How can i put a flash animation in the header of a movable type 4.2 site? - css

Im creating a new site i a i want a flash animation in the header of my page, im using Movable Type 4.2.
The problem is i don't know how can i do that, and which file i need edit, or if i can do all the job in the dfashboard of movable type.

This can certainly be done through the MT dashboard. You'd need to modify the current templates to include what you need.
In the MT dashboard, go to Design > Templates. That'll be the general area you'd need to examine and, if you want to fully customise your blog, it's the area you need to become very familiar with.
Start by looking at the Banner Header template module.


What will happen to my content if i switch from elementor to simple editor?

Want to switch my elementor builder interface in simple editor like old Html one on my website tellthebell* as my site load's slowly due to this builder. want to know if my content will be loss or just the design will change?
Or suggest something that might help my loading time of site.
Yes agreed with the #cengiz sevimli Not only design will be lost also the content can be deleted. However if you have added any posts it will be saved at backend and you can add it up again from there in the new design.
well, a simple and easiest trick to do is save your content (Manually save in word doc) by pressing ctrl+A then switch to the old mode of HTML, if you lose your design/ interface..try editing or adding content that you already saved...Also, you can change your theme and again use the same content, etc.. it works very well you just need to be little tricky :P
Frist, you need to perform speed optimization for your website. It will help to load your website as soon as possible.
You can use Autoptimize and WP Rocket Plugin to boost the speed of your website.
Second, if you will switch your website from elementor to another builder you will lose complete design. After that, you need to redesign your website.
For check the speed of your website use :
If you change your builder, you may end up losing your designs. However you can try backing up your builder's raw code by pressing "Use Default Editor" like:

Liferay 6.1 force any "edit control" to appear in a popup

I'm having issues with the default css and the custom css written by some other company. I'm trying to merge those two but the one affects the other I managed to fix most of the issues but it is really bad written css and very generic.
In order to limit my issues I was thinking to force any type of web-content diplay and porlet edit controls to open into a popup.
Is this possible? google didn't help.
I'm not sure if I'm understunding your problem, but if the CSS is the cause, I suggest you to fix it instead to look forma a trick.
In order to load web content as dialog, you can create CSS for this purpose on a theme or on each content template.

Customizing Flex Slider plugin

I've looked a looked and looked for the perfect rotating banner for my website I am creating and I found flex slider, of which I love as it gives you the circled just underneath and the left and right arrows as well. The option for face or slide is what I was looking for too, however I need a plugin that allows the user to upload an image to the banner like Useful banner Manager. (I'm not using UBM as I don't what each banner image to fade to white and then to the next image, but that's how it acts).
Does anyone know a great rotating banner plugin that is easy to follow for wordpress newbies (as this will be integrated into the websites I create for clients) either free or premium?
OR do you know how I might just add the upload option to the flex slider plugin?
If you know the data format that the Flex Slider uses you can simply create a custom post type called 'Banner', restrict the various stock metaboxes, leaving say, only the editor and media upload. Then your clients can simply create new 'banners' by creating a new banner post, and uploading its associated image. This is a nice, simple and easy to understand interface for clients, making it easy for them to add, remove, edit banners.
Then simply do a get_posts on your banners and provide the Flex slider with data in a format it expects.
This has the advantage of not requiring a plugin to create, which is useful if you are distributing themes.

How to display the webform on the Home page?d

Currently I'm using the md construction 7.x-1.6 theme and I want a form on the right hand side in the limit space of this theme. What I need here is "WebForm" on the right side.
How can I proceed for this? How can I put anything anywhere in my drupal site? Which type of module is required for this?
Go to structure > blocks > and you can configure your blocks in the regions you like. I haven't used the theme you mentioned, but I think it must have the region right side-bar.
ok you can download a module called view and then create a view as place as your need.

Preview theme in drupal

I am using drupal for the first time. I have successfully developed my first drupal website to a certain extent. I have used my own custom theme for the front-end and blue marine theme for administrator. Now my client's requirement is that when he clicks on preview button before submitting the page in admin panel, he wants to see the preview in a pop-up window with the front-end's theme. Please help me with your ideas and suggestions on how to achieve this?
When you set the administration theme, leave the "Use administration theme for content editing" unchecked. This should allow content creation / previewing in the "front-end" theme.
EDIT: Assuming you are using Drupal 6.x
Have you seen this module - it aims to give you what the page will look like on the front-end theme.
There are some caveats though, for instance the menu will not be correct if this is a new node
As far as I know Themeing is a complicated process in Drupal, it involves many modules and hooks, so I don't think it's an easy task for a module (maybe) to do that, or in core like Wordpress.
I'm working on getting a nice solution to this too. I won't post the code yet cos it's a work in progress, but essentially I make an ajax call to retrieve a known node and then replace the node content of that page with the content of the preview box before showing the merged page in a popup window.
If it works out alright I might make a module out of it.
This might help:
Patches the Page Preview module with some of the Responsive Theme Preview modules functionality for viewing the page at different screen sizes in the preview panel.
Page preview's caveats still apply though.
