[gulp 4]: Trying to run Gulp4 to convert SCSS to CSS - css

I tried to run the gulp to covert SCSS to CSS,the gulp is working wihout any error but there aren't have any css files output to the target folder, I also tried to change the output path but it still didn't work,and my code is below :
// gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('node-sass'));
var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
var notify = require('gulp-notify');
var sassLint = require('gulp-sass-lint');
var styleLink = {
sassLink: 'src/**/*.(scss|sass)',
OutputLink: '../css'
var browserSyncLink = {
root: '../',
watchHtml: '../*.html',
watchJS: '../*.js'
// notify
function showErrorNotify(error) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// Show notification
title: '[' + error.relativePath + '] Error',
message: '<%= error.messageOriginal %>',
sound: 'Pop'
.apply(this, args);
// Keep gulp from hanging on this task
// sass task
function sassTask() {
return gulp.src(styleLink.sassLink, { sourcemaps: true })
.pipe(sass()) // compile SCSS to CSS
.pipe(gulp.dest('./', { sourcemaps: '.' }));
function browserSyncServer(cb) {
server: {
baseDir: browserSyncLink.root
function browserSyncLoad(cb) {
function sassLinkTask() {
return gulp
errorHandler: showErrorNotify
function watchTask() {
gulp.watch('../*.html', browserSyncLoad);
gulp.watch(['src/**/*.+(scss|sass)', '../js/*.js'], gulp.series(gulp.parallel(sassTask, sassLinkTask), browserSyncLoad));
exports.default = gulp.series(gulp.parallel(sassTask, sassLinkTask), browserSyncServer, watchTask);
when I ran this code i alos didn't get any error.
It seems no error..
Could anyone please help me ? Thanks.
and please excuse my poor English...

In your watchTask you have this:
src/**/*.+(scss|sass) note the + sign before the alternation.
But in your styleLink variable you have:
var styleLink = {
sassLink: 'src/**/*.(scss|sass)',
OutputLink: '../css'
Change to sassLink: 'src/**/*.+(scss|sass)',


gulp 4 not updating CSS and JS

I am developing my own themes for WordPress, I came to know about Glup and how easy it made my workflow, the problem I am facing with my below code is I am able to see the immediate changes I am making to the main page (html or php) but any changes I am making to the css files or the java-script files is not effected at all, still I have to manually refresh the page:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
settings = require('./settings'),
webpack = require('webpack'),
browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(),
postcss = require('gulp-postcss'),
rgba = require('postcss-hexrgba'),
autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer'),
cssvars = require('postcss-simple-vars'),
nested = require('postcss-nested'),
cssImport = require('postcss-import'),
mixins = require('postcss-mixins'),
colorFunctions = require('postcss-color-function');
gulp.task('styles', function() {
return gulp.src(settings.themeLocation + 'css/style.css')
.pipe(postcss([cssImport, mixins, cssvars, nested, rgba, colorFunctions, autoprefixer]))
.on('error', (error) => console.log(error.toString()))
gulp.task('scripts', function(callback) {
webpack(require('./webpack.config.js'), function(err, stats) {
if (err) {
gulp.task('watch', function() {
notify: false,
proxy: settings.urlToPreview,
ghostMode: false
gulp.watch('./**/*.php', function(done) {
gulp.watch(settings.themeLocation + 'css/**/*.css', gulp.parallel('waitForStyles'));
gulp.watch([settings.themeLocation + 'js/modules/*.js', settings.themeLocation + 'js/scripts.js'], gulp.parallel('waitForScripts'));
gulp.task('waitForStyles', gulp.series('styles', function() {
return gulp.src(settings.themeLocation + 'style.css')
gulp.task('waitForScripts', gulp.series('scripts', function(cb) {
Try this:
gulp.task('styles', function() {
return gulp.src(settings.themeLocation + 'css/style.css')
.pipe(postcss([cssImport, mixins, cssvars, nested, rgba, colorFunctions, autoprefixer]))
.on('error', (error) => console.log(error.toString()))
// added below
// now this task is unnecessary:
// gulp.task('waitForStyles', gulp.series('styles', function() {
// return gulp.src(settings.themeLocation + 'style.css')
// .pipe(browserSync.stream());
// }))
// cb added, called below
gulp.task('watch', function(cb) {
notify: false,
proxy: settings.urlToPreview,
ghostMode: false
gulp.watch('./**/*.php', function(done) {
// change to gulp.series below
// gulp.watch(settings.themeLocation + 'css/**/*.css', gulp.series('waitForStyles'));
// changed to 'styles' below
gulp.watch(settings.themeLocation + 'css/**/*.css', gulp.series('styles'));
gulp.watch([settings.themeLocation + 'js/modules/*.js', settings.themeLocation + 'js/scripts.js'], gulp.series('waitForScripts'));
I have seen gulp4 have trouble with just a single task ala gulp.parallel('oneTaskHere'), so try swapping parallel with series in your watch statements as above code.
I made some edits to simplify the code - give it a try. No need for 'waitForStyles', just move the browserSync.stream() pipe to the end of the styles task.
Or instead of moving the browserSync.stream pipe, just do this:
gulp.watch(settings.themeLocation + 'css/**/*.css', gulp.series('styles', browserSync.reload));
but I seem to have better luck with the browserSync pipe at the end of the 'styles' task version myself.
Because you are using webpack plugin I assume the scripts task have to be handled differently from the styles task. You might try :
gulp.watch([settings.themeLocation + 'js/modules/*.js', settings.themeLocation + 'js/scripts.js'], gulp.series('waitForScripts', browserSync.reload));
and then no need for 'waitForScripts' task.

