Flex linechart advanced tutorial - apache-flex

I need to build a sales graph for a company and I am going to need to really customize the LineChart in Flex. Can anyone point me to a tutorial or even a book that gives exhaustive coverage of the LineChart in Flex?
Thank you guys for your answers but I am looking for an in-depth full coverage of everything you can do with the LineChart. I am trying to build a custom one and I am having trouble customizing it in further then those tutorials explain. I want something that will give me a deep understanding of how they work so I can intelligently program them instead of programming by permutation.

First check out Adobe's LineChart tutorial and Chart formatting tutorial. Since you have not specified the exact details, I'd suggest you look around the blogs a bit. A good start would be here.

Check out flexexamples. This has tonnes of examples for all of the types of charts.


Tutorials for Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms - get device location

I am looking for instructions on using Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms? I am especially interested in how to get the device's current location. I know that there is sample code here, https://github.com/aritchie/acr-xamarin-forms, that showcases everything that you can do with the library, the only problem being it is way too complicated for a newbie to understand, and there are no comments
Links to any comprehensive tutes or sample code with comments would be appreciated. I have searched but have not come up with anything good.
There are a good set of examples for learning Xamarin.Forms with some descriptions at the following link http://blog.falafel.com/learning-xamarin/.
With Xamarin.Forms being rather new you will have to search around for good snippets etc however.
There are a number of projects for Xamarin.Forms in https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples. Try to looking at the following two for easier to understand short examples in Xamarin.Forms:-
The examples are short enough that should help you to learn from them.
There is a specific map related example at the following that also shows your current location on a map that you may like to look at further also:-
Run the applications, make small modifications and experiment - a great way to learning.
Have fun!
If you want to find out a users location via shared code, look at the Geolocator plugin from the component store. super easy to use

DevExpress WebChartControl Pie Controlling Fill

I have been using the System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting pie chart control to display pie chart.
With the introduction of IE9, these graphs seem intermittantly to not load and just present the user with an image not found.
I have decided to replace this with DevExpress's WebChartControl and implement their Pie Chart.
I got their pie to resemble ours 90%, but am stuck at getting the pie's fill to match.
This is best explained with images.
Here is my original MS Chart Pie:
Here is my new Dev Express Pie:
The old pie seems to have a shadow effect around the border that makes it look much better.
Is this kind of effect possible with the DevExpress control?
I have tried playing with:
((PieSeriesView) series.View).Border
((PieSeriesView) series.View).FillStyle
Both don't seem to do what i want.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
I tried for about an hour to get the desired result for you, but unfortunately I just can't seem to be able to get deep enough to be able to introduce a new painter with the Drawing2d.PathGradientBrush.Blend option (which would be able to give you the desired look).
I have placed a question on your behalf on the support center Q337316, you are welcomed to track this question which I would imagine will turn into a suggestion.
So although this isn't a good answer, I don't think you will be able to achieve the results in the current DX library.
We have answered this question in the RadialGradientPainter - Support PathGradientBrush.Blend thread. I've also talked to guys from the XtraCharts team. This is impossible to implement in WindowsForms Charts, but should be possible in WPF. If you are interested in this alternative, drop me a line and I will add the required information here.

Customizing Flex Charts

I am wondering if it is possible to customize Flex Chart to have grids like in this example: http://imglink.ru/show-image.php?id=bfcb5a0c5bbcfc20f3f21ef764ed79e7
Thank you in advance!
the simple answer is YES you can.
you can give a skin to each of the elements in the Graph, I worked on a FOREX trading application earlier this year and I was surprised from the level of customization you can achieve with it.
you will probably have to extend the chart to accomplish it but you certainly can achieve the look you are looking for.
HI You can do a lot of things with charts. I have worked on various elements of it while working with financial firms.
the primer from where you can start with is
Yes, it's possible to include grids, axis customization and many more things to Flex Charts. You will have to invest some time reading the Flex Charting Components document at Adobe livedocs, or download the whole Flex documentation.

Where to get Flash/Flex coding examples, a timeline example in particular?

I'm in the process of learning Flex, but I learn best by example. Where can I find open source examples of Flex applets? In particular, I'm trying to reproduce the functionality of the JavaScript based Simile timeline, so a timeline example would be sweet.
You must check out Tour de Flex. There are >300 examples maintained by Adobe running in the AIR app.
There is a specific category called "data visualization".
Check out flexlib.scheduling here

Hierarchy in Qt [C++]

Guys could any one point it out to me a link to web page where I can find a hierarchy of classes in Qt, preferably as a diagram (something in UML style)? I'm just starting to learn it and I'm finding it quite difficult to work with all these classes - well, mainly with widgets and layouts at the moment- without knowing where they belong.
Thank you.
The official class hierarchy is found here:
There are also some class charts. It is really big, you need a plotter to print this in a size which is readable:
I was looking for the same thing but for QT 5.3. If anyone is interested here you have the class hierarchy for last QT version.
Unfortunately, the classes diagram does not exist as it is mention here.
