Printing hard copies of code - unix

I have to hand in a software project that requires either a paper or .pdf copy of all the code included.
One solution I have considered is grouping classes by context and doing a cat *.extension > out.txt to provide all the code, then by catting the final text files I should have a single text file that has classes grouped by context. This is not an ideal solution; there will be no page breaks.
Another idea I had was a shell script to inject latex page breaks in between files to be joined, this would be more acceptable. Although I'm not too adept at scripting or latex.
Are there any tools that will do this for me?

Take a look at enscript (or nenscript), which will convert to Postscript, render in columns, add headers/footers and perform syntax highlighting. If you want to print code in a presentable fashion, this works very nicely.
e.g. here's my setting (within a zsh function)
# -2 = 2 columns
# -G = fancy header
# -E = syntax filter
# -r = rotated (landscape)
# syntax is picked up from .enscriptrc / .enscript dir
enscript -2GrE $*

For a quick solution, see a2ps, followed by ps2pdf. For a nicer, more complex solution I would go for a simple script that puts each file in a LaTeX listings environment and combines the result.


How To Run Multiple File Feature Automation Testing Using Behave On The Command Terminal

For an example, I have created some feature for automation testing using Behave login_account.feature and choose_product.feature. To run on a single feature, I use this command on the terminal behave -f behave_html_formatter:HTMLFormatter -i login_account.feature.
I want to run on multiple feature login_account.feature and choose_product.feature in one command on the terminal. Anyone, can you give me the example command to run multiple feature using Behave in one command on the terminal?
Thank you in advance.
I think there might be two issues:
I'm not sure if that's the way to run with that formatter. See behave-html-formatter docs for config and example. I can't trial myself as I don't want/need this formatter installed. I would suggest you worry about this after you understand how to run multiple features, which is where issue #2 comes in.
-i expects a single argument, which is a regular expression pattern.
Assuming you are in your features folder, just list the two features with space separator after the behave command:
behave login_account.feature choose_product.feature
Better still, you could use tags. This makes way more sense if you want to run more than the two files in your example. Add a tag at the top of each of the feature files you want to execute e.g. #runme.
Then execute only the ones having the preferred tag:
behave -t #runme

Access file name (extension) with READNULLCMD

A nice shortcut in Zsh for catting files is, with Python file type for example:
But it's much nicer if that file is syntax-highlighted. So the trick is to use a tool like bat instead of the default cat:
This actually works when a shebang is present since Bat will look for it. BUT, the file type detection by extension might not be possible since the input is simply seen as STDIN. And since most files don't have a shebang line, file name extension is a necessary fallback in order to detect file type.
There is this method for debugging READNULLCMD, using a function. I've tried wrapping in set -x, grepping env, etc, but not finding a way to see the name. If I could see the name, then something like this could be used:
mynullcmd() { bat -l $stdin_filename:x } # get extension and use as file type
Question: Is there some way for Zsh to know what's being passed in as STDIN? Can it know that the command contained
Settle for an alias, like c is short for cat equivalent:
alias c=bat
Other viable highlighters include coderay and pygmentize, but I've found bat to be the most capable in speed and breadth of language support.

How to combine two Vim commands into one (command not keybinding)

I've found few Stack Overflow questions talking about this, but they are all regarding only the :nmap or :noremap commands.
I want a command, not just a keybinding. Is there any way to accomplish this?
When I run :make, I doesn't saves automatically. So I'd like to combine :make and :w. I'd like to create a command :Compile/:C or :Wmake to achieve this.
The general information about concatenating Ex command via | can be found at :help cmdline-lines.
You can apply this for interactive commands, in mappings, and in custom commands as well.
Note that you only need to use the special <bar> in mappings (to avoid to prematurely conclude the mapping definition and execute the remainder immediately, a frequent beginner's mistake: :nnoremap <F1> :write | echo "This causes an error during Vim startup!"<CR>). For custom commands, you can just write |, but keep in mind which commands see this as their argument themselves.
:help line-continuation will help with overly long command definitions. Moving multiple commands into a separate :help :function can help, too (but note that this subtly changes the error handling).
If you want to pass custom command-line arguments, you can add -nargs=* to your :command definition and then specify the insertion point on the right-hand side via <args>. For example, to allow commands to your :write command, you could use
:command -nargs=* C w <args> | silent make | redraw!
You can combine commands with |, see help for :bar:
command! C update | silent make | redraw!
However, there is a cleaner way to achieve what you want.
Just enable the 'autowrite' option to automatically write
modified files before a :make:
'autowrite' 'aw' 'noautowrite' 'noaw'
'autowrite' 'aw' boolean (default off)
Write the contents of the file, if it has been modified, on each
:next, :rewind, :last, :first, :previous, :stop, :suspend, :tag, :!,
:make, CTRL-] and CTRL-^ command; and when a :buffer, CTRL-O, CTRL-I,
'{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
'autowriteall' for that.
This option is mentioned in the help for :make.
I have found a solution after a bit of trial and error.
Solution for my usecase
command C w <bar> silent make <bar> redraw!
This is for compiling using make and it prints output only if there is nonzero output.
General solution
Where COMMAND_TO_RUN can be constructed using more than one command using the following construct.
You can use this multiple times and It is very similar to pipes in shell.

