BizTalk 2006 and BizTalk 2006 R2 - biztalk

How do I tell the 2 versions apart by looking only at their installations?

If you open up the properties of the BTSNTSvc.exe file (by default located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006), go to the version tab and look at the Product Name. If it's R2, it will say so there. If not, it will just say Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006.
Hope that helps!

You can look in the registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0
and look for the ProductCode_R2 key
Going by the name, I would suspect that is a keykey specific to R2.

From the Admin Console (Platform Settings -> Adapters). If you can see any WCF adapters, you have R2...

There is a table in the BizTalkMgmtDB - BizTalkDBVersion. If the value is v3.6.x then it is BTS2006R2, else v3.5.x is BTS2006.
Or you can use the registry - in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0, there is a ProductVersionKey. Again, a value of v3.6.x tells us it is BTS2006R2.
Note: The version numbers are in the standard .NET format, and the build and revision are determined by SPs and cumulative updates.


SSAS Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component while trying to load data source view

Just recently checked out our teams multidimensional solution from from source control and I am continually getting the error below when VS tries to load the data source view.
I'm running Windows 8, Visual Studio 2013.4 (was on .3 when the error started).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. There's nothing in the event logs and the error message seems to be wildly unhelpful.
Thanks for all of your assistance in advance.
EDIT: Additional note, another team member is having the same issue and we're the only two who have upgraded to Windows 8 so that might be a clue.
An error prevented the view from loading. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. (msddsp)
Program Location:
at MSDDS.IDdsDiagram.CreateConnector(String ProgID, Boolean Visible, IDdsDiagramObject Src, IDdsDiagramObject Dest)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.Interop.AxMSDDS.CreateConnector(String progID, Boolean visible, IDdsDiagramObject src, IDdsDiagramObject dest)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.ComponentDiagram.OnCreateConnector(IDdsDiagramShape startShape, IDdsDiagramShape endShape, Object logicalConnector, UInt32 color, String connectorProgID)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.ComponentDiagram.CreateConnector(IDdsDiagramShape startShape, IDdsDiagramShape endShape, Object logicalConnector)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDiagram.CreateRelationshipConnector(DataRelation dr)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDiagram.ShowOtherConnectorsOnRelatedTables(DataTable dataTable)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDiagram.ShowTable(DataTable dataTable, Int32 prefX, Int32 prefY, Boolean delayArrangeTables)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDiagram.AfterDeserialize()
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.ComponentDiagram.SetLayoutInfo(String xml)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.ComponentDiagram.OnDiagramControlCreated(DdsDiagram dds)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDiagram.OnDiagramControlCreated(DdsDiagram dds)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.ComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDesignerView..ctor(DataSourceDesigner designer, DataSourceDiagram diagram, IComponent diagramOwnerComponent)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDesignerView..ctor(DataSourceDesigner designer)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDesigner.CreateDataSourceDesignerView(VsStyleToolBar pageViewToolBar)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.EditorWindow.EnsureViewIsLoaded(EditorView view)
I believe this issue is related to a file version in the BI data tools add-in. While the versions are different in my case, I had exactly the same error.
In my case, I had developed an SSAS solution on Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010. I checked it into TFS, and a colleague made some changes to it before checking it back in. When I tried opening it again, I received the exact error you've described (the program location was shown as MSDDS.IDdsDiagram.CreateConnector, as well).
My colleague has Visual Studio 2013 and the Visual Studio 2013 BI data tools add-in installed, but made his changes in Visual Studio 2010.
I thought that a file version issue might be the problem, so tried installing Visual Studio 2013 and restarted, then opening the solution in Visual Studio 2010 again - the problem persisted. I then installed the BI data tools add-in that goes with Visual Studio 2013 and restarted. When I opened the solution again in Visual Studio 2010 the problem was resolved, I now receive no error and can see the data source view.
So in short, I believe the problem to be a file used in both the 2010 and 2013 BI data tools add-ins which has changed version.
I realise this isn't an exact solution as your versions are different, but hopefully this is enough information to help you figure out the exact installations (or un-installations) you need to carry out. If this does lead to you resolving the issue (or at least determining what it is), could you post with the details for your scenario in case it helps anyone else?
This can happen if someone edits the project on a machine with a earlier version of Sql Server Data Tools (SSDT). It also seemed to happen once after some system updates. It would appear that the updates registered an earlier version of a key SSDT file.
First, view code on one of the dimensions and look for the following:
Now create a new dimension and look at the same value. Commit all your unrelated changes and backup your project.
If the value for ddsxmlobjectstreaminitwrapper is a higher value, attempt to copy that value from the new dimension to the bad dimension and then reopen the bad dimension in your IDE. It should now work. This would be an indication that the dimension was edited on a machine with an earlier version of SSDT.
If the new dimension has a lower value, as it did for me, it indicated that the machine I was on had an earlier version of SSDT; however, I have the latest version so what I did is re-registered DdsShapes.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Bin>regsvr32 -u DdsShapes.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Bin>regsvr32 DdsShapes.dll