Gulp + Less + Minify CSS error: concat multiple Less files?

How do you concat multiple Less files?
For instance, I have functions.less with all the functions that I want to use them in the style.less:
.rotate (#deg) {
-webkit-transform: rotate(#deg * 1deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(#deg * 1deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(#deg * 1deg);
-o-transform: rotate(#deg * 1deg);
.button {
.rotate (#deg: 90);
// Task to compile less.
gulp.task('compile-less', function () {
return gulp.src([
// Task to minify css.
gulp.task('minify-css', function () {
return gulp.src([
.pipe(cleanCSS({debug: true}))
I will get:
Potentially unhandled rejection [2] No matching definition was found
for .rotate (#deg: 90) in file /var/www/.../style.less line no. 107
Any ideas?
I get this errors sometimes when I use #import:
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at loadInputSourceMapFromLocalUri (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/apply-source-maps.js:177:15)
at extractInputSourceMapFrom (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/apply-source-maps.js:116:17)
at fetchAndApplySourceMap (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/apply-source-maps.js:79:10)
at doApplySourceMaps (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/apply-source-maps.js:57:14)
at applySourceMaps (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/apply-source-maps.js:33:5)
at Object.callback (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/read-sources.js:25:12)
at doInlineImports (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/read-sources.js:200:25)
at Object.callback (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/read-sources.js:324:14)
at doInlineImports (/var/www/.../node_modules/clean-css/lib/reader/read-sources.js:200:25
Obviously it is gulp-clean-css that is causing the problem:
// CSS compilation.
var concat = require('gulp-concat')
var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css')
var concatCss = require('gulp-concat-css') // optional
gulp.task('minify-css', function () {
return gulp.src([
// .pipe(cleanCSS({debug: true}))
No error if I remove that line but then I does not minify the css anymore if I do.
Any ideas?
Entire content in gulpfile:
var gulp = require('gulp')
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload')
// JavaScript development.
var browserify = require('browserify')
var babelify = require('babelify')
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream')
var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer')
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
// Less compilation.
var less = require('gulp-less')
// CSS compilation.
var concat = require('gulp-concat')
var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css')
var concatCss = require('gulp-concat-css') // optional
// HTML compilation.
var htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin')
var path = require('path')
var foreach = require('gulp-foreach')
// Task to compile js.
gulp.task('compile-js', function () {
return browserify({
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx'],
entries: ['./javascripts/app.js'],
debug: true
.transform('babelify', {
presets: ['es2015', 'es2017', 'react'],
plugins: [
// Turn async functions into ES2015 generators
// https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-async-to-generator/
// Task to compile less.
gulp.task('compile-less', function () {
return gulp.src([
// Task to minify css.
gulp.task('minify-css', function () {
return gulp.src([
.pipe(cleanCSS({debug: true}))
// Loop each html.
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-foreach
gulp.task('minify-html', function () {
return gulp.src('*.html')
.pipe(foreach(function(stream, file){
// Get the filename.
// https://github.com/mariusGundersen/gulp-flatMap/issues/4
// https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_basename_p_ext
var name = path.basename(file.path)
return stream
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeComments: true
.pipe(concat('min.' + name))
// Task to copy fonts to dist.
gulp.task('compile-fonts', function() {
return gulp.src([
// Task to copy images to dist.
gulp.task('compile-images', function() {
return gulp.src([
// Task to watch less & css changes.
gulp.task('watch', function () {
gulp.watch('javascripts/*.js', ['compile-js']) // Watch all the .js files, then run the js task
gulp.watch('stylesheets/*.less', ['compile-less']) // Watch all the .less files, then run the less task
gulp.watch('stylesheets/*.css', ['minify-css']) // Watch all the .css files, then run the css task
gulp.watch('stylesheets/*.css', ['compile-fonts']) // Watch all the .css files, then run the font task
gulp.watch('stylesheets/*.css', ['compile-images']) // Watch all the .css files, then run the image task
// Development:
// Task when running `gulp` from terminal.
gulp.task('default', ['watch'])
// Production:
// Task when running `gulp build` from terminal.
gulp.task('build', ['minify-css', 'compile-fonts', 'compile-js', 'minify-html'])
All you need to do is create a master less file and import all your less files.
So create, for example a file called master.less. Then edit this file by adding the follow instruction:
#import "functions.less";
#import "styles.less";
And thats it. Then the gulp-less does the rest!! :) It compiles al the code in one single css file.
My suggestion for your task is (this is the code i have in my project startup):
var gulp = require('gulp'),
postcss = require('gulp-postcss'),
less = require('gulp-less'),
autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
cssnano = require('gulp-cssnano'),
browserSync = require('browser-sync');
gulp.task('less', function () {
var processors = [