How to `diff` files to create a "common" file?

I have a slew of CSS files to go through where someone just grunted through making alterations to various core stylesheets on a number of subsites. Obviously if the original developer had had some foresight they would have just included a master stylesheet and overridden the necessary elements…
I first started off with comm thinking that it might do the trick, but quickly found that it needed to receive a sorted input file.
I then switched over to diff and have gotten down to the following through some reading and research:
diff --unchanged-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --old-group-format='' --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css
The previous obviously is almost there, but:
A) I need to grep out the ## lines (which should be fine, right? At first glance this appears right, but does diff throw in any other unexpected lines that need to be yanked?) and then
B) I need to create two more files that first is the leftover unique lines from file_1.css and then the leftover unique lines of file_2.css.
Obviously the first "in common" file will go into an include folder and then be included into the two latter created files as a #import url("common.css");
I am thinking that the following simple alteration will create the latter two files to which I'm referring:
diff --unchanged-group-format='' --old-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css
diff --unchanged-group-format='' --old-group-format='' --new-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" file_1.css file_2.css
Sample files:
file 1:
file 2:
So for example, upon executing a test of the following:
diff --unchanged-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --old-group-format='' --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css | egrep -v "^##\d*" > common.css
diff --unchanged-group-format='' --old-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css | egrep -v "^##\d*" > old.css
And then searching for body with egrep "^body" *css, it yielded only a body in common.css and none in old.css, whereas it showed that there were two different entries in file_1.css and file_2.css. So obviously this methodology is flawed.
How would one about creating these two files that would ultimately become the common include and the override files?
#ylluminate, you have a couple of options:
use BeyondCompare to visually verify the differences. It does a fantastic job comparing similar files. It allows saving common lines/left only lines/right only lines. Only downside is it is interactive and if you have a lot of files, will take some time. On the positive side, it looks like you want to build trust first by testing it out a few times.
Add formatting text for --changed-group-format and capture modified code (and the old code as your command does it now). You need to run one more comparison to get what is in new code but not in old code. Downside here is the validation is going to be hard.
Saving all the lines in a database table and comparing columns is another option. Take care to store old and new line numbers. Downsides are the data lines need to be unique, blank lines will be chopped off.
I would go with option 1 if i have less than 50 files.
Hope this helps.
PS: I am not associated with BeyondCompare in any way. just a happy user of the software

zsh: using "less -R" as READNULLCMD

Now, I'm pretty sure of the limitation here. But let's step back.
The simple statement
doesn't work, generating the following error:
$ <basic.tex
zsh: command not found: less -R
OK. Pretty sure this is because, by default, zsh doesn't split string variables at every space. Wherever zsh is using this variable, it's using $READNULLCMD where it should be using ${=READNULLCMD}, to ensure the option argument is properly separated from the command by a normal space. See this discussion from way back in 1996(!):
So, what's the best way around this, without setting SH_WORD_SPLIT (which I don't want 99% of the time)?
So far, my best idea is assigning READNULLCMD to a simple zsh script which just calls "less -R" on STDIN. e.g.
less -R /dev/stdin
Unfortunately this seems to be a non-starter as less used in this fashion for some reason misses the first few lines on input from /dev/stdin.
Anybody have any better ideas?
The problem is not that less doesn't read its environment variables (LESS or LESSOPEN). The problem is that the READNULLCMD is not invoked as you might think.
does not translate into
less $LESS foo
but rather to something like
cat foo | less $LESS
or, perhaps
cat foo $LESSOPEN | less $LESS
I guess that you (like me) want to use -R to obtain syntax coloring (by using in LESSOPEN, which in turn uses the "source-highlight" utility). The problem with the latter two styles of invocation is that (embedded in $LESSOPEN) will not receive a filename, and hence it will not be able to deduce the file type (via the --infer-lang option to "source-highligt"). Without a filename suffix, "source-highlight" will revert to "no highlighting".
You can obtain syntax coloring in READNULLCMD, but in a rather useless way. This by specifying the language explicitly via the --lang-def option. However, you'll have as little clue as "source-higlight", since the there's no file name when the data is passed anonymously through the pipe. Maybe there's a way to do a on-the-fly heuristic parser and deduce it by contents, but then you've for sure left this little exercise.
export LESS=… may be a good solution exclusively for less and if you want such behavior the default in all cases, but if you want more generic one then you can use functions:
function _-readnullcmd()
less -R
(_- or readnullcmd have no special meaning just the former never appears in any distributed zsh script and the latter indicates the purpose of the function).
Set the $LESS env var to the options you always want to have in less.
So don't touch READNULLCMD and use export LESS="R" (and other options you want) in your zshrc.
