how the wordpress login works - wordpress

I have a WordPress-based site and also have other sites that don't use frameworks. I have a desire to use my WordPress account and password to log in to my other sites.
I know that WordPress uses phpass to encrypt and verify passwords. I have been able to use phpass on other sites to authenticate the login stored in the WordPress database.
I want to know, how can I log in with my WordPress account when I log in to other websites? In other words, how does WordPress implement remembering the login state?


How to protect my wordpress site

I have a wordpress site, noting in it just simply installed a theme in it,
after a one day my admin username and password has been changed. one of my security plugin named 'wordfence' informed me by email about that.
In its visit history its showing attacker information like that, I had strong password too but...
Can anyone analyze that information?
and how can I project my Wordpress site?
Image is,

Wordpress Single Sign On

Iam having 4 Wordpress sites, 2 MediaWiki sites and one Drupal site.
I want to create a Single centralized login system so that users can access all these sites with Single account. I want to host it. I don't want SSO like FB Login, G Login, etc.
Is there any wordpress plugin or CMS or Script available for this?
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
What you want is implementing your own Identity Provider (IdP). Today the two most used standards are OAuth 2.0 and SAML.
For SAML - you can use for example simpleSAMLphp project. It will allow you to have SSO with your own user repository and there are some nice plugins for common CMS systems (Drupal, Wordpress) to integrate with any SAML IdP.
If you're new in this field it may take you some time to fully understand and debug the SAML authentication, but it is commonly used, secure (if you do it right) and works.

No Wordpress Admin Login or FTP access?

I have a client wanting me to create a whole new WP site for them but with most of the same content as their current WP site. The issue is they don't know their current WP admin login or their ftp login (via DreamHost), and their previous web guy is MIA. Is their any other way to gain access to their site to export their WP data? I figured no, but I thought I'd at least ask.
Contact the hosting company. They can give you access. They're usually pretty cooperative about that kind of thing. As long as you can prove you own the site.

Login to Wordpress from another website

I have a Simple PHP Website at and I have a wordpress blog at and both of them have user login pages. I would like the user to logged into the wordpress blog as well when the user logs in using login.
Please help
The proper way of doing it is
Create a wordpress plugin
Use the plugin to listen for the wordpress engine initiation
On initiation check for the user session in the browser or in your external application
If a user session is found (assuming your usernames and emails are unique for both systems, so that a single registration is allowed with it) check for a wordpress user with matching username or email
If a wpuser is found, set the current user as that
If no user is found create a new wordpress user and set him as the current user
There are neat API's available for doing this in wordpress. We have used it to integrate wordpress with many external websites, CMS and Social networking sites like Elgg.
You should have a look at the bbPress Integration plugin that does the same thing to integrate WordPress and BBPress forums.
Basically you will simply need to create some cookies on the user browser crypted with the appropriate secret keys.

How to implement SSO with moodle and wordpress blog?

I have moodle installation and wordpress blog. When user logged on to moodle want to access wordpress blog. i want to implement sso with moodle(1.9.7) and wordpress(3.0.1) blog.
I am using External DB authentication plugin.
I want to access my wordpress blog through my Moodle database. I did all given steps at Authenticate Users From Moodle Into WordPress MU. Right now, admin is able to sign in both moodle and wordpress using my moodle database, But other users in facing "wrong user name or password error".
Kindly advice
Thanks in advance.
You can login because you changed you admin password to match on each system.
Your other users can't login because they are in effect using 2 separate accounts.
Your users on Moodle will need their authentication changing in their profile to "External Database", at present they are most likely set to "manual".
Try editing a user profile and change the authentication method to "External Database" then get the user to login using their Wordpress login details.
Should fix it.
If it works, change all the other accounts to the same setting.