How to properly build an AMD app as a single file with r.js using grunt?

I keep seeing this error when executing the compiled file:
Uncaught Error: No json
Here's my current requirejs grunt task configuration:
requirejs: {
options: {
baseUrl: "build/repos/staging/dev",
mainConfigFile: "dev/main.js",
generateSourceMaps: false,
preserveLicenseComments: false,
name: "almond",
out: "./static/js/compiled.js",
//excludeShallow: ['vendor'],
findNestedDependencies: true,
removeCombined: true,
//wrap: true,
optimize: "uglify2",
uglify2: {
output: {
beautify: true,
lint: true,
mangle: false,
compress: false,
compress: {
sequences: false
And here's my dev/main.js file:
// This is the runtime configuration file.
// It also complements the Gruntfile.js by supplementing shared properties.require.config({
waitSeconds: 180,
urlArgs: 'bust=' + (new Date()).getTime(),
paths: {
"underscore": "../vendor/underscore/underscore",
"backbone": "../vendor/backbone/backbone",
"layoutmanager": "../vendor/layoutmanager/backbone.layoutmanager",
"lodash": "../vendor/lodash/lodash",
"ldsh": "../vendor/lodash-template-loader/loader",
"text": "../vendor/requirejs-plugins/lib/text",
"json": "../vendor/requirejs-plugins/json",
"almond": "../vendor/almond/almond",
// jquery
"jquery": "../vendor/jquery/jquery",
"jquery.transit": "../vendor/jquery.transit/jquery.transit",
"jquery.mousewheel": "../vendor/jquery.mousewheel/jquery.mousewheel",
"jquery.jscrollpane": "../vendor/jquery.jscrollpane/jquery.jscrollpane"
shim: {
'backbone': {
deps: ['underscore']
'layoutmanager': {
deps: ['backbone', 'lodash', 'ldsh']
'jquery.transit': {
deps: ['jquery']
'json': {
deps: ['text']
// App initialization
require(["app"], function(instance) {
"use strict";
window.app = instance;
And finally, my dev/app.js file:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
// External global dependencies.
var _ = require("underscore"),
$ = require("jquery"),
Transit = require('jquery.transit'),
Backbone = require("backbone"),
Layout = require("layoutmanager");
module.exports = {
'layout': null,
'load': function() {
var paths = [
// ***
// *** 1- define its path
// ***
try {
require(paths, function(
// ***
// *** 2- call it a name
// ***
) {
// ***
// *** 3- instance it in the app
// ***
app.Config = Config;
app.Nav = Nav;
app.Store = Store;
app.Utils = Utils;
app.Preloader = Preloader;
app.Popup = Popup;
app.Login = Login;
app.User = User;
app.Footer = Footer;
// require and instance the router
require(['router'], function(Router) {
// app configuration
// app initialization
app.Router = new Router();
} catch (e) {
'configure': function() {
var that = this;
// set environment
this.Config.env = 'local';
// Ajax global settings
'url': that.Config.envs[that.Config.env].core,
'timeout': 90000,
'beforeSend': function() {
'complete': function(xhr, textstatus) {
// Template & layout
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
// Allow LayoutManager to augment Backbone.View.prototype.
manage: true,
// Indicate where templates are stored.
prefix: "app/templates/",
// This custom fetch method will load pre-compiled templates or fetch them
