How to protect my wordpress site - wordpress

I have a wordpress site, noting in it just simply installed a theme in it,
after a one day my admin username and password has been changed. one of my security plugin named 'wordfence' informed me by email about that.
In its visit history its showing attacker information like that, I had strong password too but...
Can anyone analyze that information?
and how can I project my Wordpress site?
Image is,


wp admin user name has been changed by someone

As a Administrator of my website (Wordpress with Woocommerce), I am unable to logged in on my website's wp-admin panel. Then I tried to log in from another user name and it got successfully logged me in, then I saw the name of my admin user has been changed. I am amazed how it was happened? who did it? and why ?
Please suggest me what should i do ?
How to avoid such incident again ?
Incase the culprit who did it, In the next attempt, if he/she changes name of my second user of wordpress, what i should do ?
I am afraid if the culprit change the names of my all wp users then what should i do?
It seems a hacking attack.
So I suggest you first , upgrade your plugins and themes.
Then don't forget to scan your whole site with wordfence.
Then secure it with wordfence , I suggest to use it's pro version, I really feel it useful.
Then tell your hosting to scan and make sure no security issue there.
Note : Don't forget to remove your ftp and extra admin or change their password at least.
Your task is done ..
Still confusion, consult with an expert like me.
Block or delete the mentioned admin account
Install a security plugin like Wordfence
Scan your whole site (with the plugin), it's very likely a backdoor has been installed for future attacs
Change all passwords of admin-accounts and advice your users to do the same
Change the passwords of your FTP, database and possible webserver-interface (if the username was changed, it's likely done directly inside the database)

wordpress user registration/profile plugin

I am trying to make a wordpress site which will allow users to register by themselves and log into the site and have a profile. IS there such a plugin that will allow me to incorporate this into my site? I have looked around and being that I have very little experience with making sites/wordpress I have decided to ask some experts.
I know with wordpress you get a "blog" sort of site, but i'm hoping that if the plug-in i'm looking for exists then I can make my site to look different. The reason I am asking for each individual member to have their own "profile page/ private page" is because I want to be able to upload data to their specific pages and they should be able to see the data without seeing others'.
Thanks for any and all help you can provide me.
If I can't find a suitable solution, I will try to build a site with joomla, I had gone with wordpress because I had heard that it was easier to use.
Yeah, There is one plugin to do all these in wordpress. Plugin name: Profile Builder - front-end user registration, login and edit profile
plugin Link:
Yeah, There is one plugin to do with all the things which you want. Plugin Name : "Theme My Login"
Plugin Features :
Your registration, log in, and password recovery pages will all match
the rest of your website
Includes a customizable widget to login anywhere from your blog
Redirect users upon log in and log out based upon their role
Show gravatar to users who are logged in.
Assign custom links to users who are logged in based on their role
Customize user emails for registration and/or password recovery
Send user emails in HTML format
Allow users to set their own password upon registration
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon
Theme user profiles
Please refer the following Location :
Theme My Login

Wordpress change user to admin

I am building a wp site and am just about finished. I set up the site with the admin as myself, my email address and avatar. Problem is I need to deliver it with the client as the admin using his name, email and avatar so it is his avatar that shows up as the agent.
Can someone point me to the correct documentation that has dealt with this before or explain the best way to do this ?
I have added the client as an administrator but I still show up as the agent of the site (super user). This is a real estate site.
Would this be specific to the template I am using (agentpress 2.0) or some sort of setting in all wp sites ?
If you are do it via PHP Read this else you can add a user with admin privileges.

No Wordpress Admin Login or FTP access?

I have a client wanting me to create a whole new WP site for them but with most of the same content as their current WP site. The issue is they don't know their current WP admin login or their ftp login (via DreamHost), and their previous web guy is MIA. Is their any other way to gain access to their site to export their WP data? I figured no, but I thought I'd at least ask.
Contact the hosting company. They can give you access. They're usually pretty cooperative about that kind of thing. As long as you can prove you own the site.

Link phpbb usernames to drupal profiles

I'm using drupal and phpbb with a bridge called phpbbforum. It works quite well, the user information is synched between the drupal and phpbb databases. The forum is embeded in a drupal page, so all variables that come with page.tpl.php should be avaliable.
I want drupal to be the only profile handler, so when someone clicks on a phpbb username, that person get's linked to the drupal profile. In phpbbs template files, the link to the profile is called by function get_username_string. I think the right place to edit it is in the /includes/functions_content.php file on line 1178. Right above that line it says "* Get username details for placing into templates." and there's a section about profile links.
I just can't figure out how to edit it so that the profile links lead to drupal profiles. Can anyone figure this one out?
I managed to achieve this just a few days ago! I must say, it did take a good 30 minutes for me to figure the files that needed to be edited, but after that, it was a breeze!
Basically, you have to edit the phpBB3 PHP Includes files, so that they point to the Drupal user profile, instead of the phpBB one. This can be achieved very easily. Firstly, install the Pathauto Drupal module. Make an auto alias for all user profiles, so that they go to[username]. Then basically, in the phpBB PHP Includes files, make the user profiles direct to:{USERNAME}.
In phpBB, {USERNAME} means the user's username. So when you add{USERNAME}, it will direct to the Drupal profiles that you created with Pathauto. For example, my Drupal profile pages are, and phpBB will use the {USERNAME} tag to print the user's username. So in phpBB, if you change the profile URLs, they'll go to the same place.
It's pretty easy, but will require a bit of PHP knowledge. Mine is working seamlessly now, and only took about 5 minutes after I'd searched through the phpBB files. What you must remember is - These modifications would be made to phpBB itself, and not Drupal, seeing as you want phpBB profiles to go to Drupal ones. If you need any help, let me know, I'll try to help you out. :)
