Are there any ASP.Net MVC reference applications -

I am trying to learn ASP.Net MVC framework and I was wondering if there were any good reference applications that I could use to learn about implementing ASP.Net as well as best practices for implementing LOB apps.
If possible I would like to see a ASP.Net MVC app that uses AJAX too.

MVC Storefront
KIGG (MVC implementation of Digg running at
Code Camp Server
StackOverflow (no source of course)

Nerd Dinner
Code and Tutorial available as a free chapter from ASP.Net MVC 1.0 Book by Conery, Hanselman, Haack, and Guthrie (couldn't find SO user page)
Source code also available on CodePlex

Have you looked at NerdDinner?
ScottGu' blog
the html tutorial for the Nerd Dinner

Oxite project (an open source blog engine)
There are however opinions that it is not that good an example to learn from:
Oxite - Oh Dear Lord Why?!

CarTrackr is a simple sample app from the book ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Quickly.


N-tier web application sample with Ninject?

I am trying to learn how to use dependency injection and Ninject. I've been reading blog posts on the topic and Mark Seeman's book "Dependency Injection in .NET". While I have a general understanding of DI, I have troubles understanding how to organize code in a n-tier web application.
Does anyone know of a project sample that I can download, or a blog post to review? Even better if the sample is based on Ninject and MVC3.
NerdDinner is a sample ASP.NET MVC project, and it has been updated to MVC 3:
There are modified versions of the old MVC 2 version that use Ninject and Unity for dependency injection: The author of those projects provided a different sample application using MVC 3 and Entity Framework 4.1: but used AutoFac rather than Ninject for dependency injection.
There's S#arp Lite, a light version of S#arp Architecture recently started by S#arp Architecture's original author.
His introductory blogposts:
Introducing S#arp Lite ...S#arp Architecture's pompous little sister
S#arp Lite: The Basics

Using Devexpress ASP.NET controls with Delphi Prism

Has anybody had any hands-on experience using Devexpress ASP.NET components with Delphi Prism? At the moment I'm specifically interested in using their "Calendar and Scheduling for ASP.NET" suite.
Sharing your pros/cons, successes/failures would be greatly appreciated.
I'm looking leverage my knowledge of Delphi (and my ownership of RAD Studio).
Thanks in advance.
I know that some of our customers use Prism as a platform for the ASP.NET development. However, we do not officially support this platform and thus won't be able to help you if you run into troubles. Please also refer to
Delphi Prism - ASP.NET

ASP.NET bug where to find?

Is there a place on Microsoft Connect where i can see ASp.NET 4 and ASP.NET MVC bugs? I would also like to know where to file bugs for ASP.NET?
ASP.NET Forums
OR here...
Visual Studio Feedback
In this blog post by Scott Guthrie(1) he says to log bugs for ASP.NET 4 and VS2010 here(2) on the Microsoft Connect site.
There is also an issue tracker on codeplex for ASP.NET, this includes ASP.NET MVC(3)
(2) ( I think this is the one you are looking for? )
I can only post one hyperlink :(

The latest technology in ASP.NET

I am an ASP.NET developer. What is the latest technology in ASP.NET and also the documentation about it?
For MVC it is ASP.NET MVC 2 and for web forms it is ASP.NET 4.0.
I notice MVC has been suggested, but dont forget to checkout Silverlight as well for delivering rich interactive application over the web.
As the previous answers state, MVC is the new thing.
This means that their are now 2 main forms of ASP.NET development: WebForms and MVC
In WebForms, there are only a handful of new things (in VS2010), with support for routing (friendly URLs) the most notable.
That would be ASP.NET 4.0 and ASP.NET MVC 2.0. Documentation? Like ALWAYS, in MSDN.

Azure and Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

I just got my azure invitation code...yay!
Are there any official samples for windows azure + MS MVC?
I still don't get the storage providers and services that come with Azure, it's a bit confusing. I don't think MS have done a very good of explaining it.
You can find more details in Jim Nakashima's blog: ASP.Net MVC Projects running on Windows Azure and ASP.Net MVC on Windows Azure with Providers
Just found this tutorial post through Phil Haack's blog.
A sample/walkthrough of MVC in Azure is myTodo at Please note that Refactoring of the myToDo sample code is required (until the sample code is updated) when the "Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.1 (February 2010)" and later is used. The Refactoring is described at
Here's another full example of a Blog and a Forum, using ASP.NET MVC and Window Azure