Best way to get the Biztalk orchestration source code from the exported MSI

In one of my project, the developer forgot to check in the changes done to biztalk orchestration but the changes were delivered and installed in production server. I would like to know the best way to get the Biztalk orchestration source code from MSI file/Biztalk. I have read a thread about using a Decompile too but not sure how to get the source code.
Another option is to BizTalk documenter for 2006, 2010 (and soon to be released BizTalk 2013) and generate a help file that documents the Orchestration.
Update: Both of the version above are no longer being supported. The latest versions of BizTalk Documenter for BizTalk 2006 through BizTalk 2013 R2 can be found here
Full Disclosure: I'm one of the developers on this new version.
While you can't decompile to the original Project, you can extract the 'source' files for the artifacts themselves. They're included in the assembly as string resources.
So, once you find the Orchestration source, save that as a .odx in a new Project.
Note that
The ODX code will be in a private const string _symODXML. Copy that string.
The string will has a lot of \n through it, remove those. After this it should be valid XML.
The string starts at <?xml and finishes at </om:MetaModel> whereas the ODX has some bits before and after that string. So you need to paste into the ODX file so that you replace the central part that matches it in the ODX file and leaving the parts before and after it intact.

Where can I find the "Technology Adapters" from Oracle?

I want to use the file adapter from Oracle® Fusion Middleware to access file system in a recommended way. I can find the document of the adapter from The document only mentions the adapters are part of Oracle® Fusion Middleware, but never mention which specific product includes the adapters. I downloaded and installed Weblogic Server and JDeveloper, but they seems not include the adapters.
Could anyone give me some suggestions? Thanks in advanced.
These are part of Oracle Integration Adapters.
The download link is at
See the "Prerequisites & Recommended Install Process"
No #9 of the "Recommended Components"
If im not mistaken this is a list of said adapters,
not sure if thats of any help, try looking up one of the ones listed.

VSeWSS Administrator Privileges and <SafeControl> entry

I am trying to deploy my first custom aspx page in sharepoint:
Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
VSeWSS 1.3
Latest Sharepoint Patches as of May 28, 2009
I am following this detailed howto:
Unfortunately, it quickly becomes incomplete toward the bottom. I am running into two issues thus far:
How do you grant the VSeWSS Administrator privileges so that the "Deploy" option will work in Visual Studio?
It cuts off half of the <SafeControl> tag in the example, and I am not sure what to put after the PublicKeyToken= option. All current attempts completely break sharepoint.
Any solutions and explanations would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.
Do yourself a favor and use WSPBuilder and its companion SPVisualDev instead of VSeWSS. Both of these tools are on
They will take care of your safecontrols problem by adding that into the WSP file that any SharePoint administrator can install. (Frankly, modifying web.config by hand in a SharePoint environment is a big no-no in my mind, especially safecontrols)
They will also not need the elaborate 2-project spoof just to have a codebehind for an ASPX page that the article you quoted promotes. SPVisualDev will give you the option to do 'add new item' in visual studio and select a new Page or UserControl with codebehind, and take care of the deployment through WSP. Easy as!
Did you follow the instructions for post-install configuration of VSeWSS 1.3?
You probably need an account which is allowed to run stsadm.
2.The safe control tag should look like the following:
<SafeControl Assembly="[Assembly Name]" Namespace="[Namespace]" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />
To get the public key token you first have to sign the assembly (properties on the project->signing). Then you can build it and drop in the GAC (C:\Windows\assembly) and read the public key token directly in your explorer window.

How to Get attachments Associated with artifacts in SourceForge Enterprise Edition

We are using SourceForge Enterprise Edition 4.4 in one of our project.
My question is, in CollabNet SFEE (SourceForge Enterprise Edition 4.4), how will we get attachments associated with an Artifacts Using SFEE SOAP API?
We have made our own .net 2.0 client. We are not using .net SDK provided by Collabnet,
If you commit with a message you can add "[artf1000]" (where artf1000 is your artifact number) to the beginning or end of your commit message. Then it will associate to that artifact you can also do this with documents using doc1000, to get the id of the item you can use the URL it is what is after the http://sfeeserver/sf/go/.
Documents and artifacts are the only item I have used this for so I am not sure about other types of links, but I would imagine anything that has a /go/ID could be referenced by the ID.
Edited to add:
I have seemingly successfully tried this with releases, tasks, and discussions as well.
You can cheat a little bit and have a look at the scripts from SFEE. Log into your SFEE via SSH and take a look at the following script:
Maybe it helps...