// remotely with AJAX.
fetch: function(path) {
// Concatenate the file extension.
path = path + ".html";
// If cached, use the compiled template.
if (window.JST && window.JST[path]) {
return window.JST[path];
// Put fetch into `async-mode`.
var done = this.async();
// Seek out the template asynchronously.
$.get('/' + path, function(contents) {
window.JST[path] = contents;
}, "text");
Any ideas why is that json module not "required" when executing grunt requirejs ?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if this is still an issue, but from the requirejs optimizer docs (http://requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html):
The optimizer will only combine modules that are specified in arrays of string literals that are passed to top-level require and define calls, or the require('name') string literal calls in a simplified CommonJS wrapping. So, it will not find modules that are loaded via a variable name...
It sounds like the requirejs optimizer doesn't like the require calls being made with a variable that is an array of dependencies.
It also sounds like the requirejs optimizer doesn't like the syntax of require([dependency array], callback) being used within the actual file being optimized.
You may have to refactor your dependency declarations within dev/app.js to conform to this specification. For example, you might be able to use the following refactoring of steps 1 and 2:
var Config = require('json!config/main.json');
var Nav = require('modules/nav');
var Store = require('modules/store');
var Utils = require('modules/utils');
var Preloader = require('modules/preloader');
var Popup = require('modules/popup');
var Login = require('modules/login');
var User = require('modules/user');
var Footer = require('modules/footer');
If this does work, it looks like you'll also have to do something similar for the Router dependency declaration.
Also, a minor addition that you might want to include to your requirejs configuration once you get it running is:
stubModules : ['json']
Since the built file should have the JSON object within it, you won't even need the plugin within the built file! As such, you can reduce your file size by removing the json plugin from it.

How to dynamically set a grunt <%= var %>

How do I change the value of a grunt variable (<%= var %>)
before running a task?
I have the following code, but it does not seem to process the json and exchange the placeholders(<%= var %>) with the new value.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var modules = ['a','b','c'];
module: module,
som_task: {
blah: {
files: 'test/<%= module %>',['<%= module %>']
grunt.registerTask('release-all', 'abc', function() {
for (var module in modules) {
grunt.registerTask('setModule', 'change the variable in the ', function(module) {
I found my answer. I created a function to return the config object with a different variable and then re-init it before running my tasks.
function getConfig(value) {
return {
grunt.registerTask('change', 'Swap Value', function(passValue) {
//set the default
//run the task and pass in the new value before running your other task

