Accessing ASP.NET website from LAN -

I have tried to access a website that i created in my xp machine that have iis 5.1 from the LAN , but without any success i have tried what is suggested in the following link How to access your website through LAN in ASP.NET , but also without any clue . I open my site in my PC(locally) like this "" and it works , but from other pc in the LAN , its not displayed at all.
Any Help will be most appreciated.

Is your Windows Firewall turned on?

You say, "its not displayed at all". What happens instead of it being displayed? Is there an error message?
Most likely, your firewall software is blocking external access. If external users can find your machine using ping, then that suggests a firewall is blocking access.

Please do what the two previous posts suggested, check to see if you can ping your computer from a different computer within the network and then check your firewall also.
When you are done checking the above suggestions, if you still have trouble viewing your page from a different computer, check to see if your computer has port 80 open. And if it is using port 80 and everything looks ok, please provide the error number you are receveiving, I am guessing it is 404 - Page not found.
Hope this helps!

It was firewall and Antivirus problem , they were blocking the port 80.
Thanks All for your Help.


Web service(asmx) works perfectly on localhost but not on local ip address

As mentioned in the question, I have deployed my service on IIS and using my computer ip address " and also specify the port (100).
I also checked if the port was listening which it is. The service deploys with no problem. I can also see the asmx file however when I open it is just blank. I have done some research before posting this question but didn't find and valid answer to my question. Hopefully will find it here. Thanks in advance.
Research made
WCF rest web service working on localhost but not on host
Did you check your firewall settings? Maybe the firewall is blocking the port you are using

IIS 7.5 running on Win7 Pro - access through a port other than 80 or 8080

I'm not sure I can adequately explain my dilemma, but here goes...
Our company has its own web server at I have a Win 7 Pro machine running a non-HTTP server program that communicates with an iPhone app used by our field crews. The path to this machine from outside the network is, and it's set for port 5000. The app, then, is programmed to exchange data (ASCII only) with the server at The server program is written in VB, and the system works very well like that.
What I would like to do now is to add IIS to this same machine and open it on port 5001, so I can run pages that will enhance the functionality of the app for our crews. The URL would be, and they will access it through their phone browsers.
I have IIS 7.5 installed on the machine, and I have started it running with the "default web site," and I have the binding set for port 5001. So far I am able to access the IIS "Welcome" page only from the same machine. I can't get it to come up on any other machine either inside or outside the network.
In searching for clues for this problem, all I read indicates that it's pretty much a snap to get a web server running on your Windows 7 machine. But it hasn't been so much a snap for me. I've checked the sharing settings and the security settings, they seem to be ok, as best I can tell.
I am hoping that someone will help me identify some obscure setting somewhere that I am overlooking and get this going. But I also even wonder if this is something that can't be done, i.e. because there's another server program using the same path running on port 5000.
By the way, I am not the network administrator. I try to avoid getting him involved because he's difficult to work with. I am hoping that this is just between me and my server.
Thanks for any insight anyone can give me.
You mention that you can access the website from the machine itself on port 5001, but you can't access the site from another computer within the same network - this suggests to me that the Windows 7 built-in firewall is blocking the request - as it's a non-standard IIS port.
You should configure the firewall to allow incoming requests on port 5001. Open a command prompt (as administrator) and run the following:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name='IIS Website on Port 5001' dir=in protocol=TCP localport=5001 action=allow profile=any
I found the answer elsewhere on StackOverflow. I needed to add IUSR to the list of authorized users. So far I have tested it on my iPhone browser using 3G and it came through. Seems likely that it will work from anywhere, but I'm not yet ready to declare total success.

How to view webpage on my server from another computer?

I have a web application I have developed on a server on my home computer. Is it possible to access that web page from another computer on my home network?
My naive approach was just enter my ip address followed by the port number :8888 which the server is listening on...
Any help would be great thank you.
I don't know if it will help but you can use an ssh connection to your computer. But you need to do it from a shell (from terminal on a mac, use putty on a PC)
In the end it was easier to set up remote access to the server by setting up port-forwarding on my router and using no-ip for DNS management. They have a decent walkthrough to get it all up and running. So i simply have to type in to access my site from any remote device.
Otherwise the links to questions on superuser that Sampo posted are worth a try.

I cannot access my IIS7 site on the network

I have an IIS7 site that works fine while on the server, however refuses to work from anywhere on the network.
When logged onto the IIS Server itself (with remote desktop) then the website shows fine, as per this link (I used port 801 for this site):
However when attempting to access this site from the network, it refuses to work, giving the generic 'cannot display the webpage' message, while using the following link:
http://<<my IIS server>>:801/
Another thing I have noticed however is that on the network the default page (port 80) of the IIS server DOES work. I.E this following link shows the standard IIS7 page:
http://<<my IIS server>>:80/
Most of the help topics I've read point to it being a firewall issue, however as a test I disabled all firewall settings on the IIS Server, yet it still refused to show.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Many thanks
Did you tried with computer name and / or IP Address
Run the following tests:
Check connectivity from both computers.
Firewall settings, temporary disable the firewall from all profiles (private, domain, public) if this works, try adding a Port Rule to your firewall allowing incoming connections to port 80.
Also, it'd be important to check the bindings configuration of your website, bindings specify the address the server should listen to for incoming connections, make sure you have 'All Unassigned'.
Reference : Click Here !!

R httpd issue - help pages fail to load using local IP

This may be a general topic, but I came across the issue while working on some code using the Rook package.
The recent R versions include an http server. You may have seen this while checking for help topics using RGui. It opens a new browser with the IP/Port, etc.
For eg., if I enter ?paste, this brings up,
But if I use my IP, say in place of, the page fails to load, I get an error
While trying to retrieve the URL:http://192....
The following error was encountered:
We can not connect to the server you have requested
I have other apps that have httpd interfaces, and I can go to those app's http interfaces using both and ... etc. So, as far as system/network permissions are concerned - I do not think that is the issue here.
Rather, there is something specific to the R httpd process that disallows it to be accessed using the domain name, etc ?
The above was tested in a corporate network. When I tried the same process from my home network it worked fine. However, since I already access http interfaces of many other locally installed apps from the corporate PC, I think there might be something specific to R's http process that needs to be checked ?
Workstation is running - Windows XP
Please let me know if you have any thoughts on the above,
Fixed it. The trick is to specify,
s <- Rhttpd$new()
when starting the Rook process. Specifying makes it listen to all the interfaces and now I can access it using my external IP. Thanks a lot for your help nonetheless !
When opening a TCP port, the local IP address may be chosen. For incoming connections, typically INADDR_ANY (-1) is supplied to bind(), which means to open the port on every available interface.
However, it is quite possible to open a port on just one interface on your machine (in this case,, simply by supplying the IP address of the interface. Seems that R does just this.
My guess is that you may have a proxy in place on your corporate network. Your browser is probably configured to use that proxy to access the Internet. Most browsers will exclude an address which they know to be local ( or localhost) from using the proxy, but might not exclude any other IP.
Try disabling the proxy in your browser (even "Auto-Detect", completely turn the proxy off) and see if you're able to connect.
I had the same problem.
If you are using RStudio, this might be a bug in the RStudio. Check out this link:
Updating to the latest version of RStudio with the latest version of R fixes the problem.
