
Has someone been through this behavior? And maybe found a solution ?
Thanks in advance !
Use Firebug in FireFox (this tool is very good if you dont use it) and right-click the area where your drop arrow should be, then select "Inspect Element". At the bottom of your browser screen, you will see a couple windows. One window will detail teh styles being applied to the arrow area.
Look for a style that is making visibility of either a <td> or <img> to be hidden. The Ajax ComboBox control, sadly, is laid out in a table.

How do I turn off snaplines in Visual Studio 2008?

How do you turn off those blue guide lines when working on an ASP.NET form in VS 2008?. You used to be able to just drag absolute controls around. Now, I'm fighting with the designer which won't let me put things where I want to put them!
Cheers, Rob.
Try holding down the Alt key while dragging - this will temporarily disable all snaplines.
If you want to permanently disable them then go to Tools > Options > HTML Designer > CSS Styling and uncheck Change positioning to absolute... (it is the last checkbox in the list).
Actually - they key change is that to drag a control around in VS2008, you drag the white tab ABOVE the control, not the control itself. If you drag the control of the window, you're changing the parent.
This is a stubtle change to the way it worked in VS2005.
But the reminder about using the ALT key to turn off grid/snapping as well is useful as well.
I googled so many times to try and find this!
Cheers, Rob.
Setting the position attribute on a div to position: absolute will allow you to drag it around.
Since this is one of the top results in a google search...for Visual studio 2019 pressing CTRL while moving will turn off the snap lines.