Browserify - multiple entry points

I am using Browserify within gulp. I am trying to compile down my tests to a single file as well. But unlike my main app, which I have working just fine, I am having trouble getting the tests to compile. The major difference is the tests have multiple entry points, there isn't one single entry point like that app. But I am getting errors fro Browserify that it can't find the entry point.
browserify = require 'browserify'
gulp = require 'gulp'
source = require 'vinyl-source-stream'
gulp.task 'tests', ->
entries: ['./app/js/**/*Spec.coffee']
extensions: ['.coffee']
debug: true
.pipe source('specs.js')
.pipe gulp.dest('./specs/')
Below is a task I was able to build that seems to solve the problem. Basically I use an outside library to gather the files names as an array. And then pass that array as the entry points
'use strict;'
var config = require('../config');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
var glob = require('glob');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
gulp.task('tests', function(){
var testFiles = glob.sync('./spec/**/*.js');
return browserify({
entries: testFiles,
extensions: ['.jsx']
.bundle({debug: true})
Here's an alternate recipe that fits more with the gulp paradigm using gulp.src()
var gulp = require('gulp');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var transform = require('vinyl-transform');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('browserify', function () {
// use `vinyl-transform` to wrap around the regular ReadableStream returned by b.bundle();
// so that we can use it down a vinyl pipeline as a vinyl file object.
// `vinyl-transform` takes care of creating both streaming and buffered vinyl file objects.
var browserified = transform(function(filename) {
var b = browserify(filename, {
debug: true,
extensions: ['.coffee']
// you can now further configure/manipulate your bundle
// you can perform transforms, for e.g.: 'coffeeify'
// b.transform('coffeeify');
// or even use browserify plugins, for e.g. 'minifyiy'
// b.plugins('minifyify');
// consult browserify documentation at: https://github.com/substack/node-browserify#methods for more available APIs
return b.bundle();
return gulp.src(['./app/js/**/*Spec.coffee'])
gulp.task('default', ['browserify']);
For more details about how this work, this article that I wrote goes more in-depth: http://medium.com/#sogko/gulp-browserify-the-gulp-y-way-bb359b3f9623
For start, you can write a suite.js to require all the tests which you want to run and browserify them.
You can see two examples from my project https://github.com/mallim/sbangular.
One example for grunt-mocha-phantomjs
One example for protractor
This is just a start and I am sure there are more fancy ways available.
A little more complicated example to build files by glob pattern into many files with watching and rebuilding separated files. Not for .coffee, for es2015, but not a big difference:
var gulp = require("gulp");
var babelify = require("babelify");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var gutil = require("gulp-util");
var handleErrors = require("../utils/handleErrors.js");
var browserify = require("browserify");
var eventStream = require("event-stream");
var glob = require("glob");
var source = require("vinyl-source-stream");
var buffer = require("vinyl-buffer");
var watchify = require("watchify");
var SRC_PATH = "./src";
var BUILD_PATH = "./build";
var bundle = function (bundler, entryFilepath) {
console.log(`Build: ${entryFilepath}`);
return bundler.bundle()
.on("error", handleErrors)
.pipe(source(entryFilepath.replace(SRC_PATH, BUILD_PATH)))
.on("error", handleErrors)
process.env.TYPE === "development" ?
sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}) :
.on("error", handleErrors)
process.env.TYPE === "development" ?
sourcemaps.write() :
.on("error", handleErrors)
.on("error", handleErrors);
var buildScripts = function (done, watch) {
glob(`${SRC_PATH}/**/[A-Z]*.js`, function (err, files) {
if (err) {
var tasks = files.map(function (entryFilepath) {
var bundler = browserify({
entries: [entryFilepath],
debug: process.env.TYPE === "development",
plugin: watch ? [watchify] : undefined
presets: ["es2015"]
var build = bundle.bind(this, bundler, entryFilepath);
if (watch) {
bundler.on("update", build);
return build();
return eventStream
.on("end", done);
gulp.task("scripts-build", function (done) {
gulp.task("scripts-watch", function (done) {
buildScripts(done, true);
Complete code here https://github.com/BigBadAlien/browserify-multy-build
